Why do you believe that there is a god?

Originally Posted by imthekang

one can have a relationship with God but it doesn't have to be in a organized religion....

Your ENTIRE notion of a god is crafted by a religious affliation.

Where your god is, what you call your god, how you relate to your god, how your god intervenes and acts is all crafted by a religion.

You just choose to follow the god or gods of a particular religion but don't want the association of that religion.

You're picking and choosing. 
NikeAirForce1 wrote:
imthekang wrote:
one can have a relationship with God but it doesn't have to be in a organized religion....
who said it does?
read the thread title and the OP.  you'll see that it says nothing about religion.


nobody said it does....

expressing my belief's and shedding light to those who do believe in religion....
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by Kramer

Originally Posted by sillyputty

We didn't know how lightening worked 1000 years ago. Was god responsible for it then before he handed the knowledge off or did we just not understand it at the time?

The devil was thought to cause a lot of diseases that we don't know now. Did the devil stop taking control and give the knowledge to us or did we just take time to figure it out? 

Additionally, why do you believe in Jesus and not the Jewish stories in which Jesus wasn't a prophet or the muslim stories in which Jesus is just another prophet but not important like Mohammed? 

If you assert that god created the universe then how did he do it? Just saying god did it doesn't bring you any closer to the answer. You're just claiming whatever you want to say with no proof in the first place. 

I can't say babies come from the stork. And just be done with it. I'd have to explain it. Just saying it "happened" doesn't explain anything. 

The honest thing to do is to do what scientists who've even dedicated their lives to figuring this out do; They say, " I don't know how this happened right now but I will figure out out" ...thats a lot more honest and does less damage to their efforts than saying "god did it" 
Well I guess if the apostles who wrote the Bible walked around with Jesus, and Jesus said he was the son of God, then its fairly safe to say that Jesus was. I can't prove that 100 percent but it's a strong argument. And since I believe in the whole Bible and it says God created everything then that's how I think it happened. A deity makes more sense then a universe randomly breaking all its own laws of physics. I think it's awesome that we have scientists, they should just give God the credit for making a cool universe from which we can discover things

And please dont color coat everything cause that really trips me out

DO you know anything about the history of the bible? -yes

The earliest book of the bible was written SEVENTY YEARS after the supposed events even were supposed to take place. - Im assuming your talking about the dead sea scrolls, and Moses wrote the 1st 5 books. God talked to him directly so I doubt it was hard

On top of that the bible was written by people who weren't even around to WITNESS the events. Most of those apostles you're referring to couldn't have written the sections you're referring to. - Paul wrote most of the NT such as all the epistles, and Luke wrote Luke and so on

Additionally, there is no evidence of what paul actually said happened. - Yeah it happened 2000 years ago, I havent seen anything scientists do with my own eyes either

It was the continued to be written over a period of 1600 years.  - what?


The most recent books were added when the popular king james version was released after being translated from the greek manuscripts. -so they weren't written 1600 years later, they were just translated then

Notice...king james VERSION. 

There are entire versions of the bible that you don't even pay attention to. Because those versions were written by people who were not inspired by God

There are version of the bible that have extremely different wording...

even some bibles don't have all your books and chapters! - see 2 responses earlier

Do you know what the Apocrypha is? There are entire books that are in there that are not in your bible. DO you want to know what jesus was like as a toddler? Its not hard to find. Just look it up. Its out there. -Again, those aren't "official" books

DOn't you wonder why these books are left out of your "holy" bible? -no

If the bible is so infallible and true why do people change it? - they don't

The catholic church just released a version THI SYEAR that changes "virgin" to "young woman" ...doesn't that change the whole purpose that it was a VIRGIN mary, not just a young girl that got knocked up and lied about it? -Didn't know that, but Im also not catholic. Although catholics do have the same core belief as lutherans

On top of that why do you not believe in islam or judaism or the other major religions? -written by a whole nother set of people

Are their claims not valid? -they may have some true stories in them, yes

If you also believe in the bible then you believe in the monsters and magic talking snakes. -True. Its not magic though

Do you believe the earth was created in 6 days by an all powerful being that had to REST for one day? I don't think there's even a good word for "rest", I still do stuff even while Im resting. There's no good word for that

Why did god create light on one day before he created the stars and other planets? -Why are you wearing the shirt you are today? Because you felt like doing it

Do you think women should be stoned for having sex before marriage? John 7:53

Do you kill people for working on the sabbath? No, neither did Jesus

Is slavery moral to you? Absolutely not

You know the god of the old and new testament killed over 1million people in the bible right?...the devil only killed like 10. -Just like you can't explain all science, I can't explain all Gods actions

On top of that why would god create a world that we have to figure things out in? If it was god wouldn't that god just give us the tools to know everything already? -I don't see why people think he's obligated to do such stuff. He did it so people like you could "take a leap of faith" and believe in him

Why should scientists give thanks to your god and not some other god? -There is only 1 God

Why did god just give us scientists as you put it? Where were these scientists and doctors when the average life expectancy was half of what it is now and we lacked innovation for thousands of years? -What are you talking about? Technology has improved, there were doctors back in Roman times doing brain surgery!

Why is it so hard for us to discover things? Why wouldn't god just make it easier on us? -Because its fun

So are you saying that scientists have it right and we should trust their discoveries since they're the ones figuring things out? I don't even trust the president of the US that much, but alot of things they discover are obviously right

So if scientists provide evidence does that make them more right since they're figuring out gods universe? Not sure what you mean, but I know they have more resources to discover things then I do

Is this what you think happened in the bible? -I mean thats the Simpsons but something like that. I doubt he had to point his finger at things


Why is your religion or faith more favored over others? -Mostly because religions like Mormonism were created by crazy people, and things like Greek mythology even the Greeks rejected. Just read the Bible and so many things make sense.

What actually makes you believe in the bible? Like I said, alot of things in it make sense. For instance when God stopped the sun so they could fight longer, what do you know the sun seems to be in a different spot then it would've been.

Do you think god causes earthquakes and lightening? No the Earth is pretty set in its cycles and what not. Thats science

Does the earth sit on FOUR pillars? Hmm let me check google earth. Nope

How come there haven't been any miracles since Jesus supposedly existed? Who says there haven't? I'll admit this is sometime hard for me to. The classic "this person survived when there was only a 5% chance of it happening". Was it God or just luck?

So if its in a book does that make it true? If you read about Harry Potter does that make it true just because you want to "believe" it is true? This is a ridiculous argument. Obviously I can't write a book and change history and it just happens. There really was a Jesus person on Earth

Tell me what. Tell me why you don't believe in islam, or judaism, or Hinduism the greek or roman gods and i'll show you why I don't believe in christianity. K I just did so go for it if you want to.

Don't get offended either. If you're going to support something you've got to stand up for it. Don't run and hide. Defend your beliefs. Just don't expect me to spare you to be "tolerant" 

Ok I just did. I'm not offended. Did everything you asked for and am waiting for you to blow up on me
If your views don't stand on their own, its not my fault. 
Originally Posted by NikeAirForce1

Originally Posted by Kramer

True, but I don't believe those religions for various reasons.

The only reason you don't believe in other religions is because you weren't raised by your parents to believe in those religions.
You know my parents?? There's lots of Christians who had unchristian parents
There is a lot of atheists with religious parents.  As for the bible making sense?  The reason I'm an atheist stems from Christianity/Catholicism not making any sense, leading to their god not making sense etc etc until I said $*** it none of the other religions or gods really make sense either
That would be my guess seeing as that is how most people start subscribing to any religion.

I wonder if I'm wrong or right....

Isn't it funny how if you were born in Afghanistan, your religion would probably had been Islam and not Christianity?
Originally Posted by Kramer

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Additionally, there is no evidence of what paul actually said happened. - Yeah it happened 2000 years ago, I havent seen anything scientists do with my own eyes either
I hate this comparison because it's so incredibly bad. There are strict guidelines to determine what is pseudo science and what isn't. This is in no way comparable supernatural events that supposedly occurred 2,000 years ago. I can't do anything to confirm or disprove what supposedly happened in biblical times. Science, however, can be independently verified by other scientists thanks to the scientific method. I sincerely doubt you question science when it benefits you.
I've read this entire thread, glad this discussion is still ongoing.

I've asked the topic question to many people to believe in god and the most common answer is along the lines of "I was down and out...there was no way I could have gotten out of that situation alone". I think its funny that most people "find" god when they are in a tough spot.

I was raised in the church, prayed, witnessed people catching "the holy ghost" but none of that made me believe in god. So I stopped all of it, and my life has been no different. Its still a continuum, ups downs and in betweens.
Btw, no one answered the topic question yet. I don't need proof, just what was the experience you had? Hopefully something beyond a feeling. fferent. Its still a continuum, ups downs and in betweens.
Btw, no one answered the topic question yet. I don't need proof, just what was the experience you had? Hopefully something beyond a feeling.
Originally Posted by 1stWitIt

I've read this entire thread, glad this discussion is still ongoing.

I've asked the topic question to many people to believe in god and the most common answer is along the lines of "I was down and out...there was no way I could have gotten out of that situation alone". I think its funny that most people "find" god when they are in a tough spot.

I was raised in the church, prayed, witnessed people catching "the holy ghost" but none of that made me believe in god. So I stopped all of it, and my life has been no different. Its still a continuum, ups downs and in betweens.
Btw, no one answered the topic question yet. I don't need proof, just what was the experience you had? Hopefully something beyond a feeling. fferent. Its still a continuum, ups downs and in betweens.
Btw, no one answered the topic question yet. I don't need proof, just what was the experience you had? Hopefully something beyond a feeling.

Why do athiests always want you to PROVE there is a God, when you cant PROVE what you believe in?
The scientific explanation of creation has as many holes in it as the religious explanation.

The truth is it doesnt matter. This debate will never end.
JaysRcrak wrote:
Why do athiests always want you to PROVE there is a God, when you cant PROVE what you believe in?
Athiests don't believe in the existence of deities or supernatural beings my dude. What exactly do you want to be proven to you?
Scientists don't always even use the scientific method. You can't recreate creation, and yet they say it happened
Originally Posted by JaysRcrak

Why do athiests always want you to PROVE there is a God, when you cant PROVE what you believe in?
The scientific explanation of creation has as many holes in it as the religious explanation.

The truth is it doesnt matter. This debate will never end.

Only when it comes to religion do you not ask for proof!


Don't you ask engineers to prove that their bridges are safe?

Don't you ask for chefs to prove their food is cooked properly?

Don't you ask for proof that money was deposited in your account?

Don't you ask for proof that someone murdered someone else?

Don't you ask for proof that this high school BB player will be worth bringing to the NBA?

Don't you ask for proof that you were speeding when the cop pulls you over?

Don't you ask for proof that your answer on a test was wrong? 

Don't you ask for proof that lightening is caused by electric discharge between the clouds and not "god"???

Yet when it comes to people who say "god is real and it exists" you DO NOT ASK FOR PROOF


Originally Posted by JaysRcrak

Why do athiests always want you to PROVE there is a God, when you cant PROVE what you believe in?
The scientific explanation of creation has as many holes in it as the religious explanation.

The truth is it doesnt matter. This debate will never end.
There is no scientific explanation of "creation". There are scientific explanations of how life began. Perhaps that's what you mean? Those explanations are supported by what we know through science, so I don't see what point you're trying to make.
Originally Posted by Kramer

Scientists don't always even use the scientific method. You can't recreate creation, and yet they say it happened
No, scientists typically say nothing about "creation" because "creation" is a religious concept. Scientists address natural phenomena, not supernatural phenomena. I feel like people here are throwing anything they can think of at science without actually thinking about what they're saying.
Whatever you wanna call it. Uranium or whatever blowing up and creating galaxies and life. You can't repeat that
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by JaysRcrak

Why do athiests always want you to PROVE there is a God, when you cant PROVE what you believe in?

The scientific explanation of creation has as many holes in it as the religious explanation.

The truth is it doesnt matter. This debate will never end.

Only when it comes to religion do you not ask for proof!


Don't you ask engineers to prove that their bridges are safe?

Don't you ask for chefs to prove their food is cooked properly?

Don't you ask for proof that money was deposited in your account?

Don't you ask for proof that someone murdered someone else?

Don't you ask for proof that this high school BB player will be worth bringing to the NBA?

Don't you ask for proof that you were speeding when the cop pulls you over?

Don't you ask for proof that your answer on a test was wrong? 

Don't you ask for proof that lightening is caused by electric discharge between the clouds and not "god"???

Yet when it comes to people who say "god is real and it exists" you DO NOT ASK FOR PROOF



whew! I'm glad you were here to explain to me EVERYTHING that I know. Now I know where my intelligence begins and ends. Thanx.

People say things all the time without proving their statements.

Big Bang Theory. People believe it, yet it hasnt been proven.
Existence of Aliens. People believe it, yet it hasnt been proven.
Space/Time continuum. People believe in it, but yet it hasnt been proven that such a thing exist.
Worm holes. People believe in it, but yet it hasnt been proven that such a thing exist.
Migraine Headaches. Researchers have ideas about the causes, but none have been proven.
Cerebral allergies. Researchers have ideas about what cause them, but none have been proven
cytotoxicity testing, subcutaneous provocative challenge, immune complex assays,IgG subclass assays, are all unproven methods to diagnose food allergies.
People claim to know how old the universe is. But yet every so often the number changes. Because they cant prove the distances of redshifts are accurate.

The list goes on and on. So yes people do say things without proving them.
So my question to you is: why does it matter to you what another person believes? Do you.

So Nyuh Shi Dae wrote:
There is no scientific explanation of "creation". There are scientific explanations of how life began. Perhaps that's what you mean? Those explanations are supported by what we know through science, so I don't see what point you're trying to make.

The Big Bang Theory is the explanation that science gives for the creation of the universe. Is it not?
Originally Posted by Kramer

Whatever you wanna call it. Uranium or whatever blowing up and creating galaxies and life. You can't repeat that
lolwat. Do you make straw mans and actually expect to be taken seriously? Not being able to repeat the Big Bang doesn't mean that we can't study the evidence that the Big Bang left behind. 
Originally Posted by JaysRcrak

So Nyuh Shi Dae wrote:
There is no scientific explanation of "creation". There are scientific explanations of how life began. Perhaps that's what you mean? Those explanations are supported by what we know through science, so I don't see what point you're trying to make.

The Big Bang Theory is the explanation that science gives for the creation of the universe. Is it not?
In a discussion that involves supernatural and natural explanations for the existence of the universe, creation typically refers to the supernatural event where god created everything. So, no.
Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Originally Posted by Kramer

Whatever you wanna call it. Uranium or whatever blowing up and creating galaxies and life. You can't repeat that
lolwat. Do you make straw mans and actually expect to be taken seriously? Not being able to repeat the Big Bang doesn't mean that we can't study the evidence that the Big Bang left behind. 
How can you prove that the Big Bang actually left behind that evidence though?
It really scares me to the length some people will go to defend religion. No logic, no answers, no reasoning, nothing. The answer for them is "just because". Not only that, then they try to disprove Science? Really? Science? Something that is literally all fact based you don't want to believe because a 2,000+ year old book about a magician in open-toed sandals that has been translated and slightly re-written countless times told you so?

I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Originally Posted by JaysRcrak

So Nyuh Shi Dae wrote:

There is no scientific explanation of "creation". There are scientific explanations of how life began. Perhaps that's what you mean? Those explanations are supported by what we know through science, so I don't see what point you're trying to make.

The Big Bang Theory is the explanation that science gives for the creation of the universe. Is it not?
In a discussion that involves supernatural and natural explanations for the existence of the universe, creation typically refers to the supernatural event where god created everything. So, no.

Regardless of what you feel is "typical," that is not what I asked you.
The answer is yes. The Big Bang Theory is science's explanation of the creation of the universe, by any definition.

Slaptastic wrote:
It really scares me to the length some people will go to defend religion. No logic, no answers, no reasoning, nothing. The answer for them is "just because". Not only that, then they try to disprove Science? Really? Science? Something that is literally all fact based you don't want to believe because a 2,000+ year old book about a magician in open-toed sandals that has been translated and slightly re-written countless times told you so?

I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

Science is literally all fact based? Yeah. ok. The thread is about the existence of God, not belief in religion. Try to keep up
Me personally, I am not trying to disprove science. I believe science has made wondeful discoveries, that improve and enhance our lives everyday.
Things like modern medicine.
But what I am doing is pointing out how athiests always want religious people to prove their beliefs, then turn around and put their faith in things that also cannot be proven.
xEpikRain wrote:
So Nyuh Shi Dae wrote:
Originally Posted by Kramer

Whatever you wanna call it. Uranium or whatever blowing up and creating galaxies and life. You can't repeat that
lolwat. Do you make straw mans and actually expect to be taken seriously? Not being able to repeat the Big Bang doesn't mean that we can't study the evidence that the Big Bang left behind.
How can you prove that the Big Bang actually left behind that evidence though?

If we look at things in the universe, such as stars or galaxies, we can measure things like their distance from us.  If we look at it at a later time, we can see that they have actually moved even farther away from us. This is evidence that the universe is expanding (Hubble's law). THIS IS A FACT. Now let's look at it in reverse. This must mean that earlier in time, the star was closer to us. Go back a little bit more and now the star is even closer. This means that EVERYTHING in the universe was once next to each other in one infinitely small, hot, and dense point or ball of pure energy and matter (the big bang).

What ever happened before the Big Bang is purely speculation.

If you have the time, this short lecture by one of the world's top cosmologists, explains the Big Bang and what might have existed before it.
Originally Posted by Kramer

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by Kramer

Well I guess if the apostles who wrote the Bible walked around with Jesus, and Jesus said he was the son of God, then its fairly safe to say that Jesus was. I can't prove that 100 percent but it's a strong argument. And since I believe in the whole Bible and it says God created everything then that's how I think it happened. A deity makes more sense then a universe randomly breaking all its own laws of physics. I think it's awesome that we have scientists, they should just give God the credit for making a cool universe from which we can discover things

And please dont color coat everything cause that really trips me out

DO you know anything about the history of the bible? -yes

The earliest book of the bible was written SEVENTY YEARS after the supposed events even were supposed to take place. - Im assuming your talking about the dead sea scrolls, and Moses wrote the 1st 5 books. God talked to him directly so I doubt it was hard

On top of that the bible was written by people who weren't even around to WITNESS the events. Most of those apostles you're referring to couldn't have written the sections you're referring to. - Paul wrote most of the NT such as all the epistles, and Luke wrote Luke and so on

Additionally, there is no evidence of what paul actually said happened. - Yeah it happened 2000 years ago, I havent seen anything scientists do with my own eyes either

It was the continued to be written over a period of 1600 years.  - what?


The most recent books were added when the popular king james version was released after being translated from the greek manuscripts. -so they weren't written 1600 years later, they were just translated then

Notice...king james VERSION. 

There are entire versions of the bible that you don't even pay attention to. Because those versions were written by people who were not inspired by God

There are version of the bible that have extremely different wording...

even some bibles don't have all your books and chapters! - see 2 responses earlier

Do you know what the Apocrypha is? There are entire books that are in there that are not in your bible. DO you want to know what jesus was like as a toddler? Its not hard to find. Just look it up. Its out there. -Again, those aren't "official" books

DOn't you wonder why these books are left out of your "holy" bible? -no

If the bible is so infallible and true why do people change it? - they don't

The catholic church just released a version THI SYEAR that changes "virgin" to "young woman" ...doesn't that change the whole purpose that it was a VIRGIN mary, not just a young girl that got knocked up and lied about it? -Didn't know that, but Im also not catholic. Although catholics do have the same core belief as lutherans

On top of that why do you not believe in islam or judaism or the other major religions? -written by a whole nother set of people

Are their claims not valid? -they may have some true stories in them, yes

If you also believe in the bible then you believe in the monsters and magic talking snakes. -True. Its not magic though

Do you believe the earth was created in 6 days by an all powerful being that had to REST for one day? I don't think there's even a good word for "rest", I still do stuff even while Im resting. There's no good word for that

Why did god create light on one day before he created the stars and other planets? -Why are you wearing the shirt you are today? Because you felt like doing it

Do you think women should be stoned for having sex before marriage? John 7:53

Do you kill people for working on the sabbath? No, neither did Jesus

Is slavery moral to you? Absolutely not

You know the god of the old and new testament killed over 1million people in the bible right?...the devil only killed like 10. -Just like you can't explain all science, I can't explain all Gods actions

On top of that why would god create a world that we have to figure things out in? If it was god wouldn't that god just give us the tools to know everything already? -I don't see why people think he's obligated to do such stuff. He did it so people like you could "take a leap of faith" and believe in him

Why should scientists give thanks to your god and not some other god? -There is only 1 God

Why did god just give us scientists as you put it? Where were these scientists and doctors when the average life expectancy was half of what it is now and we lacked innovation for thousands of years? -What are you talking about? Technology has improved, there were doctors back in Roman times doing brain surgery!

Why is it so hard for us to discover things? Why wouldn't god just make it easier on us? -Because its fun

So are you saying that scientists have it right and we should trust their discoveries since they're the ones figuring things out? I don't even trust the president of the US that much, but alot of things they discover are obviously right

So if scientists provide evidence does that make them more right since they're figuring out gods universe? Not sure what you mean, but I know they have more resources to discover things then I do

Is this what you think happened in the bible? -I mean thats the Simpsons but something like that. I doubt he had to point his finger at things


Why is your religion or faith more favored over others? -Mostly because religions like Mormonism were created by crazy people, and things like Greek mythology even the Greeks rejected. Just read the Bible and so many things make sense.

What actually makes you believe in the bible? Like I said, alot of things in it make sense. For instance when God stopped the sun so they could fight longer, what do you know the sun seems to be in a different spot then it would've been.

Do you think god causes earthquakes and lightening? No the Earth is pretty set in its cycles and what not. Thats science

Does the earth sit on FOUR pillars? Hmm let me check google earth. Nope

How come there haven't been any miracles since Jesus supposedly existed? Who says there haven't? I'll admit this is sometime hard for me to. The classic "this person survived when there was only a 5% chance of it happening". Was it God or just luck?

So if its in a book does that make it true? If you read about Harry Potter does that make it true just because you want to "believe" it is true? This is a ridiculous argument. Obviously I can't write a book and change history and it just happens. There really was a Jesus person on Earth

Tell me what. Tell me why you don't believe in islam, or judaism, or Hinduism the greek or roman gods and i'll show you why I don't believe in christianity. K I just did so go for it if you want to.

Don't get offended either. If you're going to support something you've got to stand up for it. Don't run and hide. Defend your beliefs. Just don't expect me to spare you to be "tolerant" 

Ok I just did. I'm not offended. Did everything you asked for and am waiting for you to blow up on me
If your views don't stand on their own, its not my fault. 
If they found new books of the bible would you believe them? Or would you be skeptical? Wouldn't you ask for proof?

How do you know god spoke to someone? When someone says god spoke to them how do you know they're not lying?

Didn't moses go up BY HIMSELF and said god spoke to him? How do you know he didn't go up there by himself to just create something and say god did it? 

Yeah, what about the Old Testament? BTW, its shown that paul didn't write ALL of them. Even christian analysts have shown that people under the name of paul did it. Sections of it are far too inconsistent. There is a continuity issue with the bible. Additionally, how is the first book written close to a generation and a half after the events happened? How could you say they are reliable? 

Yeah but you benefit from the advances of science that you doubt don't you? Its only skeptical when you dont benefit from it right? Stop being silly. If you don't trust scientists then test their claims. Thats the point of the scientific method. CONFIRM THEIR FINDINGS. Thats how science works. It asks that if you disagree with something, challenge it and make things more accurate. 

No. Sorry. Wrong again. Parts of the bible were WRITTEN AND ADDED BY MONKS AND OTHER LEADERS OVER A PERIOD OF 1600 years. There are entire sections missings from the earliest compilations of the bible. They weren't "translated" at one time.

You really don't know anything about your bible.


How do you know who was inspired by god? Didn't they say god spoke to them? How do you know the difference? you're just going off what someone said, aren't you?

They don't change the bible? Funny...Don't you realize the bible was originally written in Greek and Aramic(sp?) ??? Did you even realize that other sects of christianity dont even have the same books in their bibles? Jews don't even have all the books of your bible...and they BEFORE you did.

How do you explain them "updating" different verses and changing entire chapters of an "infallible" book? 

How do you explain them doing this: http://www.biblegateway.c...an-bible-gets-an-update/

Huh?! Your book by god gets updated by people who think they "get it" ...

So their books were written by other people? Why can't they just be people like yours were who wrote YOUR book? How can you discredit their book and support yours on the same effort? 

Its not magic? Then what is it? What is magic to you then? You know it doesn't make sense yet you cling to it. Seems rather dishonest.

So you're saying its a translation issue? CONGRATULATIONS you admit that the book has errors probably in translation....OR youre avoiding the fact that your all knowing and all powerful god got TIRED. How is that even possible? 

Now you're being dishonest. How does even make sense KNOWING WHAT YOU KNOW about physics that light be emitted from things that don't even emit light? HUH?! 

Congratulations! You make more sense than your bible. You know none of these things make sense to do yet you choose to support them. You don't need your bible to think for you. You clearly know that its immoral and utterly wrong to stone women, or keep slaves but YOUR GOD says tis ok...it even gives you rules on how to do so. If you believe in the bible so much how can you just overlook this? You clearly disagree with it...so that means you disagree with your god.

You're choosing to overlook things you disagree with. Its dishonest.

On top of that... I don't claim to understand and know everything. Your god does. But when your godis shown to be wrong you still cling to it. Science sometimes goes over peoples heads. Thats why you study it. If you disagree with it...dont just stop and say well i don't understand it...seek to understand it...if you think its wrong...TEST it. Prove it wrong. Then you will have advanced scientific theory and understanding. Science tries to get it right. Your religion and faith just stops at "god did it"

If you think god isn't obligated to do stuff then why do people pray to it to change their lives or situations? Do you think that you could change the mind of an all knowing and all powerful being? If it already knows what it will do whats the point of changing its mind?

False. Wrong again. People believe in THOUSANDS of gods.

You don't believe in their gods. And they don't believe in Yours.

How can you be certain that YOUR god is the only god? You're being ignorant.

You are an atheist to the THOUSANDS of gods out there. You don't even think about them. How do you know you're not pissing THEIR gods off? How do you know your god is better? Because you believe in it? Thats not proof of the point. 

If you can reason why you don't believe in their gods thats the same reason they don't believe in YOUR god.

Now you're definitely trolling the hell out of me. 

You mean to tell me ancient romans stabbing at brains meant they knew what they were doing?

No sit your dumb ____ down. 

We have only in the last 100 years been able to effectively do brain surgery and know what the hell was actually going on.

Youre a fool. I won't even apologize for that. You're offending the doctors who devote their lives to actually understanding how things work with your blind and sheer ignorance. 

So god was just watching as millions died because the technology to save them didn't exist?

Isn't that a sadistic and sick bastard instead of an all loving being? THINK for a second!

So its more plausible for a god to point at stuff and make stuff?! 


The simpsons gif is plausible to you?! How can you be SERIOUS?!?!

So the things like rape, murder, mutilation, misogyny and an angry and unloving being that you claim exists makes more sense?

How does mormonism not make sense and christianity does? If your religion makes so much sense how does it make sense that Islam is the fastest growing religion? Clearly your god is losing christians. 

So the the talking snakes and dragons and mystic spirits make sense to you?

You've got to be freaking kidding me.

You've even admitted that it makes no sense to you at times and you still believe it. WHY?! 

Have you even READ the bible? How much of it have you read?

An all loving god stops the sun so beings it created can fight against each other? Its like watching animals fight in a cage instead of loving them like you say it would. Or maybe it was a lack in perception or they were confused. It could have been a solstice. How does this even make sense?!

Why cant it just be a fable? or enthustastic STORY?

What is your proof that this actually happened?!?!

Oh ok...so when science explains something that USED to be attributed to god(s) then it makes sense to you.

You're freaking ridiculous. You can't be serious here. 

Science explains how we get sick now. That used to be attributed to god. 

So what happened? Did god just give up and we figure it out?

Why can't it be that we were wrong in the past and now we understand stuff.

You live in a mental cage of self hate and depreciation. I feel utterly sorry for you.

You probably believe anything the government tells you too. 

Or maybe THEY DONT KNOW. Why not just admit "something happened I don't understand" instead of saying god did it?

How come in other religions people attribute miracles to their other gods? Is the same god responsible for different miracles or do they only do miracles for their followers?

Or are they simply and falsely giving credit where it doesn't belong? 

You're not making any sense even when you ADMIT it doesn't make sense.

If god gave you a sense of reason and the ability to think you're not using it clearly. 

Oh congrats! You realize how stupid it is to believe in harry potter but now for some reason you follow a book you have NO evidence for ANY claims in the book while much of it has been disproven or its claims explained through other means yet "god" wrote it.



On that same basis you can't dismiss harry potter as real!

Poor kid...
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