Who loves Happy Endings? Cancelled (sad face)


“That’s a sex swing.” “The guy at the yard sale clearly said it was for taking care of business.”
Alex's naivete is hilarious. Her explanation of why she bought clamps, the sex swing and I had to pause the episode when I saw her eyes open napping :rofl:

Plus she looked ah-mah-zing tonight.
I'm surprised it took this long for people to get up on this show. My girl started watching when it came out and I def think it's funny as hell
i'm caught up with all the eps now :nthat:

once again i have to thank my fellow NT'ers for putting me on another great show
i want to know tho... what channel does this come on and what day/time?
Jane and Alex are so devastating / 10.
Jane's angry stare at Brad and Alex jumping to attack that guy, they were killer tonight.

Another solid episode. Damon Wayans Jr. got to play the obnoxious house wife and he did it very well. Max tried to repair his trauma in the "down low, too slow" incident. 

And I'd date Penny wearing a helmet every day of the week. No hesitation.
:lol:  at the quaint joke

and since when does Jane work at the Car Czar, did I miss something?

After Penny copped her car, the Czar showed up at her doorstep that night and axed her to work for him.

Jane though. She's the baddest tv wife. Her chest and pelvic bump with Brad......hnnnnngggggg
She really is.. Driven, confident, successful, she's a freak so you'd never be bored.
I loved that we saw where Alex gets her bizarre eating habits from.. her and her mom were great. 
That was really weird though. Eye raping the carver :lol:

I do wonder why Jane isn't as weird with the food though with a mom like that.

The Penny, Pete, Max, Nickle(Nicole) side story stole the ep for me though.

My nipples are a quarter inch above where they should be :tongue: :wink: |I
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I know this chick is supposed to be the "ugly/chubby" cast chick, but she's damned cute with beautiful eyes.
yea i dont get that either lowkey she is one of the better looking ones on the show... iuno jane at times kinda looks skeletorish... and alex has her moments but id def.. take penny for the most part any given day
yea i dont get that either lowkey she is one of the better looking ones on the show... iuno jane at times kinda looks skeletorish... and alex has her moments but id def.. take penny for the most part any given day

shes actually my number 1 on the show. brunette. average size with just a tad bit of chunk (the way I like it)
I was in to alex when she was younger in those older movies and 24. she still looks tasty dont get me wrong. but penny is dope
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