Who else is watching The Real World.

Originally Posted by thaSOLEful1

yo this foo dave got jumped by a bunch of asians i could tell cuz they got hair like joey even tho they blurred it u could tell their like asian or something

Gotta give us Asians a little more credit than sucker punching a guy haha. And I'm pretty sure most Asians don't have hair like Joeys haha
Originally Posted by toine2983

Originally Posted by AirAnt23

YO! How she go pick this herb up?

She gonna look back on '07-08 with great regret. DF!!!


I'm suprised they MTV didn't show a preview for the Reunion show. Was their a Reunion Show?

On a sidenote that Real World/Road Rules Challenge look like it's gonna be good.
reunion show is saturday at 2-3:30 im recording it because i have to work I wonder if Greg will be there lol
Good Looks on pointing out the re-union show is SATURDAY at 2. I wouldn't have known without you. I heard Greg will be there and he said he is gonna rockhis Sean John - No BAness shirt
All I could do was LOL when I saw Will taking off his belt, I was just like WHO does that? No mo
Did anyone read the RW Hollywood : Where are they now? on MTV.com?

Look what will wrote :

Janelle and I broke up six hours after the cameras stopped rolling. Can we all assume why? Ive dated other lady Real Worlders since and let me tell you… MTV breeds some pretentious divas, only hungry for camera time. Wow.

But I do give him props for saying he regrets not sticking up for Greg when he was fired.
Originally Posted by eeibaby

Did anyone read the RW Hollywood : Where are they now? on MTV.com?

Look what will wrote :

Janelle and I broke up six hours after the cameras stopped rolling. Can we all assume why? Ive dated other lady Real Worlders since and let me tell you… MTV breeds some pretentious divas, only hungry for camera time. Wow.


this lame

that was pretty obvious...
i think he got her in bed though right? soo hmmm, least he got something. Janelle was kind of obviously there for camera time.
There was about 5 cameos from past rw seasons there she was just the only one who stuck around
^^^ She is such a loser to me ... and she dont even look good ....

when dude took his belt off , what was the point of that ...
this fool Dave tryna lie sayin he got sucker punched TWICE

most boring Real World finale ever . how they gon drag out Nick Sarah and Kim on the set of ET for 3 commercial breaks ?
Didnt read past posts sorry if posted already

Greg will not be on the Re-union show
I requested to be his friend a while ago on facebook and just saw his status today and it says...
"Greg Halstead is not going to be on the Reunion Show..and hes also letting J.B.'s know..Phase 4 Complete *****aaaaaaa!!!! "
kinda pissed Greg wont be ont he show i was lookin forward to see his take on things that happened.... I really hope he does a challenge or sumthin
damn i was expecting Greg to be on the reunion.
but this thread is pretty large, for a bunch of people who said MTV was dead.

{Nick} Posers {/Nick}
Originally Posted by jm2000

The host doesn't even know their names.

1. host sucks

2. Will looks fatter

3. their attempts to bash Greg were stupid and not funny

4. Bri looks MUCH better now

5. this reunion would have been 10x better if Greg was on it
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