Who will go down as better: Vince Carter or Tracy Mcgrady

Nov 27, 2006
No seriously i know both these guys are not hall of fame locks or anything but its a question i was thinking about yesterday. One of my friends quickly saidtmac. But i thought about it for a second. Most of the reason people put down vince is just how upset they were about this guy not reaching his potential. Eventwo years ago he dropped 25 5 and 5. For now id say vince. Hes gotten out of the first round and was a game 7 away from the finals. Very close though. Tmac hasthe scoring titles on him

Vince's 13 year career averages:

23.8 ppg 5.5 boards 4.2 assists


22.3 ppg 6.2 boards 4.7 dimes
Vince ain't been in the league 13 years...
vince doesn't have heart, i'll give you that

but tmac? he's just injury prone. they've both played on bad teams, one led the league in scoring twice, the other tanked his way out of a country.
I'ma go with T-Mac. Better shooter, better scorer.

Vince will only be known for his dunks.
Weird but actually pretty good question.

As of today I would say vince carter, although tmac is naturally better than him. I know neither one has any real heart per say, but vince looks as though hestill tries while tmac, is looking more and more like he is closing in on retirement. He has been injury prone as of late, and can't seem to get overthat.(See 2 pts, 1-3 shooting)

So vince because of all of the above and he's had a little better playoff success.
With the issue of "heart" aside...

As of right now, I'm going with T-Mac oddly enough. Yeah, I'm going against the grain. Their numbers are pretty similar but T-Mac not getting out ofthe first round haunts him. Vince has gotten further in the playoffs so he has that working in his favor. I think T-Mac is a better player overall than Vince.If T-Mac can shed the label of "injury prone" and "not being able to get out of the first round", then yeah I think T-Mac will go down asthe better player. Will he shed the label of "injury prone"? Probably not, but if he's healthy at the right time, he can go far in the playoffsthis year.
I really cant decide. Tmac has a better offensive set of skills, while Vince is going to be known as the dunk king.
Really dont know. Its like comparing gold stars to a thumbs up to 10 points to see which is higher. Just cant decide
VC, but T-Mac when he is on can be one of the best players in the L, but that hasn't been so for about 2-3 seasons.
I can understand people saying Vince has no heart.

But cease with all the T-Mac has no heart talk.

When has T-Mac ever quit on his team to get traded? When has T-Mac backed down from another player talking trash to him? Does a man who openly cries aftergetting eliminated have no "heart"?

He has no heart b/c his TEAM can't make it out of the first round?
I often bash on Tracy, but he's never had a great team that could elevate them to the top, and when you run into tough teams in the first round, it'sbound to happen that you'll get bounced out. Often was the case is that Tracy had no support from his team, and I said before he has shown us that he hasthe killer instinct and take over games, but we just haven't seen it in a while.
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