Why do you believe that there is a god?

Originally Posted by NikeAirForce1

Originally Posted by krazy88s


And I believe because I want to.

Isn't the question I'm asking pretty straightforward?

Why do you believe that your God exists?  Isn't this a question that any believer should have the answer to?

   If you're looking for some philosophical, empirical answer you're barking up the wrong tree. My answer is straightforward. I'll just say it's how I was raised.
Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

science makes as little sense as religion when it comes to life so the argument never broke my faith. like its absolutely insane when i try to think of how life started.... which came first the chicken or the egg and how did that first organism come to be...

basically I was taught as a child but I learned to accept it on my own.

How does something like the the Theory of Evolution, which is well supported with facts, make little sense compared to God creating our universe with the words that came out of his mouth?

To answer your questions, the "chicken" came before the egg.  The Theory of Evolution by Natural selection states that an organism's DNA can only change before birth.  Therefore, a chicken with a minor DNA mutation allowed itself to lay eggs.  Our best answer to how the first organism came to be is abiogenesis.  

This stuff isn't easy to understand.  I know that.  But just because you don't understand it or science can't explain it yet, it doesn't mean God exists.  When you say "I learned to accept it on my own," I get the impression that you gave up trying to find answers and settled.

But your last sentence is what I suspect is the reason why people believe that a God exists.  That stuff has been pounded into your head since you were a toddler.
Originally Posted by Swagger2Much4You

Originally Posted by scshift

Personally, I believe in God because I needed help with my life so I picked up a faith.

I also used logic. Where did anything come from? Even if all of the universe today originated from a tiny speck of dust in the middle of nowhere, who created said speck of dust? Or the nowhere that it existed?

THIS!! I use this argument all the time when talking to people who talk evolution! I was going to come in here with unnecessary cynicism but you iterated a key point which I honestly feel has no rebuttal.

As I said before.

All you're doing when you add God in is creating another unnecessary step to the question of where did everything come from.

Us <-- Universe <-- ???
Us <-- Universe <-- God <-- ???

Adding in God does nothing to help us understand our universe.
*what do we look like when we stand up straight?
the number one... in sanksrit, arabic, english, roman... so many different languages... isn't this a sign that the one god created you?

*The call to Islam has been heard by people of all different creeds and colors, and a visit to your local masjid will verify this... Everytime I visit my local mosque, I am in awe of how diverse the gathering is... african americans, white people, latinos, asians, indians, arabs... native americans even. Islam has reached every single corner of this earth. there are muslims in Japan, Russia, China, South Asia, Vietnam, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Europe, Australia... even in the USA muslims are everywhere. If you read the stories of how islam spread in Syria, Ethiopia and India... the first people to convert to Islam were Kings. Kings who heard the Quran being recited in Arabic and began to cry just at the sound of the book, despite not understanding it... kings who cried even more when hearing the quran being translated.
Why are there mosques on every corner of the globe? and why are the congregations so diverse? I see this as a sign of God's existence... His message does not spare anyone, of any color, of any background, of any wealth bracket... it is the universal calling to the truth. (Mike Tyson is orthodox Muslim, Cassius Clay became Muslim, Maurice Bucaille (a deceased, mid 20th century, french scientist) became muslim, Jeffery Lang (professor of Mathematics at Kansas, and former athiest) became Muslim)

Islam didn't spread by the sword in Japan, or china, or Europe. Nor is it being spread by the sword now, why are so many people converting to Islam?

(name me another mainstream, orthodox religion that has such an ethically diverse congregation in the USA.) You won't be able to... Hinduism is mostly indians, bhuddism is mostly east asians, Christian churches vary depending on the neighborhood you are in... and synagogues are mostly white.

"Seek knowledge even as far as China"

"Charity is prescribed for each descendant of Adam every day the sun rises...The doors of goodness are many...enjoining good, forbidding evil, removing harm from the road, listening to the deaf, leading the blind, guiding one to the object of his need, hurrying with the strength of one's legs to one in sorrow who is asking for help, and supporting the feeble with the strength of one's arms--all of these are charity prescribed for you."

 "Your smile for your brother is charity."

- Muhammad (peace be upon him) is a sign of god's existence.
Originally Posted by DJ Rashy

For one thing, why not ?

I don't believe that we started out from some cells mutating and then gaining our consciousness somehow. I don't see cells as having a consciousness or life, they just do their jobs. Cells mashing together mutating, creating a person by sheer luck or coincidence with just the right mixture seems far-fetched to me, but you don't just need one, you need two biological specimens created from cells. Then those two people that we made by amazing luck are able to mate with each-other. They have their first kids, kids then mate with each other, or the parents (incest), incest normally causes ******ation. There's too many flaws from my perspective on how we started out from big bang or evolution. I don't believe in "abiogenesis" that we started from a "primordial soup".

So I stick with believing in a higher power.
Originally Posted by krazy88s

Originally Posted by NikeAirForce1

Originally Posted by krazy88s


And I believe because I want to.

Isn't the question I'm asking pretty straightforward?

Why do you believe that your God exists?  Isn't this a question that any believer should have the answer to?

   If you're looking for some philosophical, empirical answer you're barking up the wrong tree. My answer is straightforward. I'll just say it's how I was raised.
So you don't have any other reason other than that you were told to believe that God exists?

And now that you've grown and matured as a person, haven't you started asking questions?

You worship God because you were told to since you were a child. 

I don't want to used the word brainwashed, but there isn't a better term do describe this.
Originally Posted by Purpledino

Don't necessarily believe in "god" but I believe in a higher power, something greater than us. I can't bring myself to believe big bang theory or evolution
edited since you already answered...
Originally Posted by NikeAirForce1

Originally Posted by krazy88s

Originally Posted by NikeAirForce1

Isn't the question I'm asking pretty straightforward?

Why do you believe that your God exists?  Isn't this a question that any believer should have the answer to?

   If you're looking for some philosophical, empirical answer you're barking up the wrong tree. My answer is straightforward. I'll just say it's how I was raised.
So you don't have any other reason other than that you were told to believe that God exists?

And now that you've grown and matured as a person, haven't you started asking questions?

You worship God because you were told to since you were a child. 

I don't want to used the word brainwashed, but there isn't a better term do describe this.

  No one sat me down and said believe in God or else. And since you seem really into the topic I haven't been to church in a while. I haven't asked any questions because I'm not as concerned as you apparently are. And I dont walk around thinking "why?" And no I'm not brainwashed.
Originally Posted by krazy88s

Originally Posted by NikeAirForce1

Originally Posted by krazy88s

   If you're looking for some philosophical, empirical answer you're barking up the wrong tree. My answer is straightforward. I'll just say it's how I was raised.
So you don't have any other reason other than that you were told to believe that God exists?

And now that you've grown and matured as a person, haven't you started asking questions?

You worship God because you were told to since you were a child. 

I don't want to used the word brainwashed, but there isn't a better term do describe this.

  No one sat me down and said believe in God or else. And since you seem really into the topic I haven't been to church in a while. I haven't asked any questions because I'm not as concerned as you apparently are. And I dont walk around thinking "why?" And no I'm not brainwashed.
Did you have a choice when you were a child as whether you wanted to go to church or not?  I'm gonna say no.  Since you capitalized God, why don't you go to church?  If you think God is offended by me not capitalizing the G in God, imagine how he must feel when you don't go to church. 

My default answer for everyone was that they were all told to believe that a god exists.  I was really hoping for a better reason than that.
Originally Posted by DJ Rashy

For one thing, why not ?

As evidenced so far in this thread, there is no compelling reason to believe that a god exists.

All of the reasons given so far in this thread.

"I don't understand something, therefore God exists."
"I was raised as a child to believe that God exists."
i believe in god. however i do not believe in judging anybody. if you dont believe in a god good for you. if you do good for you too.

what i dont like however is people trying to force their beliefs on anybody as if someone who believes in god is actually bothering you or vice versa...

whether you spend all your time trying to make people believe or not believe, you need to get a life and mind your own...
Originally Posted by NikeAirForce1

Originally Posted by krazy88s

Originally Posted by NikeAirForce1

So you don't have any other reason other than that you were told to believe that God exists?

And now that you've grown and matured as a person, haven't you started asking questions?

You worship God because you were told to since you were a child. 

I don't want to used the word brainwashed, but there isn't a better term do describe this.

  No one sat me down and said believe in God or else. And since you seem really into the topic I haven't been to church in a while. I haven't asked any questions because I'm not as concerned as you apparently are. And I dont walk around thinking "why?" And no I'm not brainwashed.
Did you have a choice when you were a child as whether you wanted to go to church or not?  I'm gonna say no.  Since you capitalized God, why don't you go to church?  If you think God is offended by me not capitalizing the G in God, imagine how he must feel when you don't go to church. 

My default answer for everyone was that they were all told to believe that a god exists.  I was really hoping for a better reason than that.

I say a while I mean about a month because of work. Im sure hes fuming over that. I don't care whether u spell it upper or lower case g. Im sure God or god is offended by that.
Originally Posted by NobleKane

i believe in god. however i do not believe in judging anybody. if you dont believe in a god good for you. if you do good for you too.

what i dont like however is people trying to force their beliefs on anybody as if someone who believes in god is actually bothering you or vice versa...

whether you spend all your time trying to make people believe or not believe, you need to get a life and mind your own...

1. This is all voluluntary.
2. Why do you say that I need a life? I wonder if you passed judegement on me with this thread... Hmmm....

3. You didn't answer the question.
Originally Posted by Jorts24

You say "Prove to me there is a God".
I say "Prove to me there isnt one"

First, prove to me that Zeus or Santa Claus doesn't exist. Then I'll use your method to prove that God doesn't exist.
Originally Posted by krazy88s

Originally Posted by NikeAirForce1

Originally Posted by krazy88s

  No one sat me down and said believe in God or else. And since you seem really into the topic I haven't been to church in a while. I haven't asked any questions because I'm not as concerned as you apparently are. And I dont walk around thinking "why?" And no I'm not brainwashed.
Did you have a choice when you were a child as whether you wanted to go to church or not?  I'm gonna say no.  Since you capitalized God, why don't you go to church?  If you think God is offended by me not capitalizing the G in God, imagine how he must feel when you don't go to church. 

My default answer for everyone was that they were all told to believe that a god exists.  I was really hoping for a better reason than that.

I say a while I mean about a month because of work. Im sure hes fuming over that. I don't care whether u spell it upper or lower case g. Im sure God or god is offended by that.

It was a a joke..becuase your first post in this thread was you changing the lower case g in god to God....
I have belief in a creator. Simply said if religion was false, then how come there are major religions in the world? Recorded historical facts state that the prophet Muhammed existed. Now if you don't believe he was a prophet cool, however you do acknowledge at one point in history there was a man name Muhammed because of historical facts and so on. Muhammed claimed that he is the final seal of the prophets and there shall be no religions after him.
Has there? No religion has existed since after Islam. Cults have emerged and certain beliefs but none of the strature of Islam, Christianity, Judeaism (sp). Therefore im led to believe that had they been liars these religions would have ceased to exist, or other religions would have emerged since it has been about 15-- years since Islam. Pretty long time. 

The religions you see now are exactly that, religions that exist now. Previous civilizations and tribes had their religious prophets and they are all documnted in history. Religion was a continuous relevation on mankind since existence. God guided humans to overcome whatever situation prevalent on the earth at those times. Guidance for moral actions, good deeds and the regard of humans as humans. f guidance is conuously sent down upon us lookhow far humans have advance since our emergence. This is simply not scientific survival of the fittest where strong genes emereged. Humans have excelled by forming societies and following good ethical behaviour. 

Our level of understanding right now is here because of the past.

Science creates a moral disconnection between humans. It follows that of socialism,communism, and even during the rise of those parties there was bloodshed from the oppressors on the believers so its safe to say wars are not all started because of religion.
When you look at when any religion was revealed and see the prevalent enviromental and societal conditions prevalent on the earth at those times you can see how religion helped mankind. You can see at points when certain things where outlawed in religions how it made society stronger. When people used to kill their daughters, bury them in the sand, or the rituals that used to exist in pre modern era, all those truly barbaric acts were outlawed in religion one by one because god would know best for humanity. Had these acts or behaviour been good for us, yet they were outlawed in religions then why do they no longer exist. Or why didnt humans siginifigantly reduce in numbers from stopping acts deemed as sins in religion. This is because they are truly sins, and they are wrong for humanity.  
And you can't tell me that humans inately know whats good and whats wrong, because we dont. You fail to logically and scientifically explain how thought occurs, so the idea that you would be able to understand good and wrong with out religion is hard to grasp. We know now that these things are wrong because of historical lessons. So to be so arrogant to think that because you, as a 2011 human understand a little bit of science, that these people were wrong. 
Originally Posted by NikeAirForce1

Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by sillyputty

You needed help so you listened to what other people told you to do. That doesn't mean there is a god. It just means you needed a mentor. Guidance...etc.
Where did anything come from? Lets say that I really and truly do NOT know... there are very compelling theories, but we can't be certain.

NONE of that means there is a "god" and further more nothing exists to tell you to "worship" it.�

I needed guidance. No one gave it to me because I didn't look for it. I looked at myself... I don't follow a particular religion but I am aware there is a God overseeing my life.

I do not talk about my spiritual beliefs very much, and I never, ever debate whether mine or anyone else's is correct or incorrect. So I will not argue with you.

Just know that NONE of that means there isn't a God.
So your god has talked to you? That's why you believe that a god exists?� I noticed that you capitalized God.� I assume you believe in the Judeo-Christian God then?� Did you choose him, or is he the one and only god?

I noticed you said that you used logic to conclude that God exists because the universe has to have started from something.� Why don't you apply this logic to God as well?� Why is God exempt from this line of reasoning?� Did he tell you this?

What makes you believe that using logic leads to the nullification of God? Why can't I believe that a God had created something from nothing? 

For sake of an argument, let's use logic (because of course logic applies to an omnipotent being, but whatever.)
What is the moral code?  Why are there laws when are lives are so menial and there's no standard for what is right and wrong?  If we use logic then there's no one on Earth, no the UNIVERSE, to say what is right and wrong, yet we still have laws and every time a thread comes up on NT about a mother killing her child we see respond with such emotion.  I'm guessing the purpose of the last question was to discourage the existence of God after the bombardment of degrading questions because we aren't able to physically hear him.  No, He never whispered in my ear and told me that I should use logic to figure out if He exists or not but I can differentiate good from evil and that's enough for me. 

The thing I don't understand is that as much as atheists complain about Christians forcing their religion, there's an equal amount of people trying to disprove His existence.  To have my faith, everything that I stand for, be thrown away and stepped on somewhat bothers me.  Am I going to try to force Christianity on you? No, because that would lead to both of us feigning ignorance on each other and by reading what you've written, there's no convincing you.  But when you bring up topics like "logic" and posting equations and videos of other professors, I can't help but laugh at you because you do it in a way that is condescending and it exposes your pseudo-intelligence.  Do us all a favor and actually research instead of skimming through a few articles and watching some videos, and come back when you realize that your #!## stinks too.
There's a superficial being "upstairs" called "God."

This being creates human beings.

This being pre-programs human beings' characteristics based on what date of the calendar year he decided to create them (Zodiac signs).


I can't believe that there's people in this world that can look in the mirror and say those 3 statements with a straight face.
Originally Posted by Cole World 22

There's a superficial being "upstairs" called "God."

This being creates human beings.

This being pre-programs human beings' characteristics based on what date of the calendar year he decided to create them (Zodiac signs).


I can't believe that there's people in this world that can look in the mirror and say those 3 statements with a straight face.

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by ayejreeun

Waits for the Atheist to bash religion and the arguments that follows

its unfair to say atheist "bash" religion simply because we disagree with it.
To most of us, its the same as making fun of astrology, or homeopathy, or tarot card reading horoscopes. 
That doesn't make any sense, dude.  It's not fair to say "atheists bash religion" when in your very next sentence, you admit to making fun of religion?  What part of the game is that?
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