Who loves Happy Endings? Cancelled (sad face)

**** Alex forever, Mormon marry Jane and Penny, kill Max.

Sorry can't kill any of these women
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 i'm dying at Max and Alex right now
“You didn’t like Ringling Brothers for Brothers?”

“It would have been the greatest show on Earf. Don’t you dare laugh at that.”


Another great episode, joke after joke as usual. 

Alex's bizarre fetish about unwrapping gifts was great, and she capped it with "Just open the ******g gift, Penny" had me dying

Jane pepper spraying everyone, Max and his egg nog, Brad with his rapping Santa.

And credit to the writers for thinking up a really original Christmas plot. Usually Christmas episodes can be really cliched and standard, but this one was creative and it showed.
great episode!
"it's on my penis!"
"hey i'm tired of you telling me what to do maan"
"just open the ******g gift Penny!" :rofl:
My son came in from another room when he heard the beat & couldn't stop laughing at these end credits...He had me rewind it (from the dvr) 3-4 times.
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Yeah ABC is being weird and burning off some episodes.. Either they're trying to get a different audience to see the show or they're just getting rid of them
glad there's a new ep. tonight but I get a little worried when they start moving show

days around
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Yeah ABC is being weird and burning off some episodes.. Either they're trying to get a different audience to see the show or they're just getting rid of them
Edit that in to the title cuz I sure as hell didn't know there'd be new eps on Sundays for however many eps are left. My tv still has Revenge scheduled for 9.

Burning off eps are usually what networks do after the show is canceled though like NYC 22 and Made In Jersey. I knew I heard about a few shows being switched permanently to Sundays but didn't remember which.


Airing @ 10 on Sundays not 9.
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Y'all better stop speaking such things about this show being canceled.

Got this from Wikipedia:
On December 21, 2012, ABC announced that beginning January 6, 2013, the show will start airing two episodes a week, on Sundays and Tuesdays, for the remainder of the season, with the season finale airing in mid-March.
Haven't checked in here in a while.

The last few episodes have been great.

Jane "Cocaine" Kerkovich-Williams.

Hip-Hop Santa.
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