Who here thinks about death alot...


Jul 17, 2008
I've been having dreams where I or someone I know is dying, weird. Death has always been in the back of mymind, i guess as you get older it starts to come to mind more. I always wonder what happens when you're gone. Do you really go to hell/heaven? Do youimmediately become somebody else or something else? I know I aint the only cat who thinks about the day of there death. Discuss.
::raises hand:: The thought of dying and not being here anymore scares me to be honest.
Originally Posted by AgentArenas

I've been thinking about it a lot recently, especially with certain things happening.
That's my situation also.
no need i know where im going
I haven't been thinkin, but lately, I have been having dreams of dudes pullin guns out on me.....I was gunna make a post about it...but I decided not to.
It comes and goes, I thought about it the most when I had my heart surgery though
Yeah man .. I think of death all the time .. Scares the @+@% outa me but its comin for us one way or another i guess .. things that drives me nuts is thinkinof my fam and my girlfriend .. Maybe its juss me but i feel like i need to teach my younger cousins nieces and nephews about whats really good teach them thethings that i know to help em grow .. All i know is i dont want to be reincarnated into anything or anyone else .. I wanna be remembered how i am and be metill infinity ..
i've always thought about the notion of my own death and that of my loved ones, even as a kid. i was always taught to embrace death as a natural part ofour existence on earth.
I was tellin my homegirl last night. I dream about death 4 out of 7 days. Lately its been me drving and I lose control of the car and I can see me running overpeople and when its time for me to finally hit something I wake up. In cold sweats, just left there thinking damn. But I death are, me being shot bc im at thewrong place at the wrong time, fallin, drowning, burned alive, being bit by a snake or spider. Just crazy stuff, then I sit and wonder are my dreams trying totell me something. Am I losing control of my life. I go into many deep thoughts.
I think about it more than I should. I'm scared of it. Terrifying knowing that your gonna die and no one knows what really happens when it's over. Noeating, no laughing, no family...everything is over! Effin scary

I'm hella scared of dying in a car. I hate it
Ehh I think about it now recently, like just mistakingly getting killed or stuff.
Every single second that passes, is drawing us one inch closer to our death. I think of it as a rope tied around your waist and every passing second Death ispulling you closer and closer and closer and closer to your demise.
not so much about me

but i think bout what would happen if a close family member, friend, or even parent died

i hate to think about that stuff
Originally Posted by Face82

I think about it more than I should. I'm scared of it. Terrifying knowing that your gonna die and no one knows what really happens when it's over. No eating, no laughing, no family...everything is over! Effin scary

I'm hella scared of dying in a car. I hate it
Thats crazy, a car is the last place I would want to die in. Like a wreck or blowin up
and I cant even imagin someone close to me dying either
Man ya'll having some wild dreams. Maybe its a sign that you should be doing something. Oh and when you die, I believe your just their until its time togo. Your breath of life returns to God. I think thats how it goes.

If anyone has questions you can ask here or PM me
Originally Posted by wanksta23

not so much about me

but i think bout what would happen if a close family member, friend, or even parent died

i hate to think about that stuff

I think about death alot I also think to myself that when I die I wont remember it, so what am I even thinking about it before? But i would rather die suddenlythen have to go through the pain of a slow death, but it would suck not being able to bye to the ones you love
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Every single second that passes, is drawing us one inch closer to our death. I think of it as a rope tied around your waist and every passing second Death is pulling you closer and closer and closer and closer to your demise.
That ain't helping at all homie. The @!!! is the smiley face for?
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