Who has it Tougher...vol: Serious Discussion...

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Not bypassing anything in your post, i read everything--just want to elaborate on the red...

I agree with you that in today's society money=security...now consider this, traditionally which gender has been responsible for being the "bread-winner" and more importantly, what happens when the gender in consideration fails to live up to the expectations.

Second, there can never be too much "security", consequently, a man always has to make sure he is the position to bring in more "security" thus making it that much harder for him in the context of today's culture/society.

Now as for the inferior/dominant point you made, i won't even get into that because such labels, as prescribed to the genders, is trouble waiting to happen--and i want no part of it.

But actually, it has everything to do with why women have it easier. At the evolutionary core of all of this is the simple need for women to have security. As, the weaker of the two genders (Flame suit...even though it's the truth), females yearn for comfort and security. They've all been taught, biologically and socially, to only settle with the male that can provide this comfort and security.

Consequently the man that can provide the most comfort and the most security will get the woman. That's pretty much what it boils down to. Now as you pointed, in today's society, security=money. I'll expand on this notion by saying that (security + comfort) requires a man to +++ money, in today's society. So a man needs to go above and beyond if he wants to keep his woman and make her happy--now you can factor in all the personality bull but i'm pretty sure that all goes to the back of the "must-have" list the minute you cant provide that security and comfort.

I see now that your OP was in regards to relationships. I wish you would have highlighted this

I read your entire post, and I see your point.

Is it fair that a woman's personality means nothing to me?

Than why should it not be the same vice versa?

You are making it seem that females are the only ones that are shallow?

Men Care about = Looks
Women Care about = Security
At-least men have the ability to come to offer it. With women you are either

Women are not the shallow ones Not the case, Men have an advantage in regards to this for the simple reason that looks fade, ones monetary value onlyincreases.

For instance say a middle-aged woman who is making say 100'000 annually, do you think she will find a Man who is worth attaining at her age?

My father is 50+ and about to wife up a woman who is 30. While you can argue the reasons as to why (no argument here

I find it hard to believe my Mother doing the same.

In essence if you want to be fair I think it is Suffice to say that from birth to say 25 (when Women are at their best physically) Women have it easier.

From then on Their value depreciates, where as most Males (White collar) Value increases immensely.

So while I might be at the club
at the fact that all the females just want money.

It evens out and IMO eventually favors the Male
First off, I think we could agree that there's competition on both sides of the spectrum socially. Guys like donald trump, jay-z etc who make giganticpower moves defeat the purpose of having "game" towards women, which a pimp or slick mouth may have. Women compete for those guys. Regulars are theones who have it harder chasing and glorifying those women down. Basically, whether your a regular man or rich mofo you have to take care of yourself whichtakes strength mentally, and physically. The pretty women marry those men, while the ugly ones support themself and wait for some douche bag to game them,seems realistic.
niketalk and serious in the same sentence
...come on now...at the end of the dayblack,white,male,female WE ALL HAVE PROBLEMS...I think at time people are to busy in someone elses lifes trying to figure out there problems to sidetrackthemselves from focusing on there own
Women - Outnumbered, Have to Give Birth, Risk of Getting Raped, Not taken seriously in the workplace, More single mothers out there than single fathers, Harderto achieve weatlh
But men also have a lot of responsibility now that I think of them.
Originally Posted by Killmatic07

Women - Outnumbered, Have to Give Birth, Risk of Getting Raped, Not taken seriously in the workplace, More single mothers out there than single fathers, Harder to achieve weatlh
But men also have a lot of responsibility now that I think of them.

Definitely one of the biggest misconception out here these days. Just because you see a whole bunch or simp.s gassing upone female doesn't mean there are few females than there are men. It's just reference to whack dudes hyping a somewhat decent female--and if this chickis smart, she can get whatever she wants out of these lames.

Think about it, there are only two sexes on this planet. You're either male or female. What that means is that thereis a 50/50 genotypic ratio of being born a man or woman. There is roughly 6 billion plus people on this planet--i will guarantee you that there is a close ifnot equal ratio of men and women on this planet. Women are not outnumbered--dont be fooled.

Now all that other stuff you mentioned is subjective because i can just as well list a bunch of stuff i think men gotta go through...
in a relationship? i would say neither has is easier or harder than the other...its equally harder/easier for different reasons...no reason on one side IMOoutweighs the other...
It depends in what sense you're talking about. As far as social life goes, it's men hands down. All women need is to put out the vag really. Kinda sadto put it that way, but look at women like Superhead. She admitted in having sex with all those artists, bills were gettin' paid, cars, clothes, etc. Whatman can actually offer sex and expect the same outcome? Not a one on this Earth., I'm certain. Not to mention women like Buffie who are out theremakin' grip because she has a big-ole booty. Am I right? I think women have it harder when it comes to the work force tho. They'll forever be looked asinferior compared to a man when it comes to jobs. Though I guess you can consider Buffie a model and in turn, that's a job. But she doesn't really workman. All she does is throw sumtin' skimpy on and turns around. Neither of which I mind.
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Looking at it statistically, women outnumber men all over the world, including America.

So they really have to compete for men.
lol and yet men BEAST over a female, pine over them like this fact does not exist, walk with down the street trying to get a number, buy them andtheir girlfriends drinks at the bar etc.
Women have it easier because despite outnumbering us they still have their pick. A woman walking down the street can have 3 guys try to talk to her and shegets to choose. Those 3 men are trying to pick up as many women as possible but only because its so difficult at times
Plus women can look "mug" and yet men still go
. "Girl don't worry. I'm all for natural beaty"

Women winning despite these odds ftl
Originally Posted by cucumbercool

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Looking at it statistically, women outnumber men all over the world, including America.

So they really have to compete for men.
lol and yet men BEAST over a female, pine over them like this fact does not exist, walk with down the street trying to get a number, buy them and their girlfriends drinks at the bar etc.
Women have it easier because despite outnumbering us they still have their pick. A woman walking down the street can have 3 guys try to talk to her and she gets to choose. Those 3 men are trying to pick up as many women as possible but only because its so difficult at times
Plus women can look "mug" and yet men still go
. "Girl don't worry. I'm all for natural beaty"

Women winning despite these odds ftl
That's real rap right there.
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