Why do people say McGrady is so much better than Carter?

Anyway, yeah nyk buc i totally see your point, and I have nothing against TMac for leaving. His own personal decision. Now Vince, thats another story

another story? That management was awful....no question that VC dogging it was the wrong way to handle it but be honest with yourself, the GM sucked, worsethan Kupchak. Peddie and Babcock were the problems with the Raptors more than Vince. If they were tyring to rebuild then they should have traded him theninstead of keeping him and waiting for all this drama. VC originally wanted to stay in Toronto to try to win...he never opted out in 2000 but signed a 7 year$96 million deal...

man it's funny the way Raptors fans hate Vince the same way Houston Rockets fans hate Pippen for him leaving the team with 2 HOF's because hequestioned their committment to winning....
Air Jordan
"The best there ever was, the best there ever will be."
^ pippen aint nothin when he left chicago. he did houston wrong.

i wonder what that fool's career would be like if he never got traded to chicago
He's a better passer and rebounder than vince
Small guys have to prove they can play; big guys have to prove they cannot
play. Guards have to be like a chain with no weak links, guards cannot have
any physical weaknesses.
^ nah dawg, tmac passes better than all scorers except for lebron that's all. and i don't look at assists #s. and tmac is a much better playmaker than vince in general.
nyk buc:
^ pippen aint nothin when he left chicago. he did houston wrong.

i wonder what that fool's career would be like if he never got traded to chicago


he might not have had 6 titles, but at worst he would've been another good player. He was able to play a point forward role and defensively was a monster. Pippen was playing somewhat in MJ's shadow but was a superstar in his own right, and people sometimes forget that....
Air Jordan
"The best there ever was, the best there ever will be."
^ i think he would still be a great defensive player and prollie a 16-18 ppg scorer. but nowhere would he be a top 50 player nor a HOF where he would be the standard for most SFs.
nyk buc:
^ i think he would still be a great defensive player and prollie a 16-18 ppg scorer. but nowhere would he be a top 50 player nor a HOF where he would be the standard for most SFs.

ya, probably because it was MJ that pushed him in those early years and playing the Bad Boy Pistons also toughened up Pippen as well as MJ. But if Pip was traded after '93 he would still be a HOF in my opinion.

On 2nd thought, if it wasn't for those Pistons, I wonder just how many titles the duo would have. More because they didn't have to go through Detroit or less because they weren't as tough mentally? We'll never know
Air Jordan
"The best there ever was, the best there ever will be."
^ i agree, playing w/ MJ pushed pippen to another level. but playing with MJ allowed zero pressure on pippen. he can do what he does and no one would blame it on him.

he never played with the pressure of a superstar like the guys like kobe/mac/kg/iverson are playing with.

i'm talking about if he NEVER played w/ jordan. i don't think he'd have the HOF career he had. that's all.
i wonder what that fool's career would be like if he never got traded to chicago

At best he would have been someone else for Mike to dominate.

Name all the great guards who won titles without great bigmen.


Now look at the Centers he went against in the finals

Hum Lets see Divac, Kevin Duckworth Tom Chambers, Sam Perkins, Greg Ostertag, Antoine Carr

Not exactly great in fact the only center who is really of mention( not named Shaq the Rapper) whom Michael faced in the playoffs was Patrick Ewing whom is not in the top 10 centers of all time. Shaq's team wasnt ready to compete they were ready to roll over.

Guards cant win titles without bigs its the way the NBA has Always been just cause the bigs couldnt always get their act together in the playoffs dont mean they couldnt compete against a MJ lead team.

Tmac and Vince arent near MJ's or even Kobe's and Lebrons level. Tracy aint athletic enough, nor does he have the physical ability to hold up anymore. Vince dont have the mindset the abliity to hold up nor the game .

Grandma was a white girl.

Rip 4-30-21 - 6-23-07

I still miss you and AlWAYS WILL.
Tmac and Vince arent near MJ's or even Kobe's and Lebrons level. Tracy aint athletic enough, nor does he have the physical ability to hold up anymore. Vince dont have the mindset the abliity to hold up nor the game .

NOBODY in today's game can hold their jock to MJ.

tmac more than held his own v. kobe in the first game. phil had to resort to double teaming son in the 4th.

check lebron's stats and winning % v. tracy. peep it son
Anyone who said McGrady is not athletic needs to stay away from the NBA.

His vert is around 38 to 39. A little higher than Kobe's 38.

mac has to be one of the quickest 6'9 players in the game.

Please get a league pass.

because t-mac is so much better than carter...carter may have more dunks thats it...t-mac is better in ever category than wince
my dude sittin here stonefacing everybody, but VC is one of the softest cats to touch the nba besides dirk. I mean this man has the potential to be one of thebest, yet every year he proves why he should be marketing for charmin. he will put up some big games because of his talent but will play extreeeeemely bummyalot as well.

He settles to much. I've seen him drive at will with EASE yet he will settle for 80 foot 3s or fadeaways off his back foot. Richard Jefferson has beenplaying better than VC since the postseason of last yr. He has surpassed VC imo, and I think he will continue to put up better numbers for as long asthey're both in the league.

oh..and for the record...at this point in their careers, tmac > VC by a landslide. As far as I'm concerned TMAC was a legitimate MVP candidate last yr. and I dont even like TMAC like that. I'm a JKIDD and the NETS fan
Originally Posted by nyk buc

^ he looks sleepy doin it

but all i want is for tmac to win. all these performances are for naught if he does not win. hopefully this will be his year.

the rockets are REALLY REALLY deep. james/bonzi/scola (and francis WILl get into the rotation if rafer keeps sucking).

our starting 5 outside of tmac have not picked up the O.

still a lot of things to improve, and already 2 big road wins in the tough west.

can't wait to see how they fare v. dallas, spurs/ and suns this month. they have the toughest schedule.

PS - hvince does try most of te time. u can't blame him for doggin it in toronto (ala randy moss) when the team sucks. kobe might do that as the season goes on. it's nature. when u know u gonna lose, why try?

vince has arguably the most athletic talent in the history of the NBA. but he does not develop his skills: ballhandling, jumper, post game, playmaking.

he's more talented than kobe, but kobe was a 1000x harder on his game.

and this is why i the IQ of niketalk deteriorates every year. why try? maybe because you're making millions of dollars to play basketball? that's agood reason right?
buk, anytime there's t-mac talk, you're in the thread making asinine comments. just stop broseph.

also, if pippen had never been traded to chicago, they wouldn't have six titles. why do you kids always break out if's?

nyk buc
^ he looks sleepy doin it

but all i want is for tmac to win. all these performances are for naught if he does not win. hopefully this will be his year.

the rockets are REALLY REALLY deep. james/bonzi/scola (and francis WILl get into the rotation if rafer keeps sucking).

our starting 5 outside of tmac have not picked up the O.

still a lot of things to improve, and already 2 big road wins in the tough west.

can't wait to see how they fare v. dallas, spurs/ and suns this month. they have the toughest schedule.

PS - hvince does try most of te time. u can't blame him for doggin it in toronto (ala randy moss) when the team sucks. kobe might do that as the season goes on. it's nature. when u know u gonna lose, why try?

vince has arguably the most athletic talent in the history of the NBA. but he does not develop his skills: ballhandling, jumper, post game, playmaking.

he's more talented than kobe, but kobe was a 1000x harder on his game.

and this is why i the IQ of niketalk deteriorates every year. why try? maybe because you're making millions of dollars to play basketball? that's a good reason right?
buk, anytime there's t-mac talk, you're in the thread making asinine comments. just stop broseph.

also, if pippen had never been traded to chicago, they wouldn't have six titles. why do you kids always break out if's?

ya but you have to realize these guys, especially superstars, don't put money as their number one priority....they love the game and love towin..........It gets frustrating if your team is losing and it just adds to the frustration if you're injured.....even Paul Pierce has said it was hard forhim to stay motivated at times during last season, KG has said the worst feeling for him is going into a game where he knows the team has a small chance towin.....you even saw KB's public trade fiasco in L.A........I just think VC handled it the wrong way as well as the management.........Although I think hisquote about not giving effort was misinterpreted by a lot of people.....

(Vince on being asked if he pushed himself as hard as he could)

"In years past, no. I was fortunate to have the talent ... you get spoiled when you're able to do a lot of things. You see that youdon't have to work at it. Now, with the all the injuries, I have to work harder. I'm a little hungrier. Getting a fresh start has made me want toattack the basket."

What he meant was what nyk buc mentioned abovesaying before the injuries he didn't give it his all during the off season in working on his game because he thought he could get by on pure talent, untilthe injuries started and he realized he was wrong. Maybe he had higher standards for himself than most people thought/expected. It had nothing to do withtrying during games. He even received a public apology from the interviewer (John Thompson) because of the way it was portrayed and taken by the public.......Ipersonally find it upsetting that it had to end that way and if they had kept VC and still brought in Colangelo as GM they could have had a championshipcontending lineup including TJ Ford, VC, Iguodala (in the 04 draft), Chris Bosh, and who knows at Center......

As for Pippen not going to the Bulls.......MJ would've eventually won.......people underestimate how important Phil Jackson was to that team....Pipwould likely have been another good player........I can't even speculate beyond that because of how many possible outcomes there are out of a "whatif" situation.....Sonics may never get GP.......etc...
Vince Carter is way too fragile. I can't stand watching him hobble around every time he makes contact with anyone or anything...
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