Why do people keep the stickers on their hat? Vol. Obnoxious

I've never taken them off and I'm not going to start because someone else tells me its obnoxious.

Smd bro.
i think the size stickers are wack and i admit i used to do it during the throwback days but stopped... the only stickers i leave are the official stickers nba or mlb thats reflective... i think it looks cool 
Who decided that having a sticker on your new era is disgusting?
^exactly...I take mine off because I like a clean look but it doesn't bother me too much if others keep it on.
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

it looks disgusting and stupid, but usually the people who wear them like that usually wear equally tacky clothing (10deep, stussy, etc) so it kinda matches 

 you's trollin
Used to keep the sticker on but sometimes the stickers would start peeling up by itself, and leave a bright new circle where the bill had faded. I havent kept them on in a couple years tho
Originally Posted by Hizzle

How else I'm going express my fresh? I eeem keep the price tag on there. I'm do me. Do what you does, lil daddy.


On-field caps: Stickers come off except hologram
Every other New Era: I keep the hologram and size sticker on only

Kinda like this


I like how its black and gold

However if you keep this sticker on....

I don't understand why this would bother anyone or how you'd notice it enough that it could bother you. Yall concerned with the dumbest #+@@.
Its always looked dumb and really serves no purpose in my opinion, but hey.... to each his own. I find it funny how defensive some people can get about their hat stickers, that tells you a lil something me thinks........
Originally Posted by useref15

I'm sure a bunch of you on here do it. Am I the only one who thinks it's extremely obnoxious??? Like seriously, you look dumb with the sticker still on the hat. Especially if you even keep the price sticker on the underbrim. Take the damn size stickers off.


It's the way it was growing up in NYC...as a youngin' I didn't question the cool fads going on. I just did it. Now its normal for me to keep the sticker on...you mad bruh?
Imma do me and you gon' be salty...sucka.
Originally Posted by useref15

extremely obnoxious

the fact that some hats I have are rare and I want to stress that they're both Real and barely worn

makes it seem like it's the first time you threw it on 
Whatever others want to do with their own hats is their business. Personally, I'm not a fan. I can see keeping the reflective sticker under the brim, but the size sticker up top is unappealing and tacky in my eyes. It seems people keep them because its what others have always done, but whatever floats your boat.
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