Why are you voting for Barack Obama? ...from a Republican

Originally Posted by infamousod

Originally Posted by eNPHAN


i understand you guys are salty....

i can tell by the tone of your posts...

"why are you voting for him? because oprah says so and hes black?"


"voting against McCain isnt the same as voting for Obama"


Just breathe, and accept that people actually like him and are going to vote for him....

just how you cant fathom why someone would vote for Obama, we can't fathom how you're voting for McCain...

as salty as you are now, i'm eager to see the posts AFTER nov. 4th....

i can hear the tears in your posts....

heh you're the kind of person that makes it difficult for me to ever vote for a democrat at all. I really try to be unbiased and even which is why I really wish people would at least consider both sides like I have but then someone like you comes along and tries to insult me. part of me wants Obama to win to see what all your reactions will be in 4 years when things are either the same or worse.
You just got on my nerves right there bro. Why do you keep attacking or responding to every single post like you have it all figured out. Andthat line that I put in bold clearly shows that you sir, are the ignorant one. Whether your for McCain or not, the fact that you want to see failure to proveYOUR point, does not improve your standing in this country anymore than it does for most people on this board. You have just as much to lose my friend. Ivoted for Obama for my reasons. If McCain wins, then the people have spoken, and I'll support him because we can't do anything but play by the rules,but in no way would I hope he fails as a President, because that puts at stake my future and the future of this country.
It was pretty obvious in their VP choices that McCain is running to benefit himself, Obama is running to benefit the country.
sorry but my attempt to be unbiased goes back to the beginning of this election but I end up defending McCain on NT and defending Obama in rl. I end updefending whoever is being unjustly spoken against. I really try to be unbiased, I listen to both sides without bias and I still rather vote for McCain in thisinstance. if for nothing else, social issues.

this video doesn't sum up the problems but its one of the problems.
keep in mind that I'm not a fan of Howard Stern, but this was still a little surprising. in an extended version they have the one black McCain voter theyfound and he screws up just as bad. and this would happen just the same in a rural town in Alabama.

and that's why I have a problem with people voting *against* a candidate instead of for a candidate.
Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

Originally Posted by infamousod

Originally Posted by eNPHAN


i understand you guys are salty....

i can tell by the tone of your posts...

"why are you voting for him? because oprah says so and hes black?"


"voting against McCain isnt the same as voting for Obama"


Just breathe, and accept that people actually like him and are going to vote for him....

just how you cant fathom why someone would vote for Obama, we can't fathom how you're voting for McCain...

as salty as you are now, i'm eager to see the posts AFTER nov. 4th....

i can hear the tears in your posts....

heh you're the kind of person that makes it difficult for me to ever vote for a democrat at all. I really try to be unbiased and even which is why I really wish people would at least consider both sides like I have but then someone like you comes along and tries to insult me. part of me wants Obama to win to see what all your reactions will be in 4 years when things are either the same or worse.
You just got on my nerves right there bro. Why do you keep attacking or responding to every single post like you have it all figured out. And that line that I put in bold clearly shows that you sir, are the ignorant one. Whether your for McCain or not, the fact that you want to see failure to prove YOUR point, does not improve your standing in this country anymore than it does for most people on this board. You have just as much to lose my friend. I voted for Obama for my reasons. If McCain wins, then the people have spoken, and I'll support him because we can't do anything but play by the rules, but in no way would I hope he fails as a President, because that puts at stake my future and the future of this country.

that's why I said part of me. regardless of who wins I want the country to get better. my point with that statement was that I don't think Obama willmake any difference. but some people aren't voting on the issues and part of me wants to see what tune they will be singing after staunchly supporting oneperson and that person not working out. that said I don't think McCain will make that big an impact either. the main reason I would vote for McCain overObama is the three supreme court seats that will become vacant within the next presidential term.
Actually I took the initiative and looked at the last 5 pages on the general forum as well as searched "obama" and it came up with nothing, which Iknow is obviously not true. NT fix search and I'll use it.

you must not listen to a word anyone says. Obviously some people (who have posted here already) have their justified reasons. WHAT ARE THEY?!?! Thats thepoint. What do you like about Obama? Which policies? What do you think he could do better in Washington? Do you have any negative views about him? I dont likeeverything McCain says, so what? Its people like you that get in here and screw a thread up.
My 2 cents:

Wealth Redistribution FTL...IMO

And why does everyone say a heartbeat away from the presidency, does everyone assume that when you reach your seventies you just....die?
his stance on the war is #1. My mom is a public school teacher and I've seen how $$+**# up that profession has been in the past 8 years, I favorObama's stance on Education. And as a student the $4,000 for tuition in exchange for community service sounds good, other issues like Abortion, etc behindthat. I also could never see myself voting for a party who will have Sarah Palin as VP.


"I hated the g**ks. I will hate them as long as I live."-John McCain
I'm not even Korean(I'm white) and I can't comprehend a potential president having this idea.
The reason why Democrats control Congress, and will do so in increasing force, isbecause many of the people who voted for Republicans since 1994 discovered that those people they put in office did not do much of anything about thecountry's problems. Didn't turn out that those problems had anything remotely to do with the hot button issues the GOP organizers identified for eachcampaign.

The divided house strategy was supposed to be good because it prevented BillClinton from having the votes to do anything extreme. Wall Street loved that division, because President Clinton was great for the country's image abroad,while at home Congress made sure he had to go the middle of the road.

Then it was supposed to be good for Congress to be divided under W, to keep him incheck. In both cases, we can see now what suffered. When the partisan battle so ridiculously uncommunicative, divided as wide as the Grand Canyon, anyattempt by one side to do something daring and difficult turns into a golden opportunity for the other side to go populist.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Seriously, it is grossly unfair to take this seeming landslide in Obama'sfavor and portray it as a judgment against the beliefs of those who want lower taxes, less government red tape, more incentive to pursue excellence, and lessreward for sloth.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]This is about the Iraq lie, Katrina, and the gaping crater in the middle of WallStreet. You can't simply take all that lying down. Someone has to pay. After that, then you worry about the future. Obama can't change much untilhis third budget cycle, and by then, need be, you will have had time to change the face of Congress.

Obama for Change in 08

Originally Posted by bns1201

My 2 cents:

Wealth Redistribution FTL...IMO

And why does everyone say a heartbeat away from the presidency, does everyone assume that when you reach your seventies you just....die?
Originally Posted by infamousod

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by infamousod

sounds like a lot of people are voting against McCain instead of for Obama... they aren't the same thing.
They're not the same thing, but they should be acted upon in the same manner in this case.

that doesn't even make sense. what I'm saying is people aren't really voting on the issues they are just looking for "change." you might not think that's a bad thing but these people should look at the candidates free from their party's history and pay more attention to their plans in general.

Nobody told people to not look at their plans. By all means, read up. The argument stated was that people are voting for Obama because they don't likeMcCain. Well I don't like McCain's plans, ergo, I will be voting for Obama. I would advise everyone and everyone that doesn't like McCain to govote for Obama. Conversely, if you don't like Obama, go ahead and vote for McCain. I didn't think it was that hard to comprehend.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

dude, why does it matter noone values you enough to type out a post explaining WHY we support who we support?

the differences in their policies are night and day....

you can assume someone in support of Barack Obama agrees with very little McCain has to say and vice versa.

you posting that howard stern video is irrelevant....like it was said IN THE ORIGINAL POST THAT CLIP WAS POSTED IN, they couldve interviewed 1500 people to find those three responses...and even if they didn't, so? have you not seen countless videos where McCain supports call Obama arab and terrorist, or worse, scream "KILL HIM" at rallies?

this is like a 4 week cycle of repeating posts...

you aren't the first, nor will you be the last...this isn't a "new" question, nor is it intelligent or smart...just stop.

p.s. your thread was screwed the moment you pressed "add post"

I have seen those videos and I acknowledged that it would be the same no matter what, both are very relevant. I did not create this thread I'm just hopingpeople stop voting against someone.
You know whats also hilarious to me... everyone keeps *##@!$%+ on obama because of the wealth redistribution plan, BUT i can GAURANTEE you if Mccain came outwith that plan instead of obama, this wouldnt be as big a deal! I think when FILTHY rich WHITE people hear the words Wealth redistribution plan come out ofobamas (black man) mouth, for them, that translates to... "White people i want to take all your money and give it to black people, so that black peoplecan be rich and we can all be equal." I am PROBAMA! Unfortunately, I dont think obama will win simply because of all the closet racism that still existsin america! A lot of people say they are voting/gonna vote for obama, but they are really lying out there *@@!
Originally Posted by infamousod

sorry but my attempt to be unbiased goes back to the beginning of this election but I end up defending McCain on NT and defending Obama in rl. I end up defending whoever is being unjustly spoken against. I really try to be unbiased, I listen to both sides without bias and I still rather vote for McCain in this instance. if for nothing else, social issues.

this video doesn't sum up the problems but its one of the problems.
keep in mind that I'm not a fan of Howard Stern, but this was still a little surprising. in an extended version they have the one black McCain voter they found and he screws up just as bad. and this would happen just the same in a rural town in Alabama.

and that's why I have a problem with people voting *against* a candidate instead of for a candidate.
howis that different from ******s and religious ppl voting for republicans because of that and not issues?

i sense racism
u mad
A lot of the 5% of Obama's tax targets provide jobs for a lot of the 95% of the redistribution recipients. Which means less jobs available to offset thenew taxes.

Capital gains tax will go up under Obama too. So if you make $1,000 off stocks in capital, you have to pay $200 to the government compared to $150 underMcCain's plan. Which is a reason a lot of people are selling right now and the market is going down.

Required health care is a bad idea too. You're going to see a lot less open jobs for business to foot the bill in health care.

The way I see it, Bush hasn't been that bad of a president. Sure he could've handled a few issues better (Katrina, war in Iraq), but otherwise thingshaven't been that bad.
Originally Posted by nnarum

A lot of the 5% of Obama's tax targets provide jobs for a lot of the 95% of the redistribution recipients. Which means less jobs available to offset the new taxes.

Capital gains tax will go up under Obama too. So if you make $1,000 off stocks in capital, you have to pay $200 to the government compared to $150 under McCain's plan. Which is a reason a lot of people are selling right now and the market is going down.
I seriously
when folks like yourself post thisnonsense. Do you even bother to read a candidates proposal before posting something that came out of McCain's mouth?

The 5% provide jobs for the 95%. OK so are you saying that for example a CEO from Time Warner making 10 million dollars a year who now has to PERSONALLY paymore in income taxes will begin laying off people? Is that your suggestion? How do you correlate this CEO's personal income taxes to laying off people toObama's tax plan? Do you even know how Corporate Taxation and Personal Income taxation works? Or do you just repeat everything McCain has been sayingwithout bothering to read, analyze, research if what they are saying is true?

Based on what you wrote OBVIOUSLY NOT! Yes Capital Gains tax will increase but if you bother to actually read Obama's tax plan, he is raising the MaximumCapital Gains tax from 15% to 20% on Long Term Gains on securities and Qualified Dividends for families making over $250,000. Did you forget that part? Didyou also forget the part on how Obama will eliminate all capital-gains taxes on start-ups and small businesses?

What's that term again.. oh yah FEAR MONGERING!!

bns1201 wrote:

My 2 cents:

Wealth Redistribution FTL...IMO

And why does everyone say a heartbeat away from the presidency, does everyone assume that when you reach your seventies you just....die?

Uhhh yes...typically. Is this some sort of trick question!? The average life expectancy for white males is around 75 yrs old. He's 72. Moreimportant, he's had three bouts with skin cancer... any reputable source would tell you he's lucky to still be around. Voting forMcCain is basically voting for Palin to be the president, which is nothing short of a natural disaster.
And why does everyone say a heartbeat away from the presidency, does everyone assume that when you reach your seventies you just....die?
Current life expectancy of a man in America is 73 years old. McCain is 72... so we're just not eliminating the idea that Palin is a heart beataway.

On to the topic.
I was pretty much on the fence for awhile. Militarily I don't support staying in Iraq or being over there in the first place but I do believe McCain wouldhelp out the military specially benefits and what not that is deserved.

Abortion thing to me is a non-issue. No one is going to change it, if they do people that don't want kids will find a way to abort them so really it'sa non issue to me. Lose-Lose

Taxes - I like Obama's plan, I don't think Republicans are even opening their ears on it. Right now the top 5% pay at or over 90% of the tax tab. Top5% being those that make $166,000 or more. I get that, how ever raising the taxes of those that make $250,000 or more and relieving us can help the economyout. Specially considering their taxes will not be any higher than they were in the Clinton days. Which the economy was doing very well.

McCain taxing health benefits is joke to me. "I'm going to put $5,000 back in your pockets and you can purchase you own health plan." That wouldbe great if health care wasn't almost $9,000+ so what's going to happen? I mean really you give everyone 5G's and see how many spend it on healthplans. You going to get millions of people paying off bills, buy new stuff etc. And when they get sick and need health care they are not going to be able topay for it... what do you suppose that will do to the economy?

Making it easier for people to attend higher learning institutions is a great idea by Barack.

Putting a priority and capital toward self sustained energy here in the US is a great idea by Barack.

Militarily I like McCain to a degree, however when it comes to repairing our reputation and standing in the world view I have to say I think Barack is bettersuited to start repairs on bridges Bush set on fire. And yes speaking to people with out preconditions is fine by me. We meet, we bring our views to the tabelwe discuss we build and learn from it. Preconditions is just a way of saying you do this and this or I won't even speak to you... where has that gotten us?

Cutting spending on EVERYTHING except the military is not such a great idea. What happens in the event of Catrina II? Another bridge collapse? No educationspending on expansion? McCain did say EVERYTHING...

#1 reason that I am not voting for McCain is a 2 fold answer.
A. I don't agree with the way his campaign is being run. Trying to feed off of the fear in Americans. If Barack wins this country is in trouble... as ifthis dude won't still be a Senator and serving this great nation. I know it's not his own fault but trying to use terrorism in the same sentence withBarack is not cool. Also I've heard him lately using Baracks middle name as if Saddam was anyone of importance when Barack was born and given that name.Just not a good look to be throwing that kind of mud.

B. His running mate selection Palin. She is a mess and quite frankly I am surprised Republicans even have interest in her. Seriously she doesn't even knowwhat the VP is responsible for, can't even name a magazine she has read, just got a passport last year, claims she is a main street girl with main streetpeople in mind while she spends $150,000 on cloths.

I'm sure there are more reasons but those are a few.

Funny to me how less than 5% of Americans will be affected by Barack's tax plan but every Republican is complaining likethey are going to suffer...

Stop saying your Republican just to sound like your rich...you are not.

We should stop choosing party lines and start being Americans and voting for the best canidate no matter the party.
eNPHAN wrote:
Originally Posted by knightngale

Originally Posted by infamousod

sorry but my attempt to be unbiased goes back to the beginning of this election but I end up defending McCain on NT and defending Obama in rl. I end up defending whoever is being unjustly spoken against. I really try to be unbiased, I listen to both sides without bias and I still rather vote for McCain in this instance. if for nothing else, social issues.

this video doesn't sum up the problems but its one of the problems.
keep in mind that I'm not a fan of Howard Stern, but this was still a little surprising. in an extended version they have the one black McCain voter they found and he screws up just as bad. and this would happen just the same in a rural town in Alabama.

and that's why I have a problem with people voting *against* a candidate instead of for a candidate.
howis that different from ******s and religious ppl voting for republicans because of that and not issues?

i sense racism
u mad

"and this would happen just the same in a rural town in Alabama. "

I sense someone can't read.

if anything the people calling Obama a muslim extremist and terrorist are worse.
Look. This is what I saw throughout this entire joke of a McCain campaign.

McCain initially threw the "Experience" card. The problem is...he's TOO damn old. Another problem is that he had too many policies similar toBush. FAIL.

Then, he rode the "Change" card by nominating Palin. It looked like a brilliant move until America realized how MORONIC she was. Common folkdidn't care if she had Executive experience in ALASKA. That's like being proud of professional football experience in Detroit. FAIL.

Then, he shifted over to "Country First"...suspending his campaign to focus on the economic crisis. Maverick. Maverick. Maverick. Funny thingis...this wasn't a Mavericky move after all considering that Obama introduced the idea. However, McCain jumped the gun and saw it as a potential politicaltrump card and put Obama in a funny situation...as if Obama had no choice but to FOLLOW McCain. Risky, political move...could've worked...DIDN'T WORK.Stocks plummet. FAIL.

Then, McCain gets blasted in the first debate...that he tried to postpone, Palin is ridiculously scripted and reverting back to topics that she rehearsed thebest instead of going into depth about the topic at hand, and McCain starts to come off as a bickering old man from here on out during the debates. FAIL.

Him and his campaign openly decide to take their gloves off and start swinging as a last resort...low blows and imploding within their own party. FAIL.

Those are reasons enough.
Originally Posted by infamousod

eNPHAN wrote:
Originally Posted by knightngale

Originally Posted by infamousod

sorry but my attempt to be unbiased goes back to the beginning of this election but I end up defending McCain on NT and defending Obama in rl. I end up defending whoever is being unjustly spoken against. I really try to be unbiased, I listen to both sides without bias and I still rather vote for McCain in this instance. if for nothing else, social issues.

this video doesn't sum up the problems but its one of the problems.
keep in mind that I'm not a fan of Howard Stern, but this was still a little surprising. in an extended version they have the one black McCain voter they found and he screws up just as bad. and this would happen just the same in a rural town in Alabama.

and that's why I have a problem with people voting *against* a candidate instead of for a candidate.
howis that different from ******s and religious ppl voting for republicans because of that and not issues?

i sense racism
u mad

"and this would happen just the same in a rural town in Alabama. "

I sense someone can't read.

if anything the people calling Obama a muslim extremist and terrorist are worse.
and stop trying to sound condescending like that if you can not even write at high school level
Originally Posted by JStar25

Funny to me how less than 5% of Americans will be affected by Barack's tax plan but every Republican is complaining like they are going to suffer...

Stop saying your Republican just to sound like your rich...you are not.

No, wait...

i think the most important thing you can vote on is thought process. i know it sounds geeky but that's all you can really judge. once in office thepresident will face challenges that they nor the country would have thought of. George Bush originally ran on a platform of pseudo isolationism, limitedgovernment and 'compassionate conservatism' but a lot happened in the world since he was elected.

My reasons:
i support O'Biden because i think he has a better mind for complex issues. (opposing the war, talking to our enemies w/o preconditions)
i think he can attract better talent around him of pragmatic people, not idealogues.
i think he's smarter than McCain and Palin.
i think his running mate gives him a competent perspective on foreign policy and adds to the strength of the group, whereas Palin does not add anything to theMcCain think tank.
i believe that being a minority he has a different perspective of the world than we are used to in our leaders. I think he can see multiple point of views,merits and demerits on both sides of issues. I couldn't imagine any politician giving a speech like the one he gave on race in Philly. Very nuanced andcaptured the feelings of both blacks and white about race in our country. this is a good thing as we will have deal with the grievances of citizens in themuslim world in order to secure our safety and economic interests.

plus he may be the poorest president we've ever had. i want a president that somewhat knows what economic pressure feels like.
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