Who in here does'nt feel Lupe

Originally Posted by all19mjs

I just wanna see if there are any people that dont like lupe

why is that? No artist is liked by everyone.
Originally Posted by all19mjs

I just wanna see if there are any people that dont like lupe
Not me.
Dont really get, people hypin him up like hes the best there is right now. never really been impressed, and its just soooooooooooo boring for me to listen tohim.

Pusha T>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LF.
When my friends got the audacity to say he's better than Joe, I start to not like him
theres people who like him and theres people who dont like him...on NT he got a decent lil following...but yall be OD'ing....whats the point of making thistopic...aint no good discussion or debate that'll come out of it....who cares?

for the sake of SOME argument
There's SNOW in the forecast and I'm not talking about weather, NO!!!!!
White tee with a waist full of thunder

thats why Pusha or Malice aint better than Lupe.....thats basically ALL they talk about.....whats good with versatility?
That's what Lupe stans don't understand. You could be nice on paper and talk about whatever the #+%% you want, but at the end of the day whenyou're on the mic, people either feel you or they don't.

Do you honestly feel that just because Lupe says something, raps over a certain beat, etc. that he somehow sets the standard in rap? You can quote his lyricsall you want, but when I hear him rap it is a $*+#@#$ headache.
I don't know.. I live in Chicago and I'm still iffy about Lupe. His delivery is so
to me. MOST of his songs are boring IMO. If he improveshis delivery, he would be
Originally Posted by Mw2889

That's what Lupe stans don't understand. You could be nice on paper and talk about whatever the #+%% you want, but at the end of the day when you're on the mic, people either feel you or they don't.

Do you honestly feel that just because Lupe says something, raps over a certain beat, etc. that he somehow sets the standard in rap? You can quote his lyrics all you want, but when I hear him rap it is a $*+#@#$ headache.

thats just personal preference than....I think some people need to learn just because they dont like somebody doesnt mean they suck....it means their musicisnt for you
I like lupe... but only a certain songs such as his diamonds remix... kick push... hurt me soul... and others... but sometimes I HATE his delivery... and hispresence on the mic is nothing outstanding.

I've heard all his mixtapes and his first album. I have yet to check out the cool but don't worry, its on my list of things to do...
I don't like his music much, can't stand him personally. Dude is a clown and constantly being gassed up got him thinking he's bigger than what heis. I'm happy he can rhyme but he just ain't secure with being himself it feels like. Always tryna be more than that...idk just my opinion. He suckslive as well
I ain't a big fan of him....I just can't believe people compared him to Pac in the other threads
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