Who do people say you look like?

I get Bruce Lee, Jet Lee, Jackie Chan, Jake Long (American Dragon).

I got called a Mexican a few times.
I get the baby faced teddy bear from females (
) and I get Cleveland Brown/Daunte Culpepper from my boys
Was at a hotel party and some fashion designer thought I was Nicholas Lemons

and everyone at the gym calls me Brady Quinn

I was at work and this
chick was staring at me so I smiled, and she smiled back.
So I approach her and she goes "You look JUST like my little brother!"

so then I go, "Oh word? Well why don't I go over to your place so we can compare?"

You already know what happened next 

But according to NT I look like Flloyd Mayweather (don't see it)
Everyone says I look like someone they know though.
i dont really get any comparisons


daytona i can actually see that a little. not like dead on but you look similar i think

and damn at that pic above me....considering they are paid to look good fashion models dont have the best body proportions......just need a chiseled face and a six pack i guess
When I have a hat on I get Tiger Woods a lot

And the people that play xbox live and know my gt say I look like Tom Morello also
I've gotten a lot of things...

Adam Levine

Orlando Bloom

Chase Utley

Eric Bana

What's weird is, none of them dudes even look alike.
Originally Posted by Anthony Stark

I've gotten a lot of things...

Adam Levine

Orlando Bloom

Chase Utley

Eric Bana

What's weird is, none of them dudes even look alike.

Are you white and hang out with a lot of black people.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Anthony Stark

I've gotten a lot of things...

Adam Levine

Orlando Bloom

Chase Utley

Eric Bana

What's weird is, none of them dudes even look alike.

Are you white and hang out with a lot of black people.

Problem solved.
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