Who's this NTer (edited)

My dude stacks

I read all 12 pages,


Real talk though, you still aint answer (or maybe I over look it) why that convo look like your girl was trying to get at him...
My dude stacks

I read all 12 pages,


Real talk though, you still aint answer (or maybe I over look it) why that convo look like your girl was trying to get at him...
Originally Posted by SamDUH562

if you got the convo from her FB
go on her FB agian
goto dudes FB through her FB
post his FB and said girl

and your girl is getting at a dude with a fake name if you dont know who he is how can your girl know?
if she does ask her?

or am i missing something here
his fbook has nothing. no wall
Originally Posted by SamDUH562

if you got the convo from her FB
go on her FB agian
goto dudes FB through her FB
post his FB and said girl

and your girl is getting at a dude with a fake name if you dont know who he is how can your girl know?
if she does ask her?

or am i missing something here
his fbook has nothing. no wall
OP, so you lie about the whole damn shoe thing, only to reveal you are one of "those" dudes that are insecure about your lady? And you are on her facebook convos, and SHE's the one telling the dude about her dream? Seems to me you should be confronting your girl, not the dude. You're looking real weak right now 
Just quit already.
OP, so you lie about the whole damn shoe thing, only to reveal you are one of "those" dudes that are insecure about your lady? And you are on her facebook convos, and SHE's the one telling the dude about her dream? Seems to me you should be confronting your girl, not the dude. You're looking real weak right now 
Just quit already.
jay is smashing your chick while wearing his newly aquired cool greys and you come to NT for help?
jay is smashing your chick while wearing his newly aquired cool greys and you come to NT for help?
i got no idea how much more clear i gotta be. this +%@+ aint ducktales. this dude is flirtin and +%@+ with my chick using a fake *%$ name on facebook. they never met in real life
i got no idea how much more clear i gotta be. this +%@+ aint ducktales. this dude is flirtin and +%@+ with my chick using a fake *%$ name on facebook. they never met in real life
Originally Posted by roback1991

I'll just leave this right here next to this.
Cool Zwinky, bro.

that ain't me, bro. strongbad is some character from homestarrunner and i put an extra s cause strongbad was taken. you trying too hard
Originally Posted by roback1991

I'll just leave this right here next to this.
Cool Zwinky, bro.

that ain't me, bro. strongbad is some character from homestarrunner and i put an extra s cause strongbad was taken. you trying too hard
Originally Posted by sstrongbad

i got no idea how much more clear i gotta be. this +%@+ aint ducktales. this dude is flirtin and +%@+ with my chick using a fake *%$ name on facebook. they never met in real life

Your girlfriend dreamt of a dude she's never met, then hit him up to tell him the story. 
Also, this happened over a month ago.

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Jay Laguatan has been inside your girlfriend.
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