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Violence is never ok but I have no sympathy for this dumb *****bag. Her haircut looks stupid too.
Such a nice thing to post. Repped.
where's my rep bruh?
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Ignoring the fact that homie is a professional MMA fighter who's bare hands are legally considered deadly weapons . . . (According to her) dude cut her hair with a dull knife, stabbed her all over her body and the only reason she got away was because he was looking for a sharper knife. He was about to rape her but he couldn't get up.​

That's a lil beyond "defending yourself" :lol: .​

Myth that needs to end. Hands are not considered weapons if you are a professional fighter, boxing or MMA.
Myth that needs to end. Hands are not considered weapons if you are a professional fighter, boxing or MMA.

I read something on this too, you technically CAN register your hands but it isnt in regards to being "weapons" in legal matters. Registering your hands is in regards to the MMA/boxing world.
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I read something on this too, you technically CAN register your hands but it isnt in regards to being "weapons" in legal matters. Registering your hands is in regards to the MMA/boxing world.

A former professor of mine who was the ADA of the county I went to school in debunked the rumor.
Your hands CAN NOT be registered as a deadly weapon. Think about that, if they're a deadly weapon technically you can enter any public area :lol:

The idea is just comical
Seriously though, the NSA can listen to anything anywhere but they can't find this guy tweeting repeatedly from his phone? :rolleyes

Fo real dude is out here tweeting at Starbucks and they can't locate his dumb ***
Can the police even track people from their tweets? They have stuff that can locate him if he posts from his phone?
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Porn stars and MMA fighters. Two "professions" where there's gotta be something wrong with you to begin with to enter. And I don't care if you think that I'm generalizing or whatever, the vast majority of the time it's the truth. No wonder that so many of the two sides end up together as couples. For all its attempts to be considered as a serious sport, MMA is nothing but a bunch of insecure wannabe alpha males who think that violence is the solution to every single problem and who think that being regarded as "the man" by the rest of the males (who they try to make scared of you) and females (who they try to make want you) in the club scene is the highest achivement you can accomplish in life.

I can not believe that the human brain can process thought as dense as this. You're incredibly foolish for these sentences.
Ignoring the fact that homie is a professional MMA fighter who's bare hands are legally considered deadly weapons . . . (According to her) dude cut her hair with a dull knife, stabbed her all over her body and the only reason she got away was because he was looking for a sharper knife. He was about to rape her but he couldn't get up.​
That's a lil beyond "defending yourself" 
Myth that needs to end. Hands are not considered weapons if you are a professional fighter, boxing or MMA.
False. Depending where you are, if you're a trained fighter and you get charged with assault a judge can use his discretion to bump up the charge to a higher degree because you're trained to maim people.

Same way holding a nail clipper can be ruled assault with a deadly weapon, you out here throwing those educated feet at people, you can catch that charge too.

This is especially true in civil court. That lawsuit is a ***** if you have any martial arts training.
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Disgusting. This is a PERSON, no one deserves this, or your scorn for that matter.
Nah son. Some people deserve it and worse. Im not saying she deserves it, but I have no empathy for her.

Talking bout im scum and yall dudes want WM life taken away by electric chair? :smh:
Disgusting. This is a PERSON, no one deserves this, or your scorn for that matter.
Nah son. Some people deserve it and worse. Im not saying she deserves it, but I have no empathy for her.

Talking bout im scum and yall dudes want WM life taken away by electric chair? :smh:

And you have no empathy because she doesn't take black penises on cam for you to fap to, you need help
The reasons I dont have empathy dont matter

Aint no one say she deserved it

But yall want a man to die cause he beat up his cum bucket GF

You beat your **** to "cum buckets" but somehow you put yourself above them. :lol:

Y'all are strange.
IMO it was implied. She did nothing to deserve such treatment, so how can you have no sympathy for her? 
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