Who's Your Favorite Character From The Office?

All the characters to an extent but Michael, Dwight, and usually anything involving Toby are laugh out loud moments for me.

Eps with Darryl are funny too
I can't lie, Creed kills me sometimes.

Creed: A lot of jazz cats are blind. But they can play the piano like nobody's business. I'd like to put the piano in front of Pam, without her glasses, and see what happens. I'd also like to see her topless.
was watching this episode tonight

Michael: David said you and I should get to know each other better. So I would like you to tell me something that you've never told anybody before.
Charles: No.
Michael: Come on. What's your wife's name? Where did you work before you came here?
Charles: Saticoy Steel.
Michael: Beautiful. African-Americans have such a rich history of unusual names.
Creed is definately my favorite. hes just so random and creepy lol. i enjoy everybody on the show but u can never guess what Creed is gonna say in anysituation.
I been wondering since I've been re-watching the seasons why do you guys like Creed so much? He has his moments but funniest or your fav? Dude is barely onthe show although when he does have lines they're usually funny.
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