Why are you voting for Barack Obama? ...from a Republican

Mar 27, 2005
First off let me say that I am not trying to start a heated debate. I am simply asking a question. As a proud supporter of John McCain, I would like to knowwhat is the reasoning behind your cast of ballot for Barack Obama? I will not reply with reasons why I think you're wrong, because lets be honest, does itreally matter? I'm not going to change your view and you wont change mine. If your reasons are, "because Oprah supports him" or "becausehe's black" then fine. I just want to know. If you aren't voting or aren't 18, please dont add your 2 cents. I want views from people that areactually impacting this most important election. Thanks everyone.
Cuz Obama is the new black
Don't like McCain or Palin, especially Palin. Christian extremists have no place in high office
. This election has brought out a very hateful side ofthe population [both parties] that I can't wait to see go back into hiding. Those McCain rallies
...the racist jokes on radio/tv/fox news

I'm prochoice and for gay marriage personally, two issues I believe Barack will help progress. His immigration reform seems realistic.
i consider myself a political liberal, and I share more of the same ideologies with Barack Obama and Joe Biden than I do with John McCain and Sarah Palin,especially on the issues of energy, abortion, and economics.
...haven't made up my mind yet....but I'm leaning towards the big O.

and it's b/c neither McCain nor Obama are going to be fiscal conservatives...that much is obvious...so if gov't $$'s are going to bespent...I'd rather it spent on things that will help the general US population and the economy.
beat your own horse Daytona. Why not add something relevant to probably the most important current issue.
Energy: Mccain provides nothing but an ilusion. "drill baby drill" We can't drill our way out we only have 3% of the oil supply and we need %25.

Health care: Mccain provides another illusion. He will give a $5000 tax credit while taxing benefits for the first time and cutting medicare by about$1trillion.

Campain credibility: mccain has run a dishonest campain from the getgo. Claiming he is for change. Claiming Obama supports sex ed for kindergarteners. ClaimingObama is a terrorist or at least "palling around with terrorists".

Vice president selection: Mccain chose palin. She is nowhere near ready to run the country.

To all these issues Obama presents real solutions they may not be quick fixes but Obama knows what needs to happen in the long term to save this country.
I honestly feel like the McCain campaign has repeatedly stooped too low in their political strategies. Whether it's out of desperation or what, I'veseen enough and I wouldn't trust these people in office the same way I didn't trust the Bush administration.
i was kinda undecided... but then McCain picked Palin.. that completely turned me off.. i know Obama has as little experience as she does but she just seemslike a small town ditz who made in big in Alaska. Whenever i say this people say, well shes not running as President.. but just WHAT IF... oh.. and McCainwould be the new Bush. 8 years of you Repubs ruining America was enough for me
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Republicans are being pushed out because they had eight years of the presidency,about a dozen years' control of Congress, and they chronically appeared on the wrong side of issues that were important to people's well being. Wasthat what they were elected to do, no. When somebody abuses the public's trust, such as by invading Iraq, reversing hard-won civil liberties, andexploding the size of government bureaucracy--when Republicans historically were anti-interventionist, pro-freedom and anti-bloat--it is a moral imperative tovote the offenders out of office.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]That does not change the central principles most Americans believe in. Butsometimes we need a leader who will tackle the task of turning the wheel when no direction is a popular one. We need leadership that disregards their ownpersonal good and tries to steer the country down the difficult path of improvement. The way the GOP machine is set up, it is impossible for them to nominateand elect that kind of leader. John McCain became the nominee because he was the most distant Republican of note from W's organization, but then he justgot sucked right into that machine, and now he is indistinguishable.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]This is not an election race about ideology. Obama may stand for many things, andthere is implicit value in breaking the caucasian dominance of the presidency, but this race is only about cleaning house. I'm voting for Obama because heis what America needs, someone who hasn't been in the hell-hole of Washington D.C. @*+%*** stuff up for this past decade.[/color]
it really comes down to a lesser of 2 evils for me. Im a registered Dem. but before the debates I was open to voting for whoevers policies I agreed with more.Before 2004 when McCain became obsessed with trying to please religious freaks he wasnt all that bad. Then when he started trying to get everybody scared ofObama forcing this "paling around with terrorists" junk instead of running a real campaign and the last straw was selecting Palin. Im not pleasedwith either candidate and all politicians lie so im kind of stuck but at this point I think Obama would lie to us the least, so thats where im at right now.
McCain reminds me too much of Bush and I don't want another 4 years of this

Obama has a better understanding of my life than McCain

The thought of Palin being a VP or President scares me
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000
Basically. I'm gonna answer in the broadest sensepossible. I don't trust the Republican Party. Period. Weknow what they're about (rich get richer, poor get poorer) and when you got McCain agreeing with Bush 90 percent of the time, it's almost a deadgiveaway. They've ran a negative campaign and have drawn so much negative media attention. Palin's NOT prepared as VP much less the Presidential spotin the event that McCain die, God forbid. They fire shots at the other campaign all too often. Not to say that either campaign doesn't or hasn't in thepast, but this campaign kicked it up a notch like Emeril. It's pretty much in my nature to accept the Democratic Party. My parents have always beenDemocrats, but trust that I've listened to both sides. All I see in the McCain/Palin campaign is a former POW that is building his credibilty off the factthat he served in the army. And an attractive VP candidate that is less qualified than Roger Rabbit. I bet you all Meth could take her position with ease.Let's not mention the Real McCain vids. I've lived by those and have mentioned them on NT time after time. It's contradiction after contradictionafter contradiction. It's lies. He says one thing here, the opposite there, another thing there, and so on. We're supposed to trust a man that ispreaching different policies everytime he steps up to a podium? No thank you. I choose the blue path. He's changing up his gameplan everytime he crosses astate line. I could believe him, but we've been under Republican rule for 8 years and I'd rather not take the risk. I'm a middle-class American andI'd rather try something different and see how it goes for me. I'll spit in the mirror if I'm wrong later, but as for now, I'm PrO-bama.
Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

Don't like McCain or Palin, especially Palin. Christian extremists have no place in high office
. This election has brought out a very hateful side of the population [both parties] that I can't wait to see go back into hiding. Those McCain rallies
...the racist jokes on radio/tv/fox news

I'm prochoice and for gay marriage personally, two issues I believe Barack will help progress. His immigration reform seems realistic.

I couldn't agree more. I think people should look at their overall policies instead of just picking one and rolling with that candidate for that reason.For example, my sister-n-law is voting McCain because he's pro-life and she's a firm believer in that... thats cool and all but theres gotta be morethan just that.

I 'm voting Obama because he's got a bunch of fresh & new ideas (some might be the same that Clinton had). But I'm not sure if I know what hisplans are and if he has a backup plan to help the economy.

I like the fact that he's focused and has a lot of determination and he's very confident. Thats a leader that we need. He might not be experienced butat least he wants to give it his all.

He has good advisors around him & I think Joe Biddin is well qualified to be VP as well as President. That to me is important because I seriously feel thatthere are people that would rather see Obama dead than be a president.

McCain is not in good health and incase something happens to him, Sarah Palin sure as hell doesn't know what she's doing. Average life expectancy is 75and lets just say his time is approaching... god forbid he has another stroke.

McCain doesn't seem to be confident like he was in the begining of the election.

He has a bad temper which will not fly in the white house especially dealing with foriegn leaders. The last thing this country needs is to be put at risk fornot reacting properly.
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