Why are you voting for Barack Obama? ...from a Republican

Originally Posted by MisterP0315

I honestly feel like the McCain campaign has repeatedly stooped too low in their political strategies. Whether it's out of desperation or what, I've seen enough and I wouldn't trust these people in office the same way I didn't trust the Bush administration.

Pretty much sums it up...and I also don't want Palin ANYWHERE near power in my country!
I was on Obama's bandwagon real early. About 3 years ago I was hypin' him up to anyone who would listen, but recently I started falling away from that.Not towards McCain, but away from Obama. He definitely doesn't appeal to me the way he once did, but I'm voting for him, because I think he would bebetter suited for today's world. I'm very skeptic of his economic policies, but I honestly believe that is the least of our issues.

I just think McCain is a bit out of touch with today's reality. He has lots of good viewpoints, and I honestly can not give you one set in stone reason whyI am voting Obama, except that I think America needs a new face and a new direction, because we don't have much to lose right now. If he doesn't workout then that's fine, he'll be out in 4. I think it's a gamble worth taking considering the alternative.

One thing I worry about though, is how freely Obama telegraph's his strategy on foreign policy and dealing with other countries. Terrorists and RadicalGovernments alike could be sharpening their knives as we speak ready to pounce soon after election day. I hope that isn't the case, but that's whatworries me most about Barack Obama.
Originally Posted by btdpu

First off let me say that I am not trying to start a heated debate. I am simply asking a question. As a proud supporter of John McCain, I would like to know what is the reasoning behind your cast of ballot for Barack Obama? I will not reply with reasons why I think you're wrong, because lets be honest, does it really matter? I'm not going to change your view and you wont change mine. If your reasons are, "because Oprah supports him" or "because he's black" then fine. I just want to know. If you aren't voting or aren't 18, please dont add your 2 cents. I want views from people that are actually impacting this most important election. Thanks everyone.

That is exactly what you are trying to do. You have to know if you make a post like this, there will be a heated debate.
Originally Posted by RetroJTino

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000
Basically. I'm gonna answer in the broadest sense possible. I don't trust the Republican Party. Period. We know what they're about (rich get richer, poor get poorer) and when you got McCain agreeing with Bush 90 percent of the time, it's almost a dead giveaway. They've ran a negative campaign and have drawn so much negative media attention. Palin's NOT prepared as VP much less the Presidential spot in the event that McCain die, God forbid. They fire shots at the other campaign all too often. Not to say that either campaign doesn't or hasn't in the past, but this campaign kicked it up a notch like Emeril. It's pretty much in my nature to accept the Democratic Party. My parents have always been Democrats, but trust that I've listened to both sides. All I see in the McCain/Palin campaign is a former POW that is building his credibilty off the fact that he served in the army. And an attractive VP candidate that is less qualified than Roger Rabbit. I bet you all Meth could take her position with ease. Let's not mention the Real McCain vids. I've lived by those and have mentioned them on NT time after time. It's contradiction after contradiction after contradiction. It's lies. He says one thing here, the opposite there, another thing there, and so on. We're supposed to trust a man that is preaching different policies everytime he stpes up to a podium? No thank you. I choose the blue path. He's changing up his gameplan everytime he crosses a state line. I could believe him, but we've been under Republican rule for 8 years and I'd rather not take the risk. I'm a middle-class American and I'd rather try something different and see how it goes for me. I'll spit in the mirror if I'm wrong later, but as for now, I'm PrO-bama.

How do Democrats differ? They're just as greedy as Republicans, but they just fool everyone into thinkin' they're not. All politicians are scum.
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by RetroJTino

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000
Basically. I'm gonna answer in the broadest sense possible. I don't trust the Republican Party. Period. We know what they're about (rich get richer, poor get poorer) and when you got McCain agreeing with Bush 90 percent of the time, it's almost a dead giveaway. They've ran a negative campaign and have drawn so much negative media attention. Palin's NOT prepared as VP much less the Presidential spot in the event that McCain die, God forbid. They fire shots at the other campaign all too often. Not to say that either campaign doesn't or hasn't in the past, but this campaign kicked it up a notch like Emeril. It's pretty much in my nature to accept the Democratic Party. My parents have always been Democrats, but trust that I've listened to both sides. All I see in the McCain/Palin campaign is a former POW that is building his credibilty off the fact that he served in the army. And an attractive VP candidate that is less qualified than Roger Rabbit. I bet you all Meth could take her position with ease. Let's not mention the Real McCain vids. I've lived by those and have mentioned them on NT time after time. It's contradiction after contradiction after contradiction. It's lies. He says one thing here, the opposite there, another thing there, and so on. We're supposed to trust a man that is preaching different policies everytime he stpes up to a podium? No thank you. I choose the blue path. He's changing up his gameplan everytime he crosses a state line. I could believe him, but we've been under Republican rule for 8 years and I'd rather not take the risk. I'm a middle-class American and I'd rather try something different and see how it goes for me. I'll spit in the mirror if I'm wrong later, but as for now, I'm PrO-bama.

How do Democrats differ? They're just as greedy as Republicans, but they just fool everyone into thinkin' they're not. All politicians are scum.
Idon't think McCain is a bad candidate at all.

I dohowever, feel he isn't as fit to lead the United States through this specific time given his lack of knowledge and/or experience with economics. Hisprevious economic policies given at debates and rally's are rarely consistent as he tends to change and alter economic plans based on what will yieldbetter poll results. Obama, on the other hand, has been consistent with his economic policies throughout the course of the election, and displays a firmergrasp on this specific issue than his opponent. Warren Buffet also tips the scales in favor of Obama in this aspect.

Additionally, I am not a fan of McCains tax proposals as they seem to focus on big corporations andcompanies as opposed to focusing on middle and lower income America. I believe the next step to repairing our economy is focusing on restoring faith and trustin our economy for middle and low income Americans. I am disgusted with oil companies recording record quarterly profits while freshly graduated collegestudents like myself struggle to find a steady career in a highly competitive job market and weakened economy. I want help for the middle and low incomefamilies that make up America's majority, I don't believe McCain can bring it as well as Obama can.

Foreignpolicy is a sensitive issue for many of us. We have troops overseas fighting, dedicating their life on the whim of a higher ranking official's order. Isupport our troops, but I do not support this war. We utilize hundreds of billions of dollars overseas through our current administration and John McCain hasset no clear plan of pulling out of this war. He attacks Obama, labeling the removal of our troops as defeat and foolish, while I think we as a country havealready been defeated and are foolish not to pull out. Obama has at least set a plan to communicate and remove troops in an organized, gradualmanner.

GovernerPalin's choice as a running mate speaks more of McCain than it does of Palin. I'm sure we're all aware of the situation with the GOP Vice presidentnominee, and I'm not one to beat a dead horse, but I take a look at the Presidential Nominee foolish, and careless enough to choose such an unqualifiedmate to begin with. I believe her selection was based on a publicity stunt, rather than her ability to add value to the GOP camp. I do not want a presidentwith such poor judgment of character and values in our office.

Watch when Obama get in office he's gonna pull the okie dok (or whatever
) but I still ain't voting for McCain.
Oh... and another thing... This might not be a "logical reason".

But how in the hell do you not know how to check your e-mail? The man is old as dirt and doesn't know how to use a computer.

If you don't know how to use a computer, what does that say about you keeping up with todays advancement of technology?!

"Mommy guess what, the President came to our school and we got to teach him how to use a keyboard"
i'll keep it concise- i agree with him on 98% of his views.

+ i don't feel comfortable with Sarah Palins %*$ being a heartbeat away from controlling the country
sounds like a lot of people are voting against McCain instead of for Obama... they aren't the same thing.
Originally Posted by infamousod

sounds like a lot of people are voting against McCain instead of for Obama... they aren't the same thing.
They're not the same thing, but they should be acted upon in the same manner in this case.
Originally Posted by QueenCitySneakerQueen

his views are more relevant to mine

much much much more relevant.

not only that, but the dislike i have for McCain and Palin supporters is greater then the dislike i have for UCLA (im a HUGE USC fan) in fact that was aterrible analogy because its not even close, i actually hate a huge number of supporters on your side of the fence. I also think Palin is about as qualifiedas I am to be the next vice president.
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

How do Democrats differ? They're just as greedy as Republicans, but they just fool everyone into thinkin' they're not. All politicians are scum.

QFT. This election, as well as any other, is just choosing the lesser of two evils. Hands down. Who cares that one candidate is a POW and the other is ofcolor. They both got dirt in their fingernails. We know the system is corrupt anyway. But already being a Democrat and seeing the mistakes Bush has made, Ichoose the blue path, like I said before. I'm not willing to take a shot at the Republican Party again. So I quote myself.
I don't trust the Republican Party.
And it still doesn't cancel out the fact that Palin isn't qualified and has pitty-patted her way through this entire race. With McCainbeing so old, this is definitely a major concern. I'd rather see Biden in a position of power after an Obama assassination (God forbid) before Palin ispower because of a McCain health-related death. I'm not trying to belittle the McCain camp as if it's not able to do the job, in fact, I'm surethere's many thing McCain would do better than Obama, like Nat'l Security. He served the country since he was 17. He knows the ropes far better thanObama ever will. But I'm just not willing to take the risk as far as other policies go. Until I see "The Real Obama" videos where I see numerouscontradictions on his own policies, I'll pass a different judgment. Meanwhile, I stand strong.
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by infamousod

sounds like a lot of people are voting against McCain instead of for Obama... they aren't the same thing.
They're not the same thing, but they should be acted upon in the same manner in this case.

that doesn't even make sense. what I'm saying is people aren't really voting on the issues they are just looking for "change." you mightnot think that's a bad thing but these people should look at the candidates free from their party's history and pay more attention to their plans ingeneral.
Why am I voting for Obama -

Taxes - Decrease in personal income taxes for millions of middle class workers. I am a tax preparer in public accountant and I have no doubts thatObama's tax plan will save a good chunk of change for a majority of my clients including myself. Also what I like about it is that it will be funded bytaxing the upper 5% of taxpayers who have gotten out of paying their fair share due to Bush's tax cuts the past 8 years.

Iraq war - I have a wife in the Navy and several friends and extended family in the military. Obama wants to start bringing em home while McCain pledgesanother 4 years in Iraq. I easily favor Obama's plan.

Economy - Obama, Harvard degree, top of the class. McCain, 894th out of 899, bottom of the class at the Naval Academy. Nuff said

Also Obama favors Civil Rights, Clean energy solutions, and protrays himself with grace and calmness. Very Presidential.

Lastly my gripe with McCain is how fake his slogan is all about:

1. "Country First" yet his wife writes an article in Newsweek about helping other countries and not once mention how she will help American families.

2. McCain copied Obama's "CHANGE" slogan.

3. Copy cat Hillary Clinton's appeal to women by choosing a less that qualified candidate in Sarah Palin.

4. McCain was first against torture for Guantanamo bay detainees then backs Bush's veto to outlaw waterboarding.

5. Wants to enact a SPENDING FREEZE on all Federal programs such as "children's programs, social services, employment programs, alternative energy,food and drug safety, environmental protection, law enforcement" yet doesn't mind spending 10 Billion dollars a week for IRAQ.

6. McCain's attack ads are sickening. Pals around with a terrorist? The ONE? Negative advertising. Instead of focusing on McCain's issues, he wantsto discredit Obama. I mean if it is factual then I don't mind but most are inaccurate such as McCain continuing to attack Obama on his tax plan. The TaxPolicy Center even concluded that Obama's tax plan is better.


Full Text including the conclusion I posted below

Overall, the Obama plan would lower effective marginal tax rates for the majority of households. In 2009, only about 1 in 7 households would see an increase in their marginal rate. Only at the top of the income distribution-households making at least $500,000 a year-would a majority of taxpayers face higher rates. Obama's plan would leave the average marginal rate on wages and salaries for the economy as a whole unchanged at 24 percent in 2009. In that same year, close to 80 percent of the population would see no change in their marginal rates under Senator McCain's plan and most other tax units would face lower rates; only about 1 percent of households would experience a marginal rate increase under the fully phased in McCain plan. Overall, Senator McCain's plan would reduce the average marginal tax rate on wages and salaries by about 1 percentage point, to 23 percent in 2009.
Originally Posted by infamousod

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by infamousod

sounds like a lot of people are voting against McCain instead of for Obama... they aren't the same thing.
They're not the same thing, but they should be acted upon in the same manner in this case.

that doesn't even make sense. what I'm saying is people aren't really voting on the issues they are just looking for "change." you might not think that's a bad thing but these people should look at the candidates free from their party's history and pay more attention to their plans in general.
Not possible

But if I tried it still wouldnt push me to vote for McCain
Originally Posted by eNPHAN


i understand you guys are salty....

i can tell by the tone of your posts...

"why are you voting for him? because oprah says so and hes black?"


"voting against McCain isnt the same as voting for Obama"


Just breathe, and accept that people actually like him and are going to vote for him....

just how you cant fathom why someone would vote for Obama, we can't fathom how you're voting for McCain...

as salty as you are now, i'm eager to see the posts AFTER nov. 4th....

i can hear the tears in your posts....

salty? not at all... tone of my posts? yes you can tell so much from words on a page...right

I'm quite accepting that people like Obama. He seems like a good guy, great orator, Harvard Law grad. Just because I think he's a good guy doesn'tmean I'm going to vote for him.

Unlike you I actually can understand, or "fathom" why people vote for a particular candidate. Thats the reason why I started this thread in the firstplace. I wanted to see what peoples reasoning are.

Have I said anything to anyone except you and the dead horse dude? Not a word...and I wont say anything to people that actually try and answer my question,unlike your ******ed post.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN


i understand you guys are salty....

i can tell by the tone of your posts...

"why are you voting for him? because oprah says so and hes black?"


"voting against McCain isnt the same as voting for Obama"


Just breathe, and accept that people actually like him and are going to vote for him....

just how you cant fathom why someone would vote for Obama, we can't fathom how you're voting for McCain...

as salty as you are now, i'm eager to see the posts AFTER nov. 4th....

i can hear the tears in your posts....

heh you're the kind of person that makes it difficult for me to ever vote for a democrat at all. I really try to be unbiased and even which is why I reallywish people would at least consider both sides like I have but then someone like you comes along and tries to insult me. part of me wants Obama to win to seewhat all your reactions will be in 4 years when things are either the same or worse.
I agree with almost every one of Obama's stances on the issues and I disagree with almost every one of McCain's stances on the issues.

I trust Biden in office. I do not trust Palin in office.

Hopefully Obama being elected will open people's eyes.
Because McCain is old and when he croaks, who's next? Somebody from Alaska? Not somebody I would want as second string to run this country.
How about the simple fact that McCain/Friedmanites run rampant in our government, and we need someone who may realize these policies are not entirely true.

McCain is probably the worst suited President to handle the economy since Carter.
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