Who On NT ISN'T a Drug Dealer?

How can this be a racist thread when Drug Dealers come in all shapes,race,and sizes ?

Either OP got it for the low r he trying to go shopping LOL
real ................dont associate these things online just for props & storys.

..you dont want to know ..my story

I love the irony
Originally Posted by JustScoreda100

I used to about a year ago. It's hard not to when you know people who'll buy a elbow for 2400. Crazy fast money.

Stopped though, because I'm trying to get a security clearance after I graduate.

Where u from ???
My drug dealing days have ended.

Although I got hookups for dirt cheap dank if I ever start back up...
Originally Posted by MrDoeBoI

Originally Posted by JustScoreda100

I used to about a year ago. It's hard not to when you know people who'll buy a elbow for 2400. Crazy fast money.

Stopped though, because I'm trying to get a security clearance after I graduate.

Where u from ???

He's gotta be from down south. I know theirs wild money out in ATL. NY dudes been goin down their makin money for a couple decades
I'm pretty sure the majority of NT HAS sold drugs at least once in their life, but I doubt thats how anyone here makes their living and sell drugs heavy.

As for me, yeah I use to slang the tree, but now I gotta hustle that's pretty much killing everyone hustle out there. Has nothing to do with drugs ill tellyou that.
I used to do it heavy in my younger years...

Paranoia, beefing, police, jealousy, snitching ect. All that *$$* adds up

it takes a toll on your mind real rap...

I'd prolly be dead or in Jail or still hustling If I didn't decide to wise up...

Sadly it took seeing my homie getting his wig pushed back in front of me to finally call it quits on the full time tip

I don't hustle anymore..

But I'd be lying to say I don't think about it...

I can still get *$$* right now if I wanted and make moves

But I have a son now and I don't plan on him being statistic..

Plus peace of mind >>>>>>>> ________
Originally Posted by KingFoamNYC

OP you are a clown. Seriously when u made this thread I know u weren't thinking about asian or caucasion dudes. If I knew u I would smack the $&*! Outta you
Speaking of NT drug dealers, when does that one guy on here that went to prison get out? Leo the God I think?
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