Why are so many people against Puerto Rico becoming a state?

If Puerto Rico were to be admitted to the Union, it would be a blue state. Democrats want this and haven't been shy about their desires either. The population that isn't doing well for themselves would be manipulated via entitlement programs.
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This topic is very funny. Puerto Ricans want to become an independent country and want independence from the US. Yes good luck with that, watch PR become the next DR or haiti, they'll be crawling back begging to be a state/commonwealth.

The only reason Puerto Rico can keep its head up above water is with all the assistance, bail outs and benefits it receives from being a commonwealth of the US.

i think the island of Puerto Rico is content with it's common-wealth situation it has with America. Even with the issues with Vieques.

you have to ask yourself...what does puerto rico produce? what resources?....the economy of puerto rico would plummet, if it were not the us. the only industry they have is tourism.

also if i might add there is a big differennce between nuyoricans and native puerto ricans from the island. a huge difference. I would say nyricans want to be black, have tattoos, wear baggy clothes and fitted caps, listen to rap and appear to want to be criminals (judging a book by its cover).

the puerto ricans in new york don't even speak spanish, its almost as if they want to renounce their hispanic/latin heritage.

factor in also that majority of nyricans in the bronx, manhattan, brooklyn are on foodstamps, ebt and government assistance.

also puerto ricans from the island are very racist towards african-american/blacks....afro-puerto ricans are treated like second class citizens...denied education/health care and jobs....

there is old puerto ricans from the island that will make the kkk look like choir boys...seriously...

76% of the puerto rican population on the native island are white or descedents from europeans/spaniards....

What the **** ?
I didn't know this was a thing...

Somebody asked this in the Presidential election thread but nobody answered.

I've seen multiple people on twitter today mad about the idea of Puerto Rico becoming the 51st state, I was trying to understand why but didn't really get a conclusive answer.

Insight anybody?

That dude who wrote what he wrote is ignorant.

I've been to P.R. twice and I've asked and they could careless. They're happy being a common wealth. I'm happy their women look like they do. Win-Win.

And from my time there...P.R. is doing fine. Everyone is happy and so kind.
I was asking this because apparently the people, in majority, voted to become the 51st state.

Not trying to sound like a jerk but based on the replies I've read I guess nobody else heard about that.

I was just wondering why people who in the United States are opposing it, besides the fact it would obviously be a blue state.
:rofl: Ninjahood is bout to ether you


u mean the guy who is at the end of this gif?


pffstt yea right.

using plantain as a phone :smokin
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ricans is weak for wanting to be a state if thats really true.

all that national pride down da toilet.

i think common wealth is just fine for em, all da US benefits, none of da weaknesses.
This topic is very funny. Puerto Ricans want to become an independent country and want independence from the US. Yes good luck with that, watch PR become the next DR or haiti, they'll be crawling back begging to be a state/commonwealth.

The only reason Puerto Rico can keep its head up above water is with all the assistance, bail outs and benefits it receives from being a commonwealth of the US.

i think the island of Puerto Rico is content with it's common-wealth situation it has with America. Even with the issues with Vieques.

you have to ask yourself...what does puerto rico produce? what resources?....the economy of puerto rico would plummet, if it were not the us. the only industry they have is tourism.

also if i might add there is a big differennce between nuyoricans and native puerto ricans from the island. a huge difference. I would say nyricans want to be black, have tattoos, wear baggy clothes and fitted caps, listen to rap and appear to want to be criminals (judging a book by its cover).

the puerto ricans in new york don't even speak spanish, its almost as if they want to renounce their hispanic/latin heritage.

factor in also that majority of nyricans in the bronx, manhattan, brooklyn are on foodstamps, ebt and government assistance.

also puerto ricans from the island are very racist towards african-american/blacks....afro-puerto ricans are treated like second class citizens...denied education/health care and jobs....

there is old puerto ricans from the island that will make the kkk look like choir boys...seriously...

76% of the puerto rican population on the native island are white or descedents from europeans/spaniards....
made a new screen name cuz you scared of ninja hood?
The older PR generation would have been opposed to the idea, the newer generation have been under the American influence since young, so to them I doubt it makes a difference, hence why they are pro-statehood.

My father-in-law who's Dominican was telling me how back in the day when PR was its own country, dudes used to migrate to DR in search for a better life, so I don't think they'll be better off on their own...PRs have benefitted a lot from vein a commonwealth....
This topic is very funny. Puerto Ricans want to become an independent country and want independence from the US. Yes good luck with that, watch PR become the next DR or haiti, they'll be crawling back begging to be a state/commonwealth.

The only reason Puerto Rico can keep its head up above water is with all the assistance, bail outs and benefits it receives from being a commonwealth of the US.

i think the island of Puerto Rico is content with it's common-wealth situation it has with America. Even with the issues with Vieques.

you have to ask yourself...what does puerto rico produce? what resources?....the economy of puerto rico would plummet, if it were not the us. the only industry they have is tourism.

also if i might add there is a big differennce between nuyoricans and native puerto ricans from the island. a huge difference. I would say nyricans want to be black, have tattoos, wear baggy clothes and fitted caps, listen to rap and appear to want to be criminals (judging a book by its cover).

the puerto ricans in new york don't even speak spanish, its almost as if they want to renounce their hispanic/latin heritage.

factor in also that majority of nyricans in the bronx, manhattan, brooklyn are on foodstamps, ebt and government assistance.

also puerto ricans from the island are very racist towards african-american/blacks....afro-puerto ricans are treated like second class citizens...denied education/health care and jobs....

there is old puerto ricans from the island that will make the kkk look like choir boys...seriously...

76% of the puerto rican population on the native island are white or descedents from europeans/spaniards....
Possibly the enormous amount of debt, high unemployment, and the lack of value it would add to the US.
I take it you don't go out much or have been to jail out there.  Majority of the hispanic fees I've dealt with in CA were PR or PR mixed
OH ok.

there's probably less than 500k puerto ricans in california, a state of almost 38 million ppl. but the "majority" of broads you 'dealt with' are puerto ricans.
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