White America Has Lost Its Mind

Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by ScarsOrScabs

My issue with this is that I could just as easily find and article that is essentially based on opinion and discussing how black people CAN be racist. You posted an article from a website which, on its front page, discusses "Justin Bieber's next step in world domination."

I find it interesting that earlier you referred to a dictionary definition of "inherent" in order to attempt to prove your point in regards to the differences between racism and prejudice, but refuse to refer to a dictionary for the definition of racism, instead you choose something that is convenient to you because it may be what you were taught or just want you've chosen to believe.


noun \ˈr
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by cguy610

Wow, so ya'll are going to just troll the thread by posting random nonsense just because you don't agree with the OP.
They are simply proving the article, then anyone else on this site who has agreed with me, to be correct. They've lost the debate, then cannot handle it.
Wow that's funny because they are simply proving the article, then anyone else on this site whohas agreed with me, to be correct. They've lost the debate, then cannothandle it.
Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

Now I'm really confused.
If it helps any, my people were colonially oppressed for more than 300 years by Spanish whites.
Does that exclude me from being racist? Please tell me, "yes".
Racist theory was created to prove that Whites were superior to all darker races.

Do you feel this to be true?
If it allows me to not be racist...yes, yes it's true.
Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by cguy610

Wow, so ya'll are going to just troll the thread by posting random nonsense just because you don't agree with the OP.
They are simply proving the article, then anyone else on this site who has agreed with me, to be correct. They've lost the debate, then cannot handle it.




Nat Turner wrote:
Whenever someone resorts to name calling, or distracting through an attempt at humor, they are admitting that they have lost the battle.

Nat Turner wrote:
Speaking of cowards

BUSTED for being hyprocritical. You're a walking/talking contradiction in addition to your fallacious arguments (i.e. defining "racism")
And thoughts of the Melanin Theory? Just because it's a theory doesn't mean people don't live their lives according to it.
Originally Posted by ardeedas

Nat Turner wrote:
Whenever someone resorts to name calling, or distracting through an attempt at humor, they are admitting that they have lost the battle.

Nat Turner wrote:
Speaking of cowards

BUSTED for being hyprocritical. You're a walking/talking contradiction in addition to your fallacious arguments (i.e. defining "racism")
And thoughts of the Melanin Theory? Just because it's a theory doesn't mean people don't live their lives according to it.

Bit of a stretch, don't you think?. However on this thread, with the examples presently being shown, suggesting that I am a hypocrite isn't really such a bad thing.

Also, I don't care about unproven theories.

Carry on.

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by Manglor

Originally Posted by Nat Turner


I find it encouraging that you are willing to try and call me out. Why don't you try and take me on in debate of this subject, instead of popping in, attacking, piggy backing on others.

Are you man enough to stand alone?

I know that I am, then have throughout this very thread. I think that you are a coward who likes to pot shot.

Man up, stand on your own two feet.
How the hell did i pot shot? I asked you a simple question and you ignored it. Then you call me a coward for no reason whatsoever.

The reason i avoid "debating" you is simply because you don't care. You don't care what anyone else thinks unless they agree with your stance. You don't care what anyone else says unless it supports your viewpoint. You ignore almost ever valid point ever made against you. Why debate with someone who will never change or open their mind regardless of facts or figures or anything anyone else could say? It is pointless. I like debating here sometimes and i openly admit i have had my opinion altered or even reversed many times on NT by people i would have never met anywhere else.

But fine. If you really want me to try then i'll make it really simple.

Years ago on that -other board- where you would spend time between bannings here you posted about how you felt it was ok for blacks to distrust/dislike asians based off of specific factors including how "your black friend"(this was back before you would ever admit you were actually black)was treated at an asian owned/operated shoe store. Some people agreed and some called you racist for it.

My question is simple.

Since the asian population in this country is well below the black population as far as numbers are concerned doesn't THAT make what you said racist? Doesn't that prove by itself black people can be racist? You have a great majority over them so wouldn't that meet your power definition just by pure numbers?

i assume as always you will either ignore my statement/question or simply lie and act as though you never said what we both know very well you did say(and you call ME a coward)but i figure maybe, just maybe since you did ask me to "take you on" that you'll answer truthfully and honestly without being insulting.

First off, you are a damned liar. I don't even know what this other place is that you are talking about.

Secondly, I have responded to every post I could here on this thread, I haven't ignored anything.

Thirdly, that is the problem. many here make attacks against me, instead of dealing with the context of what is stated.

All I have stated, then continually state, is that Black people cannot be racist.

With you piggy backing, pot shotting, you are grouping, then not man enough to stand alone.

Now, to deal with the body of your text, dealing with an Asian store owner, nobody should be discriminated against due to their race, gender, nor ethnicity, nor sexual orientation.

It is all wrong. But all discrimination is NOT racism. 

Do you understand that? 


See i figured you would simply lie and decide you never frequented the bizzaro board of NT. To refresh your memory it was you as Coach Hubie after some bans here but before I S S banned you. But again, you have constantly lied throughout the YEARS about being the return of coach hubie even tho it has been proven many times before by staff. Again a major reason i tend to ignore you is that is is pretty much impossible to debate someone who denies the truth of their past actions. You said specifically that the store owner was attempting to get "your friend" to buy the latest most expensive model simple because he was black and that is what he assumed black people wanted. Is that worthy of racism against asian as a whole? You used that as a reason to spout off about why bizzaro niketalk was right for hating the staff of actual niketalk. Ring a bell yet?

You tell ME i attack you instead of the context of what you said when you just now called me a liar and a coward for asking you honest simple questions. That is utter nonsense.

"With you piggy backing, pot shotting, you are grouping, then not man enough to stand alone."

Listen very carefully please. Just because many people disagree with YOU does not mean they are out to get you. It does not mean you are standing alone against a power that has joined together to keep you down. Just because many people here think you are flat out wrong you cannot claim they are a piggy backing, pot shoting group bent on your destruction. You can't group us together by race since we aren't one single race so you group us together by our ideals instead? That's sad.

You responded to every post you could?

You JUST ignored me asking why 2 out of 3 definitions of a word are true but one is false. You keep saying the same thing over and over but ignore the simplest questions like that one.

Ok how about this question.

How many times have you been banned from NT under various names?

It's a simple question that i would assume is very easy to answer but you won't will you? You'll claim it's an attack of some kind or some such nonsense right?

Originally Posted by third

You're not from here.
You think Black people should move on from slavery------YES because it's creating a glass ceiling effect for us
You think Black people are lazy and want handouts---NO
You think Black people need to stop committing crimes-----YES especially petty crimes
You think people in Africa aren't lazy like the Black people over here----MAY BE(At least they don't have resources)

You think Black people are lazy and want handouts
I meant we lack initiative
by this i meant for financial security it would seem that US blacks are willing to take less risks business wise I mean how the hell is it that if you look at the stores in your area full of black people ..NO blacks own a business there ,I mean hell has your hood not produced one single black person whose ever made money and decided hey I'll open a corner store and employ people from my hood? my point is look at china town full of Chinese people who own and run businesses and employ Chinese people same thing with the Japanese ,the Indians ,middle eastern people but with black people we don't trust each other if someone make money its damn at least i made it out of the hood now i got all this money and my only problem is how to spend it instead of turning around and opening other avenues for other black people which is why i said we like to get cheques but we don't like to write them

Redlining takes away from black communities and the only way to get capital is through investment from outside individual investment ..now tell me who would take their own capital to invest in area full of blacks?that's why us black people must take initiative to invest in those areas because their full of other black people i mean even having a convenience store is a form of investment.

Actually redlining takes away from poor communities but i just said black communities because these communities are full of blacks
Well, with regards to slavery, I mostly only hear outsiders bring this up.  I really don't hear too many Black people talking about it, which was a reason I first came at you in a condescending way.  Most of the injustices that I hear brought up occurred last year, this year, 20-40 years ago, and have effects on the current state of the community today.  So when somebody says "Black people should move on from slavery", my first presumption is that the person is quite ignorant.

Do you know one of the main differences between the Chinese/Asians and Blacks in America?  The family structure.  They aren't just hiring their friends, they are hiring their family members to work with and for them.  So when injustices of the past have a direct effect on the current family structure in the Black community, they need to be discussed. 

Moreover, the education system is set up to teach people how to work for other people.  It is not set up to teach people how to open and run their own businesses.  In addition, it takes money, credit, and collateral to open up a business. 

"A people without knowledge of their past history, origin, and culture is like a tree without roots"
Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by Manglor

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by ScarsOrScabs

My issue with this is that I could just as easily find and article that is essentially based on opinion and discussing how black people CAN be racist. You posted an article from a website which, on its front page, discusses "Justin Bieber's next step in world domination."

I find it interesting that earlier you referred to a dictionary definition of "inherent" in order to attempt to prove your point in regards to the differences between racism and prejudice, but refuse to refer to a dictionary for the definition of racism, instead you choose something that is convenient to you because it may be what you were taught or just want you've chosen to believe.


noun \ˈr
Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

If a black man hates all white, Asian, Spanish people, and isn't a racist, then what is he?

How is being spanish a race?

Ah, the old side-stepping of the question based on a slight technicality. Very clever. Now, if I may:


[h1]François Truffaut[/h1]
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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[table][tr][th=""]François Truffaut[/th][/tr][tr][th=""]Born[/th][td]François Roland Truffaut
6 February 1932(1932-02-06)
Paris, France[/td][/tr][tr][th=""]Died[/th][td]21 October 1984 (aged 52)
Neuilly-sur-Seine, Hauts-de-Seine, France[/td][/tr][tr][th=""]Occupation[/th][td]Actor, filmmaker, producer, screenwriter[/td][/tr][tr][th=""]Years active[/th][td]1955–1983[/td][/tr][tr][th=""]Spouse[/th][td]Madeleine Morgenstern (1957–1965) «start: (1957)–end+1: (1966)»"Marriage: Madeleine Morgenstern to François Truffaut" Location: (linkback:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/François_Truffaut)[/td][/tr][/table]
François Roland Truffaut (French pronunciation: [f
Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by Manglor

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by ScarsOrScabs

My issue with this is that I could just as easily find and article that is essentially based on opinion and discussing how black people CAN be racist. You posted an article from a website which, on its front page, discusses "Justin Bieber's next step in world domination."

I find it interesting that earlier you referred to a dictionary definition of "inherent" in order to attempt to prove your point in regards to the differences between racism and prejudice, but refuse to refer to a dictionary for the definition of racism, instead you choose something that is convenient to you because it may be what you were taught or just want you've chosen to believe.


noun \ˈr
wow nat turner smh

You got to realize the only thing that really matters in this country is money he who has it has power simple

No point in all this white vs. Black thing because believe it are not black and white people are not the only people on this earth

Yes i agree that whites in this country get more privileges which is not fair but life is never fair you just got to make the most of the situation your put in and help to make things better going around being bitter is not going to help you or your cause

Thats it

Am black by the way 
Originally Posted by Manglor

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by Manglor

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by ScarsOrScabs

My issue with this is that I could just as easily find and article that is essentially based on opinion and discussing how black people CAN be racist. You posted an article from a website which, on its front page, discusses "Justin Bieber's next step in world domination."

I find it interesting that earlier you referred to a dictionary definition of "inherent" in order to attempt to prove your point in regards to the differences between racism and prejudice, but refuse to refer to a dictionary for the definition of racism, instead you choose something that is convenient to you because it may be what you were taught or just want you've chosen to believe.


noun \ˈr
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Rebel Without a Cause and Giant> Close Encounters of...
I've had Rebel and East of Eden on my DVR for a while, just haven't gotten around to watching them. Will do eventually, though.
I've been watching a lot of film noirs and Hitchcock movies lately. It was so easy to be a badass back then; all you had to do was strike a match on your thumbnail and have some really confident dialogue. I'm trying to bring that feel back, along with a bit of the spaghetti westerns in my novel. Hopefully I start a trend because some of the crap out today is too bland.
can mods somehow not allow me to enter race-threads like this, it'll keep me out of 90% of thread Nat Turner posts in so it'll stop me from getting mad at a troll like that dude.
wow nat turner smh

You got to realize the only thing that really matters in this country is money he who has it has power simple

No point in all this white vs. Black thing because believe it are not black and white people are not the only people on this earth

Yes i agree that whites in this country get more privileges which is not fair but life is never fair you just got to make the most of the situation your put in and help to make things better going around being bitter is not going to help you or your cause

Thats it


Am black by the way
Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

can mods somehow not allow me to enter race-threads like this, it'll keep me out of 90% of thread Nat Turner posts in so it'll stop me from getting mad at a troll like that dude.

For someone to go to all this trouble to troll 
There has got to be something more to this i feel bad for the dude 

i notice someone asked him about college and he didn't response dude must be so wrapped up in this race thing his bank account is probably running on E
Originally Posted by Nikekidwonder

wow nat turner smh

You got to realize the only thing that really matters in this country is money he who has it has power simple

No point in all this white vs. Black thing because believe it are not black and white people are not the only people on this earth

Yes i agree that whites in this country get more privileges which is not fair but life is never fair you just got to make the most of the situation your put in and help to make things better going around being bitter is not going to help you or your cause

Thats it


Am black by the way

Prove it.

Did you read the article? 
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