why are you fat?

fat people
"Genetics! Metabolism!
" You're preaching to the choir.

No excuses. Go do something. Move your body in some way.

Originally Posted by BgL2687

Because I can afford steak and lobster every night for dinner.

Those foods aren't even unhealthy (if you eat them the right way).
Originally Posted by retr0sxual

"Genetics! Metabolism!
" You're preaching to the choir.

No excuses. Go do something. Move your body in some way.

Originally Posted by BgL2687

Because I can afford steak and lobster every night for dinner.

Those foods aren't even unhealthy (if you eat them the right way).
You already know I got a whole cup of butter right nextto the lobster tail.
i been losing a lot of weight, im at 208 6'0, i was 259 back in jan, but it feels like when i get fit imma still be fat in the inside lol,
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Seriously, what's so hard about staying in shape?
Seems that way but it's kinda like asking an addict what's hard about staying sober though. For someone that might have been fat theirwhole lives or might suffer from depression or some sort of overeating disorder, staying in shape and eating healthy can take a seriously concentrated effort.It can be done but it's not necessarily that easy. Food is no different than any other vice for some people.

Originally Posted by 18key

I swear if it weren't for my metabolism I'd be about 250.
I don't know how I stayed skinny as a kid because I ate like a @*@!!@! MONSTER. I was pretty active though... but I thank Godfor my metabolism and I hope I keep it for a while because I should be like 500lbs by now.

When I got to college and the Freshman 15 proved to be allll too real.
I was mad as hell by sophomore year but then I buckled down and got rid of it. Ihad never given weight any thought until then though. Nobody's ever called me fat but I was too big for ME. I went to the campus doctor for some eye drops,nurse weight me and I couldn't believe my ears. lol Plus, I couldn't wear some of the things I wanted...well, I COULD have but I'm not one ofthose girls.
When I lost weight though, I ended up losing a LOT. I turned into a fitness Nazi and I couldn'tstop. That was the smallest I had ever been, since I was like 13. I was looking like Nicole Richie before she had her babies.
In a way I laughed. at this. But I was one of those "fat kids"

From 252 wearing a 2XL and 38-40 waist to 195 as of right now wearing a L and 34 waist. Once you get tired of moving all that weight around you begin to dosomething about.

I was in depression (long story) and ate my way to satisfaction. But realized that in order to be happy be happy with yourself, and GET OUT AND WORK ON YOURSELF.
i've lost like 40-50 pounds since June 08, and I've maintained a healthy weight for almost a year now...

it comes down to hittin up the gym and not overindulging yourself. i don't even eat that healthy...but anyway, it is a lot based on genetics but imo itcomes down to how much you care about your body, and taking action going to the gym and making wiser choices eating.
It sounds cliche, but when folks say that you can't "diet" but you have to make a lifestyle change...that's real talk. But once you do it,it's always with you. Just gotta stay on it.
im not a shame of my size im 6'3 250 i was as high as 280 about 6 months ago ive been tryin like hell to get under 250 and stay there but my eatin problemsare killing me.

if i stay around 250 ill be cool not happy but cool
CasperJr, how do you carry it? At 6'3" that might not look that bad. Although, I'm bad at man weight. I don't know how you guys aredistributed. I always thought men were heavier than women off GP. I don't know.
Doesn't SOUND bad though. Guys say how much they weigh sometimesand it's like... wha??? Weird.
Originally Posted by acidicality

i've lost like 40-50 pounds since June 08, and I've maintained a healthy weight for almost a year now...

it comes down to hittin up the gym and not overindulging yourself. i don't even eat that healthy...but anyway, it is a lot based on genetics but imo it comes down to how much you care about your body, and taking action going to the gym and making wiser choices eating.
my lord. good stuff though.
poor diet for me... but i dont consider myself fat... just carrying a layer of sealant protecting my muscles. I think im at 14%bf
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Seriously, what's so hard about staying in shape?
Dedication, time, and motivation. And as you get older, metabolism and testosterone slow down.

Some people out there can eat up a storm of junk food and be fit early in their lives...try that when they're in their 30s+ and you will get that SirCharles belly.

Once you start, it becomes highly addicted to exercise though.
I attribute it to a lack of motivation. I've fluctuated up and down since I was in high school. I'm 5'10", and at 16 I weighed 232 pounds. Iswore to myself that I wouldn't get any heavier, and I ran 2 miles every day until I made it down to 183 pounds. I gained a freshman 20 and stayed at 205for a while, started working out more and got up to 215, got into a relationship and got up to 225, got married and got up to 250. I'm back down at 230right now, but I just don't force myself to workout all the time. I was good for a while, I lost 20 pounds from December of 2008 to June of 2009, andI've been maintaining since then. I need to cut back my diet and start running more to get back on track.
Originally Posted by Dylishis

It sounds cliche, but when folks say that you can't "diet" but you have to make a lifestyle change...that's real talk. But once you do it, it's always with you. Just gotta stay on it.
I agree with you although there are many simple things that people can do to better themselves but are not willing to

if you cut soda, and fast food out of your diet you would be amazed at how much of a difference that would make
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Seriously, what's so hard about staying in shape?
Dedication, time, and motivation. And as you get older, metabolism and testosterone slow down.

Some people out there can eat up a storm of junk food and be fit early in their lives...try that when they're in their 30s+ and you will get that Sir Charles belly.

Once you start, it becomes highly addicted to exercise though.
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