WHOA! Ryan Lochte's sister goes Overboard Vol. pun intended

Lol your not making any sense. It has nothing to do with numbers. This Asian community while quite is a strong community. America does not listen simply because Asian Americans keep silent. If they choose as a group to speak out I'm sure America would listen.

Do you mean Asians are strong as far as income? That talk show was not hurt because they obviously do not have much of an Asian audience if at all. What about the time when Sarah Silverman said the same C-word on Conan? Some Asians protested and Conan as well as the NBC network apologized, but Silverman refused. She knows she has enough Jewish backing to get away with it. But let's be real, what is an apology going to do? It should not have been allowed to happen in the first place. Same cycle over and over again. If Asians are so quiet like you say, then what about the Latinos and Middle Easterners? They have objected the way the media portrays them and nothing much has changed. So what do minorities have to do to garner proper respect in America?
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Do you mean Asians are strong as far as income? That talk show was not hurt because they obviously do not have much of an Asian audience if at all. What about the time when Sarah Silverman said the same C-word on Conan? Some Asians protested and Conan as well as the NBC network apologized, but Silverman refused. She knows she has enough Jewish backing to get away with it. But let's be real, what is an apology going to do? It should not have been allowed to happen in the first place. Same cycle over and over again. If Asians are so quiet like you say, then what about the Latinos and Middle Easterners? They have objected the way the media portrays them and nothing much has changed. So what do minorities have to do to garner proper respect in America?

Well your kind of going all over the place with your answer man. All im simply saying is that Asian Americans have a voice. The strength of what they say is all dependent on the ferver in which they speak. The Asian community has an extreme amount of respect and most ignorance towards them is based on silly stereotypes and awful jokes.

Every minority wants their voice heard. Fighting the majority isn't an easy task.
I didn't find it offensive. But then again I know that it's a comedic attempt that didn't go over. C+ for effort, D- for execution.

If you don't like what you hear, don't listen. Apparently after four years, nobody listened anyway.
Come on. Yeah, it was a lame attempt. Yeah, Chinese don't speak out. So what? She ain't stopping me from getting money. *shrugs*. Whats an apology going to do? If she ain't giving me a BJ for being sorry, I don't care. Keep the jokes coming, it ain't stopping me from eating. It's only accepted as even an "attempt" at comedy because it's offensive, so just don't be offended. She is riding the coat tails of her brother and Ryan Lochte actually got his time beaten by a 16yr old Chinese girl. Still not eating more or less, carry on.
I didn't find it offensive. But then again I know that it's a comedic attempt that didn't go over. C+ for effort, D- for execution.

If you don't like what you hear, don't listen. Apparently after four years, nobody listened anyway.
Come on. Yeah, it was a lame attempt. Yeah, Chinese don't speak out. So what? She ain't stopping me from getting money. *shrugs*. Whats an apology going to do? If she ain't giving me a BJ for being sorry, I don't care. Keep the jokes coming, it ain't stopping me from eating. It's only accepted as even an "attempt" at comedy because it's offensive, so just don't be offended. She is riding the coat tails of her brother and Ryan Lochte actually got his time beaten by a 16yr old Chinese girl. Still not eating more or less, carry on.
Why y'all lame ***** bringing up African Americans for...speak up and stop crying...**** gay/lesbian community prob raise more hell then anybody when someone says some off the wall stuff
Wow..she sounds so damn ignorant, it must be embarrassing to look back on this interview. Dumb *****..with her dumb hat.
A few questions I had while watching this clip :
1.) Why was this brought to light AFTER the 2012 Olympics. Not before or during, but a few weeks after?

2.) Why was she doing an appearance on a late night Baltimore cable access talk show starring a horrible disc jockey from 98 Rock?

3.) If it was a joke, was she dressed as a joke or is that really how she dresses?

Who thought, in pre production, that this bit would go over?
Come on. Yeah, it was a lame attempt. Yeah, Chinese don't speak out. So what? She ain't stopping me from getting money. *shrugs*. Whats an apology going to do? If she ain't giving me a BJ for being sorry, I don't care. Keep the jokes coming, it ain't stopping me from eating. It's only accepted as even an "attempt" at comedy because it's offensive, so just don't be offended. She is riding the coat tails of her brother and Ryan Lochte actually got his time beaten by a 16yr old Chinese girl. Still not eating more or less, carry on.

This mentality is probably the reason why Asian Americans don't speak up. Asian Americans, though a large group, do not have the same power that some other minority groups have, so they don't really command the same respect. Even if Asian Americans have a voice, it will fall on deaf ears. The media doesn't care, as big as the Asian community is, they don't look at them as being a part of the main audience base, and they are not a part of their financial backing; thus, the opinions of Asians have no real power over the media. That's why Asian Americans won't voice up, they think it's useless and at the end of the day, a joke will not make them eat more or less.

Also, it's well known that comedians and even the media, likes to test it's limits. If they can get away with racial jokes/stereotypes once, it will keep happening from different outlets and it slowly becomes socially acceptable.

And another reason why no one has spoke up, most of the Asian population in the United States are probably first generation immigrants, so they are not exposed to these stereotypes and do not understand them anyway. Things will change with the future generations.
Just read his sister's apology... I guess it was a fake skit interview

Keep it movin'
Not funny at all, but some of it is true though.

Regarding the Asian-Americans not getting media attention thing. Most of us don't care if we get attention or not. "Speak up?" Nah, we don't have to. We just do our own thing: make money, be successful, and remain humble. Asian-Americans being a large group? lulz. We make up less than 5% of the US population. Each race has its own identity - no need to compare each other, guise.
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