why do some gay people find the need to be so flamboyant

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OP needs to find a straight pride flag and put on the back of his jeep.

When have African Americans EVER compared their plight to native Americans as much as people try to compare the gay struggle to the black struggle?

Gandhi and British imperialism comes to mind. MLK drew inspiration from him.

Black people compared themselves to the Jews in Egypt throughout history.

Dude said EVER confidently.
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the point is that gay rights is about HUMAN RIGHTS just like the civil rights movement. Nobody is downplaying the civil rights movement and the struggle of black folks at all..
I'm sure there's plenty of black gay dudes anyway, but that's besides the point.
Some of you dudes are so quick to try to distance yourself from this sort of stuff from what I can see as being homophobia;
Ol' "oh no b, them gay dudes struggles ain't nothing like ours, we don't wanna be associated with them in any way" *** dudes in here.
When you have quotes by Huey Newton saying that there are similarities between the two movements and even calling them the most oppressed group of people in society then what more do you need? I'm sure other civil rights leaders such as MLK, Malcolm and Cesar Chavez that have drawn similar parallels.
There's gay lynchings/stonings/beheadings all over the world b, and these are people that have been for the longest. If anything, don't try to downplay what THEY have been, and still are going through.

I'm mexican, and if someone was to draw parallels between the chicano movement and gay rights I would have absolutely no issue with it, because like I said these people are fighting for human rights. I'm not saying they're the same, since there are clear differences, but it's the heart of the matter that is the same.

In response to the OP, I'm not gonna lie, it used to bother me as well when gay dudes would go around being extra flamboyant, but I've come to the realization that that was just homophobia and non-tolerance in my part. It bothered me, but why should it? As long as they're not up in my face, personally bothering me, and even then you can always just shrug it off and dismiss it. They have pride in what they are and that's ok with me, but then again why wouldn't it be?
Alot people are being politically correct because that's the cool thing but honestly no straight man really wants to associated with that.
the point is that gay rights is about HUMAN RIGHTS just like the civil rights movement. Nobody is downplaying the civil rights movement and the struggle of black folks at all..
I'm sure there's plenty of black gay dudes anyway, but that's besides the point.
Some of you dudes are so quick to try to distance yourself from this sort of stuff from what I can see as being homophobia;
Ol' "oh no b, them gay dudes struggles ain't nothing like ours, we don't wanna be associated with them in any way" *** dudes in here.
When you have quotes by Huey Newton saying that there are similarities between the two movements and even calling them the most oppressed group of people in society then what more do you need? I'm sure other civil rights leaders such as MLK, Malcolm and Cesar Chavez that have drawn similar parallels.
There's gay lynchings/stonings/beheadings all over the world b, and these are people that have been for the longest. If anything, don't try to downplay what THEY have been, and still are going through.

I'm mexican, and if someone was to draw parallels between the chicano movement and gay rights I would have absolutely no issue with it, because like I said these people are fighting for human rights. I'm not saying they're the same, since there are clear differences, but it's the heart of the matter that is the same.

In response to the OP, I'm not gonna lie, it used to bother me as well when gay dudes would go around being extra flamboyant, but I've come to the realization that that was just homophobia and non-tolerance in my part. It bothered me, but why should it? As long as they're not up in my face, personally bothering me, and even then you can always just shrug it off and dismiss it. They have pride in what they are and that's ok with me, but then again why wouldn't it be?
Alot people are being politically correct because that's the cool thing but honestly no straight man really wants to associated with that.

Literally NO straight man. Same way in some parts of this country NOBODY wants to be associated with blacks even Asian and African immigrants.
I'm black all day every day. A gay person can hide their sexual orientation until they find the right time to come out. I came out as black the day I was born. There is no comparison.
I'm black all day every day. A gay person can hide their sexual orientation until they find the right time to come out. I came out as black the day I was born. There is no comparison.
I'm black all day every day. A gay person can hide their sexual orientation until they find the right time to come out. I came out as black the day I was born. There is no comparison.

I don't think homosexuals particularly enjoy having to hide their sexuality.
the point is that gay rights is about HUMAN RIGHTS just like the civil rights movement. Nobody is downplaying the civil rights movement and the struggle of black folks at all..
I'm sure there's plenty of black gay dudes anyway, but that's besides the point.
Some of you dudes are so quick to try to distance yourself from this sort of stuff from what I can see as being homophobia;
Ol' "oh no b, them gay dudes struggles ain't nothing like ours, we don't wanna be associated with them in any way" *** dudes in here.
When you have quotes by Huey Newton saying that there are similarities between the two movements and even calling them the most oppressed group of people in society then what more do you need? I'm sure other civil rights leaders such as MLK, Malcolm and Cesar Chavez that have drawn similar parallels.
There's gay lynchings/stonings/beheadings all over the world b, and these are people that have been for the longest. If anything, don't try to downplay what THEY have been, and still are going through.

I'm mexican, and if someone was to draw parallels between the chicano movement and gay rights I would have absolutely no issue with it, because like I said these people are fighting for human rights. I'm not saying they're the same, since there are clear differences, but it's the heart of the matter that is the same.

In response to the OP, I'm not gonna lie, it used to bother me as well when gay dudes would go around being extra flamboyant, but I've come to the realization that that was just homophobia and non-tolerance in my part. It bothered me, but why should it? As long as they're not up in my face, personally bothering me, and even then you can always just shrug it off and dismiss it. They have pride in what they are and that's ok with me, but then again why wouldn't it be?

My favorite part of this thread is that that post got completely ignored.
MLK actually said homosexuality was a problem.

Huey Newton says it so it must be right

Who's gonna refute it though? Black Panther VS random NTers on the subject of civil rights :lol:

It didn't get ignored, dudes saw that and was like ehhhhh :lol:
Gay dudes are definitely not the most oppressed group of people in society.

Grow up though OP. Let them be gay and be happy of their gayness. It has literally no effect on you in the grand scheme of things.
first lemme say that i dont have anything against gay people doesnt matter what ur beliefs are they are respected and respect other opinions in this thread

so today i saw some guys in a pretty nice jeep on the 405, the kinda jeep in zoolander with no doors and open roof but they had a giant gay pride flag that was hanging from the back of the jeep

and i wanted to know why gay people have to make it known who they are? do they really need to have a big giant flag on the back of the jeep?

gay pride

gay pride


They love who they are and display it. Simple as that.
I don't think homosexuals particularly enjoy having to hide their sexuality.

Yeah, the inability to not be yourself is a huge burden. Everyone's struggle is unique, I'd just expect more sympathy and compassion from humans (something our society sorely lacks). I don't think the struggles are equivalent by any means. But those who are willing to deny rights to other's do not deserve rights themselves.

On the topic of being flamboyant.... If you were in denial or afraid to come out, you too might be zealous when embracing your new lifestyle and often entering a new community. It is a big deal to them and it's just how some come to find to express themselves.
Funny thing is if black folks walked around displaying their pride they would be locked up or in serious trouble for being considered militant
Are you saying that's some sort of benefit?

Are you serious? Do you think my grandmother would'nt have like to conceal the fact that she was a grown black woman so that she didn't have to say "yes mam and yes sir" to little white children she saw on the street? Sit all the way down...

Explain to me how it is beneficial for homosexuals.
first lemme say that i dont have anything against gay people doesnt matter what ur beliefs are they are respected and respect other opinions in this thread

so today i saw some guys in a pretty nice jeep on the 405, the kinda jeep in zoolander with no doors and open roof but they had a giant gay pride flag that was hanging from the back of the jeep

and i wanted to know why gay people have to make it known who they are? do they really need to have a big giant flag on the back of the jeep?

Well, seeing what has happened in recent weeks it's very appropriate.

As Royal Assasin said, people tend to show signs of pride whenever they feel they need to.

when you feel as if you and the group you are with are being oppressed or downtrodden upon, oftentimes the best way to overcome that harsh, void like feeling of loneliness and hatred is to be as loud and proud as you can be.  

View media item 474124

^ these guys would have understood.

Please stop comparing the black civil rights movement to the gay civil rights movement.

And I see nothing wrong with repping your flag. Would my big Mexican flag in the back of truck offended you? If you really have no grudge against gay people then a symbol of being gay shouldn't have rubbed you.


why?  they weren't slaves?  tell them that.  tell every gay from the beginning of the civilized world until now that they haven't been enslaved.  go 'head, i'll wait.

C'mon man, you can't compare gay civil rights to Black civil rights. Gay people don't get it even close to as bad as black people got it.


I don't think that was the original point.
Gandhi and British imperialism comes to mind. MLK drew inspiration from him.

Black people compared themselves to the Jews in Egypt throughout history.

Dude said EVER confidently.

You realize he did say Native American, right? Indians aren't Native Americans and Jews aren't Native Americans either. Also the Jews, who were enslaved in Egypt are similar to the blacks enslaved in America.
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