Who else is watching The Real World.

Greg is def. a lethal weapon.. when he told Rita from the power rangers "it's not you right now, it's him.." he did that two-finger Iknow karate finger point, I felt the energy
he keeps tellin them he'll destroy them
Greg's not that bad. He hid the underwear which was to get back at Sarah. Someone mentioned earlier that Sarah and Bri ate his chicken that he had made, sohiding her underwear was to get even. Will messing with Greg's associate for Sarah? What is that. That's such a B**ch move. Greg bringing back girlsfor the guys. Dave totally overreacted to Greg calling the girl ugly. I think Greg was trying to make Dave feel better by trying to make him feel like itwasn't that big of a loss to lose that girl. I think the producers are making it seem like Greg is worse than he actually is. Too bad Greg is leaving. Ihated him the most during the beginning, but now I see him as the most real. I'm sick of the other girls calling every girl the other guys bring over asWhores. Kim and Sarah were calling the girls Greg brings over "Whores & Hookers", but then Sarah gets mad at Greg for calling those same girls"@!#%". The girls in the house are ridiculous.
Dude Greg is very childish though. At least in the first few episodes he is portrayed as such.

But yeah, I get the feeling that they just show his bad moments in order to make him sort of a "bad guy."
^^^ cosign

but what is this talk about greg leaving the house?????????? man he is the star lol dude is comedy.......... when he called the roomates peasants he was coolin my book lmao
But yeah, I get the feeling that they just show his bad moments in order to make him sort of a "bad guy."

http://www.realworlddailies.com/ gives a lot of background to what happens during the TV episodes and in manycases Greg does not seem to be the worst person in the house. The site shows the girls eating his chicken, the girls talking greasy about ALL of the dudes, andplenty of other things. I know plenty of yall kno about it but i'm just saying...

In fact, the girls are the basis of almost all the drama in the house with a little bit of Greg here and there
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Greg is the biggest loser in the house, next to that Joey clown.

I only saw like two episodes, but in both he was clearly a lame guy, very socially awkward, and had a terrible attitude.

The only chill guy seems to be that blond guy who was Joey's friend, and his hookup buddy is the only girl who is even sort of attractive in the house.

D+ season at best.

Will, is that you?
Homegirl's bf took a mean L...i'm sorry but how you gonna let some dude disrespect your girlright in front of you and then when everything is done try and be all nice to him? Now she's beefing with her roommate, !!*+$ cool, but then calling her a#%$$! and all that @%$* then punking her on the phone...dude $+!%*+# out and didn't even do @%$*, greg even clowned dude...
[color= rgb(0, 153, 153)]stand up for yourself, might get beat up but at least it was justified[/color]
Joseph Camel Jr wrote:
Greg is the biggest loser in the house, next to that Joey clown.

I only saw like two episodes, but in both he was clearly a lame guy, very socially awkward, and had a terrible attitude.

The only chill guy seems to be that blond guy who was Joey's friend, and his hookup buddy is the only girl who is even sort of attractive in the house.

D+ season at best.
After watching the extended preview from next week of these two b*tch made cats comin' at Greg I hope he straight stomps those two clowns out before heleaves...

yo greg got a 20 minute dis video on his FB (no $%*# ride) and i recommend everyone here go and watch it
it shows in the preview for next weeks episode that Will is gettin sent home for something and it also showed Greg and Bri hooking up, unless its some otherblack dude that Bri brought home, but I'm pretty sure it looked like Greg. I will definitely be watchin next Wednesday

Will and/or Greg are leavin? i didnt think Will actually hit dude......I assumed a new person would be there to replace Goku
I think theres suppose to be 2 new roomates, which of course means 2 of tha current ones are goin home.
Originally Posted by bud dink

yo greg got a 20 minute dis video on his FB (no $%*# ride) and i recommend everyone here go and watch it

I don't have Facebook.

Is there a way to transfer it over to NT?
Will didn't hit the dude...he just swung very close to his face...and Greg didn't even flinch...
Greg is 'that dude'.

Edit-Get that video on here man...or ducktales.
Originally Posted by Jiggaman414

it shows in the preview for next weeks episode that Will is gettin sent home for something and it also showed Greg and Bri hooking up, unless its some other black dude that Bri brought home, but I'm pretty sure it looked like Greg. I will definitely be watchin next Wednesday

Will and/or Greg are leavin? i didnt think Will actually hit dude......I assumed a new person would be there to replace Goku
I think theres suppose to be 2 new roomates, which of course means 2 of tha current ones are goin home.

I'm pretty sure it's Greg that goes home...and I don't think Joey comes back, so that's where the 2 new come from...

This episode was pretty crazy though...this episode and Joey flippin out were

@ Will gettin dome on tape like that.
I bet Sarah and her man have the most boring sex ever.

Damn Will got domed up by that broad.

Greg is tripping for saying that girl Justine aint even fly. Look at that bird Reba hes fooling with.

and All I know is that Will is a punk for going there with Gregs dad being dead and all. I would have definatley caught a case on the show for that sort ofthing.

I bet Greg could 'F' both those cats up.

This season is
at the same time

After watching Gregs facebook rant. He is a
. I think he and Ithink a lot alike
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