Why do women care so much about being pretty?

Originally Posted by 0cks

Originally Posted by PinkAJs

I just have to reply to this because you guys make women seem so pathetic.

I'm  a woman and believe me, this has nothing to do with society or evolution or insecurity.  All women are creative left-brained thinkers.  We like beauty and art and all those non-practical things men rarely care for.  Looking pretty is like art to us--it's a hobby.  We enjoy striving for it.  

For example, we spend hours getting ready for a date or for the club not because we want to impress some guy but rather because we actually have fun getting ready.  But of course that baffles some of you.  "What?  You mean she's not spending all that time getting ready for me?"
 Oh, you've so much to learn.
cosign, i know girls who were former tom boys who could've gave 2 craps about getting pretty in da mirror for hours...some tight jeans, baby t, kicks, straighten da hair and they was out da door.
Originally Posted by 0cks

Originally Posted by PinkAJs

I just have to reply to this because you guys make women seem so pathetic.

I'm  a woman and believe me, this has nothing to do with society or evolution or insecurity.  All women are creative left-brained thinkers.  We like beauty and art and all those non-practical things men rarely care for.  Looking pretty is like art to us--it's a hobby.  We enjoy striving for it.  

For example, we spend hours getting ready for a date or for the club not because we want to impress some guy but rather because we actually have fun getting ready.  But of course that baffles some of you.  "What?  You mean she's not spending all that time getting ready for me?"
 Oh, you've so much to learn.
cosign, i know girls who were former tom boys who could've gave 2 craps about getting pretty in da mirror for hours...some tight jeans, baby t, kicks, straighten da hair and they was out da door.
scshift wrote:
So while both men and women seek approval, it's like men are willing to forge their own path while women follow the one that has already been set.

really? like all going after the same pairs of jordans? how many threads do you see on this site about fashion trends and where to get this hat, or this jacket etc. I dont see us men as any more "original" than women. most follow trends the same way that women do.

"oh @%!%! that tee/hat/jacket/pair of kicks  that *insert rapper/athlete/entertainer* is wearing is fly, I need to get me one of those! 

thats not really "forging your own path" 

almost everyone is influenced by external pressures/factors that have an impact on the way that we live our lives. whether we realize or not. And dont you think men put most of societies pressures upon women? Constantly idealizing a certain body type/look in the media.

The image of the ideal man and women are constantly changing, and you can see most people following these changes. 

basically, I dont think women are any more willing to succumb to societal pressures than men 
scshift wrote:
So while both men and women seek approval, it's like men are willing to forge their own path while women follow the one that has already been set.

really? like all going after the same pairs of jordans? how many threads do you see on this site about fashion trends and where to get this hat, or this jacket etc. I dont see us men as any more "original" than women. most follow trends the same way that women do.

"oh @%!%! that tee/hat/jacket/pair of kicks  that *insert rapper/athlete/entertainer* is wearing is fly, I need to get me one of those! 

thats not really "forging your own path" 

almost everyone is influenced by external pressures/factors that have an impact on the way that we live our lives. whether we realize or not. And dont you think men put most of societies pressures upon women? Constantly idealizing a certain body type/look in the media.

The image of the ideal man and women are constantly changing, and you can see most people following these changes. 

basically, I dont think women are any more willing to succumb to societal pressures than men 
Yeah men aren't any less susceptible to trends than women... but at the end of the day Pink was right about the artistic part. It's just about aesthetics and the response it elicits. Years of positive reinforcement will dictate the subconcious... why do women obsess about smell goods? It's pleasant to our senses ...

"I'm addicted to these girls, the way they #*+@, feel, smell"
Yeah men aren't any less susceptible to trends than women... but at the end of the day Pink was right about the artistic part. It's just about aesthetics and the response it elicits. Years of positive reinforcement will dictate the subconcious... why do women obsess about smell goods? It's pleasant to our senses ...

"I'm addicted to these girls, the way they #*+@, feel, smell"
Originally Posted by PinkAJs

Originally Posted by 0cks

Pink you go to the club and get no looks, your night = fail... If you say otherwise you are a beta female that's saying you don't care to protect your ego

Of course I care about getting looks when I go out.  If you drive a nice car or have on some fancy sneakers, don't you like it when people stare?
My point is that men shouldn't assume that women don't have fun making themselves pretty. It's not a chore.

These dudes won't admit that. Let them tell it they love shoes because it makes them feel warm and toasty inside. Not for the attention it gets from other men.
Originally Posted by PinkAJs

Originally Posted by 0cks

Pink you go to the club and get no looks, your night = fail... If you say otherwise you are a beta female that's saying you don't care to protect your ego

Of course I care about getting looks when I go out.  If you drive a nice car or have on some fancy sneakers, don't you like it when people stare?
My point is that men shouldn't assume that women don't have fun making themselves pretty. It's not a chore.

These dudes won't admit that. Let them tell it they love shoes because it makes them feel warm and toasty inside. Not for the attention it gets from other men.
Originally Posted by kbweezy24

really? like all going after the same pairs of jordans? how many threads do you see on this site about fashion trends and where to get this hat, or this jacket etc. I dont see us men as any more "original" than women. most follow trends the same way that women do.

"oh @%!%! that tee/hat/jacket/pair of kicks  that *insert rapper/athlete/entertainer* is wearing is fly, I need to get me one of those! 

thats not really "forging your own path" 

almost everyone is influenced by external pressures/factors that have an impact on the way that we live our lives. whether we realize or not. And dont you think men put most of societies pressures upon women? Constantly idealizing a certain body type/look in the media.

The image of the ideal man and women are constantly changing, and you can see most people following these changes. 

basically, I dont think women are any more willing to succumb to societal pressures than men 

I see what you mean, but how much of NT actually represents a sizable group of people in real life? Most people don't care about shoes, and even NTers who have great collections eventually start to piece them out and leave the shoe game.

Go to a coffee shop, or a starbucks, or a mall, heck just walk down the street and note what people wear. Men have all kinds of shoes, they have the Jordans like you mentioned, running shoes, slides, work boots, loafers, boat shoes, I mean you walk on to the street in any city and you'd be hard pressed to find two people wearing the same shoes. And that's just shoes. How many men share similar clothes? I'm not talking about if you walk into a House of Hoops and everyone's wearing Cool Greys, but just on the street. Now check out what women wear - not all, but a huge amount all have very similar, if not the same styles. In the winter, they often wear the same brands and products even, I'm sure you've seen the whole uggs and fleece outfit many times.

Is it because there is only one real trend at a time for women but many at a time for men?

And I understand society pressures women to look a certain way, but men have societal pressures also. But whenever you read about identity issues in youth today, it's about how young girls are trying to look "beautiful". What about young boys? Why don't they do drastic things to change the way they appear/act? Because society also has pressures on men, but you never see a lot of boys trying hard at a really young age to be muscular/a baller/getting all the girls, while tons of pre-high school girls try to look pretty.

I'm not disagreeing with anything you said, but you seem to have a good viewpoint on this so can you answer any of what I just posted? I think everyone in here had some great reasons.
Originally Posted by kbweezy24

really? like all going after the same pairs of jordans? how many threads do you see on this site about fashion trends and where to get this hat, or this jacket etc. I dont see us men as any more "original" than women. most follow trends the same way that women do.

"oh @%!%! that tee/hat/jacket/pair of kicks  that *insert rapper/athlete/entertainer* is wearing is fly, I need to get me one of those! 

thats not really "forging your own path" 

almost everyone is influenced by external pressures/factors that have an impact on the way that we live our lives. whether we realize or not. And dont you think men put most of societies pressures upon women? Constantly idealizing a certain body type/look in the media.

The image of the ideal man and women are constantly changing, and you can see most people following these changes. 

basically, I dont think women are any more willing to succumb to societal pressures than men 

I see what you mean, but how much of NT actually represents a sizable group of people in real life? Most people don't care about shoes, and even NTers who have great collections eventually start to piece them out and leave the shoe game.

Go to a coffee shop, or a starbucks, or a mall, heck just walk down the street and note what people wear. Men have all kinds of shoes, they have the Jordans like you mentioned, running shoes, slides, work boots, loafers, boat shoes, I mean you walk on to the street in any city and you'd be hard pressed to find two people wearing the same shoes. And that's just shoes. How many men share similar clothes? I'm not talking about if you walk into a House of Hoops and everyone's wearing Cool Greys, but just on the street. Now check out what women wear - not all, but a huge amount all have very similar, if not the same styles. In the winter, they often wear the same brands and products even, I'm sure you've seen the whole uggs and fleece outfit many times.

Is it because there is only one real trend at a time for women but many at a time for men?

And I understand society pressures women to look a certain way, but men have societal pressures also. But whenever you read about identity issues in youth today, it's about how young girls are trying to look "beautiful". What about young boys? Why don't they do drastic things to change the way they appear/act? Because society also has pressures on men, but you never see a lot of boys trying hard at a really young age to be muscular/a baller/getting all the girls, while tons of pre-high school girls try to look pretty.

I'm not disagreeing with anything you said, but you seem to have a good viewpoint on this so can you answer any of what I just posted? I think everyone in here had some great reasons.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

It's all about attention. It's pretty simple. Ugly women don't get attention and whenever they do, it's from guys trying to just beat it and then be done. Girls often complain about guys constantly hitting on them or checking them out, but in reality they all love it.

there's nothing worse then being a ugly girl....most be a lonely life
If you're an ugly dude, you can supplement with:

charm/ personality




fake having cash

fake your personality

If you're an ugly girl the only thing you can supplement with is a nice body and that body better be bangin. Dudes don't really care off the bat about your personality or your money or your intelligence. As sad as that is, that's the truth. A girl can have a high IQ and have a great personality but if she's ugly and doesn't have a bangin body then most dudes won't even give her a look. 
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

It's all about attention. It's pretty simple. Ugly women don't get attention and whenever they do, it's from guys trying to just beat it and then be done. Girls often complain about guys constantly hitting on them or checking them out, but in reality they all love it.

there's nothing worse then being a ugly girl....most be a lonely life
If you're an ugly dude, you can supplement with:

charm/ personality




fake having cash

fake your personality

If you're an ugly girl the only thing you can supplement with is a nice body and that body better be bangin. Dudes don't really care off the bat about your personality or your money or your intelligence. As sad as that is, that's the truth. A girl can have a high IQ and have a great personality but if she's ugly and doesn't have a bangin body then most dudes won't even give her a look. 
Nothing have you said doesn't apply to men though? Men don't try to be rich or attractive? Since when? Obviously many don't quite make it, but to assume that they don't care about it is asinine? Young boys aren't trying to get a baller and all the girls? Where do you live? I guess the "rich white neighborhood" types are different, but that !$%@ couldn't be further from the truth. Team Psuedo intellectuals ftl
Nothing have you said doesn't apply to men though? Men don't try to be rich or attractive? Since when? Obviously many don't quite make it, but to assume that they don't care about it is asinine? Young boys aren't trying to get a baller and all the girls? Where do you live? I guess the "rich white neighborhood" types are different, but that !$%@ couldn't be further from the truth. Team Psuedo intellectuals ftl
Evolution of women...  the need for women to look good became synonymous to natural instinct  regardless of social pressure. Some really overdo it but the mere fact that you want to look good & neat is already automatic for almost everyone, not just for women. 
Evolution of women...  the need for women to look good became synonymous to natural instinct  regardless of social pressure. Some really overdo it but the mere fact that you want to look good & neat is already automatic for almost everyone, not just for women. 
Originally Posted by I AM THAT DUDE

Nothing have you said doesn't apply to men though? Men don't try to be rich or attractive? Since when? Obviously many don't quite make it, but to assume that they don't care about it is asinine? Young boys aren't trying to get a baller and all the girls? Where do you live? I guess the "rich white neighborhood" types are different, but that !$%@ couldn't be further from the truth. Team Psuedo intellectuals ftl

agree 100%
Originally Posted by I AM THAT DUDE

Nothing have you said doesn't apply to men though? Men don't try to be rich or attractive? Since when? Obviously many don't quite make it, but to assume that they don't care about it is asinine? Young boys aren't trying to get a baller and all the girls? Where do you live? I guess the "rich white neighborhood" types are different, but that !$%@ couldn't be further from the truth. Team Psuedo intellectuals ftl

agree 100%
a woman's social value in society is largely based on her attractiveness..
a woman's social value in society is largely based on her attractiveness..
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