Whites Believe They Are Victims of Racism More Often Than Blacks

Most were considered less.

Blacks were labeled at 3/5ths of a human so they could vote under law. Before that. They were simply expendable property. Other slaves of other races throughout history didn't really get that chance, they just worked and died.

Thought this conversation was about America?

why does location matter when it comes to racism? :rolleyes are there not white people in other places in the world?

it's always a contest :lol:
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this thread has potential. survey was trash though.

I can't remember what I was watching or listening to but I guy was basically saying white ppl have been so jaded and deluded by the issue of race and racism that they continue to deny it's existence and ignore it when it occurs to the point the only racism they do acknowledge is "reverse racism" w/e that is.

It's funny cuz I still remember the clowns on this site talking about white privilege doesn't exist and black ppl shouldn't have affirmative action.

:lol: @ this survey. Call me when whites are being hunted down and hung from trees, denied basic rights, and treated like property.

you know this actually happened to white people and other races, right?

what the hell is reverse racism? I've heard so many definitions and each one is stupid.
We're not talking about other races though, that's completely irrelevant.

As for this happening to white ppl I forgot to add "call me when that happens to them for being white" not just it happening to them for other reasons and I don't think I'd have to add "in America" but I'm not quite sure what you're even about to reference regarding this thread topic. You know since this is a thread about white ppl claiming to be victims of racism more than black ppl.
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damn, now they want to take away racism too.
You keep talkin...they gonna take you.
A study like this has the potential to be interesting if they actually sampled a wide variety of people throughout the entire country and gathered a large amount of background information. As it stands, surveying 208 black people and 209 white people and drawing a conclusion about either race is absurd.  
this thread has potential. survey was trash though.

you know this actually happened to white people and other races, right?

what the hell is reverse racism? I've heard so many definitions and each one is stupid.
We're not talking about other races though, that's completely irrelevant.

As for this happening to white ppl I forgot to add "call me when that happens to them for being white" not just it happening to them for other reasons and I don't think I'd have to add "in America" but I'm not quite sure what you're even about to reference regarding this thread topic. You know since this is a thread about white ppl claiming to be victims of racism more than black ppl.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Upset about a racial name-calling that occurred earlier that night, several black men savagely beat a random white man who had had nothing to do with the incident. He slipped away from his attackers, but they forced him to swim into a lake to escape. He drowned. The three men were sentenced to less than a year in jail.

Massachusetts. Four black men decided to murder the next white person they saw. That unlucky soul was a college student from Boston, whom the men stabbed to death.

Indiana. A black man was arrested for killing seven white people with a shotgun. He explained that he murdered his victims due to his deep-rooted hatred of white people.

Miami, Florida. The leader of a black supremacist sect was convicted of the murders of several white people. He ordered his followers to kill any and all white devils.They killed at least seven white people, bringing back body parts to their leader.

North Carolina. Seven black men kidnapped a white woman, raped her, put her in a tub of bleach, shot her five times, and dumped her body. The murderers said they did this for racial reasons.

North Carolina. Four black teenagers lured a white, ten-year-old girl into an empty house. There, they sodomized her, strangled her with a cable wire, and beat her to death with a board. In the past few weeks, the trials in the Tiffany Long case have received extensive coverage in the North Carolina press. But with two of the three defendants already sentenced to lifelong prison terms, and the third now standing trial, the national media have all but ignored the story. Only the Associated Press has reported on the trials, in a single, cursory piece. The AP, of course, failed to mention the race of the people involved — an oversight it seldom if ever committed in the case of Amadou Diallo.

It happens to everyone. That was pulled off of a long list.
why does location matter when it comes to racism? :rolleyes are there not white people in other places in the world?

it's always a contest :lol:

Because he's referencing the history of slavery as a whole, which doesn't necessarily relate to racism. That's something unique to the transatlantic slave trade

If anything he was the one making it a contest
this thread has potential. survey was trash though.

I can't remember what I was watching or listening to but I guy was basically saying white ppl have been so jaded and deluded by the issue of race and racism that they continue to deny it's existence and ignore it when it occurs to the point the only racism they do acknowledge is "reverse racism" w/e that is.

It's funny cuz I still remember the clowns on this site talking about white privilege doesn't exist and black ppl shouldn't have affirmative action.

:lol: @ this survey. Call me when whites are being hunted down and hung from trees, denied basic rights, and treated like property.

you know this actually happened to white people and other races, right?

what the hell is reverse racism? I've heard so many definitions and each one is stupid.
We're not talking about other races though, that's completely irrelevant.

As for this happening to white ppl I forgot to add "call me when that happens to them for being white" not just it happening to them for other reasons and I don't think I'd have to add "in America" but I'm not quite sure what you're even about to reference regarding this thread topic. You know since this is a thread about white ppl claiming to be victims of racism more than black ppl.

you really think people don't kill/attack/degrade people for being white?

No offense, but yes you should be more specific if you don't want someone to point out things in your statements. you yourself said call me when it happens, and I did the next best thing I could.

I did myself a disservice by assuming this survey would matter in any way :lol: it's good to know that a small sample of people somehow equated to white America believes blah blah blah.

I'm just observing and chiming in when I feel the need in what is seeming very much like a bait thread.
Another race thread... Can't do it
But like Chris rock said" a white man wouldn't never trade places with him and he's rich"
you really think people don't kill/attack/degrade people for being white?

No offense, but yes you should be more specific if you don't want someone to point out things in your statements. you yourself said call me when it happens, and I did the next best thing I could.

I did myself a disservice by assuming this survey would matter in any way :lol: it's good to know that a small sample of people somehow equated to white America believes blah blah blah.

I'm just observing and chiming in when I feel the need in what is seeming very much like a bait thread.

These arguments you're making would make it seem like you agree with the people surveyed though
you really think people don't kill/attack/degrade people for being white?

No offense, but yes you should be more specific if you don't want someone to point out things in your statements. you yourself said call me when it happens, and I did the next best thing I could.

I did myself a disservice by assuming this survey would matter in any way :lol: it's good to know that a small sample of people somehow equated to white America believes blah blah blah.

I'm just observing and chiming in when I feel the need in what is seeming very much like a bait thread.

These arguments you're making would make it seem like you agree with the people surveyed though

Please, explain further what you mean by that.
Word NT bringing race into every thread. 
thats odd, i see you in EVERY race thread..

werent you exposed for being racist just like two weeks ago??

He wasn't exposed for being a racist. But then again, NT has some pretty low standards when it comes to what makes a person racist. Actually, if you look at the original thread, Meth called EVERYBODY in that thread a racist. WATER hasn't done anything. 
Yeah, I saw this study on twitter and was quite amused :lol:

Most were considered less.

Blacks were labeled at 3/5ths of a human so they could vote under law. Before that. They were simply expendable property. Other slaves of other races throughout history didn't really get that chance, they just worked and died.

This is wrong. Blacks couldn't vote under the 3/5 Compromise. That was done so that the slave population could be used to give southern states more reps in Congress (# of House members relative to the population of each state).

Northerners argued that slaves were considered property and therefore, shouldn't count towards their populations. Hence, the compromise.
Whites believe that they have replaced blacks as the primary victims of racial discrimination in contemporary America
Well the tide has kind of turned in terms of where this county is headed and what the racial makeup might look like in the future where majority racially in America will be a minority,thus resembling what they would be anyways when talking about the rest of the world.The fear of the unknown,the fear of oppressor being oppressed,the fear of all fear's,just simply something that some sick mentally twisted individual is worrying about or someone with an agenda whose trying to sell the people some idea that no one now should be worried about because more than likely most of us now will be long gone(dead).

To me,personally there's nothing worst than arguining with someone over something like this because most times it's done with a white person who comes from a lower social class,who feel's like their not apart of the American dream,everything they've got was earned and that they can't catch a break from everyday rules we working class people go through.This type of individual,has no more or less than you but he will faithfully listen to someone like a Rush Limbaugh who cators to people like him,he's their voice but that's Rush's job and Rush,turns off the Mic,get's into his luxury vehicle and goes home to his gated community where his family is nestled away from people like him.He's not of you,for you,nor will he be with you at the end of the day but you want to argue with me about your hardships in life, when I happened to be a young black male who works,pays taxes,tries to abide by the law's and keep my black *** out of and away from an unjust legal-system that was setup not for me but against me,period.
You look at the stat's,which I hate to look at because most times their not true representations of what is exact,but they show that I'm most likely to go to prison before I am to enroll into a college,I'm more likely to end up dead before one of my peers of a different race,ect...and it goes up higher and higher with each stat but you still want to argue with me over YOUR HARDSHIP'S IN LIFE?ok.To be fair I'll listen to anyone's problem's but at some point you just have to come a conclusion that maybe the odd's against me aren't that bad,I'll survive.

I won't even get into any type of arguement,conversation with the racial-equilibrium-sympathizer's who think everyone and everything is just on an equal playing field and if you don't see it that way,than it's clearly your problem.Seriously,where the **** do you live,in Plainsville?where they live with no color or self expression.....kick rocks.
He wasn't exposed for being a racist. But then again, NT has some pretty low standards when it comes to what makes a person racist. Actually, if you look at the original thread, Meth called EVERYBODY in that thread a racist. WATER hasn't done anything. 

u got a link?
He wasn't exposed for being a racist. But then again, NT has some pretty low standards when it comes to what makes a person racist. Actually, if you look at the original thread, Meth called EVERYBODY in that thread a racist. WATER hasn't done anything. 

u got a link?


Water's post was in reference to South Park. "This thread is filled with Naggers." And the whole thread went crazy. Meth locked it saying "this thread is filled with racists"
Please, explain further what you mean by that.

on one hand you're saying the survey used too small of a sample size to hold any merit, but at the same time what you've said in this thread makes it seem like you believe white people have become the target for racism in the present US, which would support the results of the survey. i could just be assuming too much though
He wasn't exposed for being a racist. But then again, NT has some pretty low standards when it comes to what makes a person racist. Actually, if you look at the original thread, Meth called EVERYBODY in that thread a racist. WATER hasn't done anything. 

u got a link?

Water's post was in reference to South Park. "This thread is filled with Naggers." And the whole thread went crazy. Meth locked it saying "this thread is filled with racists"
Bingo. Definitely rustled the jimmies, but sorry if I offended
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yup..i stand by my original statement..

dude is def a racist...in a thread full of racism, he was 'that' guy...stop taking up for that dude..let him stand on his own two
I just got off work awhile ago and grabbed 2 steak quesadillas, I don't have the time to deal with another one of these types of threads.
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