Why all the love for the Penny 1/2 cents and no love for Jordan Spiz'ikes?

Both are trash.

There's no difference between...

I'm pretty sure NT wasn't born to speak about horrid hybrids like those.
both are like by me but Kev D tastefully designed the 1/2 cent. also, there were so many other jordan hybrids that they spiz'ikes didnt have a chance.
I can't waitfor these
colorways make all the difference in the world.. first spizikes and cg spizikes are the only ones i can mess wit.
half cents are done tastefully and look smooth...Spizikes are thrown together and look sloppy the and triangle from the 4s kills the flow of the whole shoe..
1/2 Cent's are 1,000,000x better than any fused Jordan! They mesh well and the quality is great!
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