Who was the Baddest man on the planet? (historical figures)

Originally Posted by torgriffith


Happy Columbus Day!

Dude got more body counts than hitler
 Ppl glorify this douche like he was a saint.
Dude even has a holiday.
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Chuko Liang and the Lute of Death


Chuko "Sleeping Dragon" Liang was a brilliant Chinese strategist and possessor of one of the top 10 awesomest nicknames in history. A chancellor of Shu Han during the third century, his cunning is widely so celebrated that in China his name is synonymous with intelligence and tactics, which is way better than General Tso, who only wound up with a Chinese restaurant dish named after him.

"No, General Tso, it is your chicken that is weak and lacking in discipline."

Chuko was a master of the mind @+$@. But he was still capable of making mistakes and it was his greatest miscalculation that required him to draw upon his greatest of mind @+$@ powers.

According to historians, during the War of the Three Kingdoms, accompanied by a consort of just 100 soldiers and the rest of his army miles away, Chuko saw an opposing army with over 100,000 men marching towards him. The opposing general, Sima Yi, was a veteran who had fought Chuko in multiple battles. Familiar with the Sleeping Dragon's clever ways and, deciding to take no chances, he led the massive army to capture Chuko.

Ordering his few men into hiding, Chuko commanded that the town gates be left wide open and, positioning himself atop the city wall, he proceeded to play the lute as the massive enemy army approached. Upon his arrival at the town gates, Sima Yi, who had fallen victim to many a Chuko-led ambush, halted his army and studied Chuko's calm manner as he ripped a solo on the chords.


Convinced it was a trap he could not yet comprehend, Sima commanded a hasty retreat, more than a 100,000 soldiers pulling back from one man and his musical instrument. Chuko thus earned an entire wing in the BSer's Hall of Fame.
Isn't he also known as Zhuge Liang or Kongming? I'm a dynasty warriors fan and I've read "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" one of the greatest books I've read lol here are more pics of him from video game adaptations lol
Originally Posted by MarTdiZzle23

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Chuko Liang and the Lute of Death


Chuko "Sleeping Dragon" Liang was a brilliant Chinese strategist and possessor of one of the top 10 awesomest nicknames in history. A chancellor of Shu Han during the third century, his cunning is widely so celebrated that in China his name is synonymous with intelligence and tactics, which is way better than General Tso, who only wound up with a Chinese restaurant dish named after him.

"No, General Tso, it is your chicken that is weak and lacking in discipline."

Chuko was a master of the mind @+$@. But he was still capable of making mistakes and it was his greatest miscalculation that required him to draw upon his greatest of mind @+$@ powers.

According to historians, during the War of the Three Kingdoms, accompanied by a consort of just 100 soldiers and the rest of his army miles away, Chuko saw an opposing army with over 100,000 men marching towards him. The opposing general, Sima Yi, was a veteran who had fought Chuko in multiple battles. Familiar with the Sleeping Dragon's clever ways and, deciding to take no chances, he led the massive army to capture Chuko.

Ordering his few men into hiding, Chuko commanded that the town gates be left wide open and, positioning himself atop the city wall, he proceeded to play the lute as the massive enemy army approached. Upon his arrival at the town gates, Sima Yi, who had fallen victim to many a Chuko-led ambush, halted his army and studied Chuko's calm manner as he ripped a solo on the chords.


Convinced it was a trap he could not yet comprehend, Sima commanded a hasty retreat, more than a 100,000 soldiers pulling back from one man and his musical instrument. Chuko thus earned an entire wing in the BSer's Hall of Fame.
Isn't he also known as Zhuge Liang or Kongming? I'm a dynasty warriors fan and I've read "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" one of the greatest books I've read lol here are more pics of him from video game adaptations lol

Definitely one of my favorite characters in Dynasty Warriors.  
I won't go through the people already posted so I'll add:

Pol Pot: He proved William F. Buckley's adage that we would be better governed by the first 200 names in the Cambridge, MA phone book than the Harvard Faculty. Pol Pot was the evil 20th Century dictator with a PhD, from the Sarbonne no less, the French equivalent to the Ivy League. In terms of the percentage of deaths inflicted on his Countrymen he exceeds all others and it was because he decided to use his country, Cambodia, as a laboratory for his left wing sociology experiments and he used his people as lab rats.

King Henry V: He was raised in the feudal system where wars where the core of an army were Aristocrats on horse back and peasant archers and pike men were auxiliaries. During his attempted invasion of France he lost most of his army and horses to disease and he tried to escape but was cutoff from the coast by the French main Army. At Agincourt King Henry V along wit ha few hundred knights, without horses and few thousand auxiliary foot soldiers faced down 20,000 French Knights, all well equiped and supplied with War Horses. Naturally, the English routed the French. In Halo terms thati s like 100 elite, 5,000 Grunts and a few hundred Jackels ahnihilating 20,000 Brites and Elites, riding in 5,000 Wraiths and 10,000 Ghosts.

Andrew Jackson: Our toughest President, TR killed some big game, Andrew Jackson was a POW, survived disease, defeated formidable Indian Tribe, routed the British at New Orleans and served as President and actually did "stand up to special interests" when he slew the "Hydra of Corruption," also known as the Second Bank of the United States, the forerunner to the current Federal reserve, which as also a very corrupt and serpentine operation.

Miyamoto Musashi: The Samurai were the best trained warriors in history and Musashi was the greatest among them. He was simply a Master swordsman. As a young man, he spent four years in the woods training daily. He trained himself not just in the use of his weapons but he made his mind, body and blade become one and when he emerged from the woods, he fought dozens of duels and won all but one (he had one draw) and he capped his combat career by killing the man whom many in Japan considered the best Samurai at the time. Having defeated his greatest foe, he became a man of peace and started his own Dojo where he taught that while one should be well equipped to kill anyone, one should avoid violence.  
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

Miyamoto Musashi: The Samurai were the best trained warriors in history and Musashi was the greatest among them. He was simply a Master swordsman. As a young man, he spent four years in the woods training daily. He trained himself not just in the use of his weapons but he made his mind, body and blade become one and when he emerged from the woods, he fought dozens of duels and won all but one (he had one draw) and he capped his combat career by killing the man whom many in Japan considered the best Samurai at the time. Having defeated his greatest foe, he became a man of peace and started his own Dojo where he taught that while one should be well equipped to kill anyone, one should avoid violence.  

And Christonic its no problem my dude 
 its a sick pic for sure, Vegeta is that dude 

He was banning infidels while you were being conceived in a run down strip club bathroom.

Originally Posted by UnkleTomCruze


He was banning infidels while you were being conceived in a run down strip club bathroom.


Why you slupin so hard
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