Who was the Baddest man on the planet? (historical figures)

Historical figures: caligula, the transylvanian vampire he was actually real,atilla, Hitler, sudam, cleopatra cause she suduced Alexander I believe you may have to correct me on this one.

Action heroes: leroy brown, shaft, dolemite, James bond, James brown,
Historical figures: caligula, the transylvanian vampire he was actually real,atilla, Hitler, sudam, cleopatra cause she suduced Alexander I believe you may have to correct me on this one.

Action heroes: leroy brown, shaft, dolemite, James bond, James brown,
Originally Posted by McL0vin

I'm surprised no 1 has said it yet...

Originally Posted by omgitswes

I like stuff like that. What was the documentary called?
But I would say some Roman emperor, they had the world on lock for the most part, till the Germans (I think they were Germans) defeated them

Augustus, the first Roman Emporer. The most powerful and influential person in the history of the world, probably.

The only comparable individual in history is probably George Washington...and even that is a big stretch.
Originally Posted by Greezee


Emperor Haile Selassie. Look him up.

Except when I see his name, all I can think of is crappy reggae music. Therefore, he cannot be the baddest man in history.  
dmbrhs, I don't know if you're joking and no flame, but you know nothing about the man, NOTHING if ALL you think about is crappy
reggae music.

HigherGround knows the deal.
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