Why do you believe that there is a god?

I find it hilarious that this thread has so much life, it's a never ending argument. I don't understand why people care what others believe? If someone believing in God helps them cope with their daily rigors/ gives them fulfillment, why not let them be. I'd put alot of you anti-God people in the same boat as the religious fanatics because just like them, you are on a crusade to impose your beliefs on someone else. You personally don't know if there is a God or not, correct? Regardless of whatever "evidence" you have, it's not enough to prove or dispel the presence of a higher power. Both sides look foolish in here.
Originally Posted by goldenarmz97

I find it hilarious that this thread has so much life, it's a never ending argument. I don't understand why people care what others believe? If someone believing in God helps them cope with their daily rigors/ gives them fulfillment, why not let them be. I'd put alot of you anti-God people in the same boat as the religious fanatics because just like them, you are on a crusade to impose your beliefs on someone else. You personally don't know if there is a God or not, correct? Regardless of whatever "evidence" you have, it's not enough to prove or dispel the presence of a higher power. Both sides look foolish in here.

If you suggest a higher power exists, its on you to show that you have a reason to believe it.
Otherwise there isn't a problem with having people believe that the white race is the purest race and it should eliminate all other inferior races for example... 

Essentially then you're just free to say ANYTHING and not be held accountable for it.

Yes, evidence is important.

I do not know if there is a god in the same way that I don't know if there is not a giant pink teapot on the other side of the sun. If you assert there IS one however you have to prove your assertion with evidence to back your claim up. 

Don't say i'm imposing beliefs. 

I have no religious beliefs or beliefs in a higher power. YOU do. If you claim this to be true, prove it. Otherwise, you have no proof to substantiate your claim. I'm asking people to prove their statements and sentiments. 
Originally Posted by goldenarmz97

I find it hilarious that this thread has so much life, it's a never ending argument. I don't understand why people care what others believe? If someone believing in God helps them cope with their daily rigors/ gives them fulfillment, why not let them be. I'd put alot of you anti-God people in the same boat as the religious fanatics because just like them, you are on a crusade to impose your beliefs on someone else. You personally don't know if there is a God or not, correct? Regardless of whatever "evidence" you have, it's not enough to prove or dispel the presence of a higher power. Both sides look foolish in here.

What does this atheist "fanaticism" composed of?  Debating on the internet?  Is that what makes atheist "fanatics?" 

This thread isn't about disproving the existence of god(s).  We're merely asking for any evidence for the existence of god(s).  If the evidence that people provide don't hold up, we'll point that out.  God(s) may very still exist, but there is NO proof for the existence of god(s).

Now let's look at what religious fanatics do. 

Preach on the street corner. [emoji]10004[/emoji]
Door-to-door proselytizing.  [emoji]10004[/emoji]
Kill people who don't share their same beliefs.  [emoji]10004[/emoji]

It's laughable that you even dare to equate us with religious fanatics.  Looks like you haven't thought about this one and rushed to judgment.
If you suggest a higher power exists, its on you to show that you have a reason to believe it.

Is this a fact or just your opinion? Obviously it's the latter because you cannot prove an opinion, it's just your belief, just like some people believe in God. Pretty hypocritical, if you ask me. If I flipped the quoted sentence above and said, "If you suggest a higher power doesn't exist, its on you to show that you have a reason to believe it." You've done that in this thread, but you're only proving that to yourself. The people who believe in God have stated things that you quickly dismissed, although they brought up points that were relevant to their beliefs.

I have no religious beliefs or beliefs in a higher power. YOU do. If you claim this to be true, prove it. Otherwise, you have no proof to substantiate your claim. I'm asking people to prove their statements and sentiments.

I do? Where did you get that from? Did you infer that from me capitalizing God? Just like I'd capitalize any religious deity out of respect for one's beliefs? That's your problem, you don't do that. If I'm supposed to take your rhetoric at face value, I'd like you to prove your statement that there is no God. See how that can work both ways? Pretty funny, if you ask me.
Originally Posted by Kramer

So why do people NOT believe in a god?

I have answered this for what seems like 10 times to YOU ALONE.

I don't believe in god because the evidence put forth for the existence of a god does not support the claim that a god exists. 

I can't believe YOU of ALL people who posted in here asked that. 

Search your name in the thread and I've explained like 10 times already. 
Originally Posted by Kramer

So why do people NOT believe in a god?
There is no evidence for the existence of god(s).

Why do you not believe that Santa Claus, Zeus, unicorns, fairies, etc exist?

In fact, prove to me that Santa Claus DOES NOT exist.

Did you try it yet?  See how ridiculous it is when people like goldenarmz ask us to prove that god(s) don't exist?

If I asert I can fly, I can't make you prove to me that I can't.  That would be ridiculous. I have to provide the evidence or proof that I can fly.

So if someone asserts that there is a god(s), they must provide the evidence. 
Originally Posted by NikeAirForce1

Originally Posted by goldenarmz97

I find it hilarious that this thread has so much life, it's a never ending argument. I don't understand why people care what others believe? If someone believing in God helps them cope with their daily rigors/ gives them fulfillment, why not let them be. I'd put alot of you anti-God people in the same boat as the religious fanatics because just like them, you are on a crusade to impose your beliefs on someone else. You personally don't know if there is a God or not, correct? Regardless of whatever "evidence" you have, it's not enough to prove or dispel the presence of a higher power. Both sides look foolish in here.

What does this atheist "fanaticism" composed of?  Debating on the internet?  Is that what makes atheist "fanatics?" 

This thread isn't about disproving the existence of god(s).  We're merely asking for any evidence for the existence of god(s).  If the evidence that people provide don't hold up, we'll point that out.  God(s) may very still exist, but there is NO proof for the existence of god(s).

Now let's look at what religious fanatics do. 

Preach on the street corner. [emoji]10004[/emoji]
Door-to-door proselytizing.  [emoji]10004[/emoji]
Kill people who don't share their same beliefs.  [emoji]10004[/emoji]

It's laughable that you even dare to equate us with religious fanatics.  Looks like you haven't thought about this one and rushed to judgment.
First of all, you're on a website that is based around shoes asking people to prove there is a God. You asked, people answered, right? That should be enough but look at you, you're trying to shake people's core beliefs like that's your job. What makes you a fanatic is that you can't tolerate another person's personal belief so you do what? Attack them? Yes, you've done plenty of that here, right? Just like the Christian group opposing gay marriage or the right to choose so yes, I'll equate you with the religious fanatics. You are also trying to impose your beliefs (belief isn't a synonym for fact BTW.) on another instead of being tolerant of the next individual's way of life. Sounds eerily similar to those groups you mentioned above.

There is no evidence for the existence of god(s).

Why do you not believe that Santa Claus, Zeus, unicorns, fairies, etc exist?

In fact, prove to me that Santa Claus DOES NOT exist.

Did you try it yet?  See how ridiculous it is when people like goldenarmz ask us to prove that god(s) don't exist?

Do you believe in something less intrusive like man actually visiting the moon or that dinosaurs existed? Sounds asinine, right? There's substantially more evidence that these things are fact in comparison to God existing, but have you seen them with your own eyes? Have you ever seen a proton or electron? No, these are things you've been taught, but have you experienced them first hand? I've heard similar things from people of varying religions about the power & signs they've witnessed personally. I didn't experience it & it was odd to hear some of the things, but at the end of the day, their beliefs were powerful enough to them that they felt compelled to tell others. Those words were convincing enough that others accepted, whether through evidence or emotion, they were accepted by some. Not all. As much evidence that we have, there's still a segment of people who believe the earth is flat, sounds crazy but they believe it in their heart of hearts. We as humans aren't personally going to be able to prove everything, there isn't one person who is an authority on everything, we have been taught things that ourselves will never be able to validate as fact.
To quote Albert Einstein, "‘Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of truthhttp://creatingminds.org/quotes/truth.htm and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods."
Ha Ok my bad I didn't really mean that. Just more whats your explanation of how we got here and why everything exists
Originally Posted by Kramer

Ha Ok my bad I didn't really mean that. Just more whats your explanation of how we got here and why everything exists
I believe this has also been addressed. We don't know what caused the universe. We don't know why the universe exists. We have some idea of how it began. We have some idea of how life on earth began.
My real point is God makes more sense TO ME then whatever caused the universe to happen. And since that isnt definitely explained either and I believe Jesus came and saved us that is why I believe in God. Yes I know Im randomly jumping back into this thread sorry
Originally Posted by Kramer

My real point is God makes more sense TO ME then whatever caused the universe to happen. And since that isnt definitely explained either and I believe Jesus came and saved us that is why I believe in God. Yes I know Im randomly jumping back into this thread sorry
Yeah, god of the gaps. A lot of people rely on that. People like to assume that god is the answer since science doesn't currently have an answer.
Originally Posted by goldenarmz97

If you suggest a higher power exists, its on you to show that you have a reason to believe it.

Is this a fact or just your opinion? Obviously it's the latter because you cannot prove an opinion, it's just your belief, just like some people believe in God. Pretty hypocritical, if you ask me. If I flipped the quoted sentence above and said, "If you suggest a higher power doesn't exist, its on you to show that you have a reason to believe it." You've done that in this thread, but you're only proving that to yourself. The people who believe in God have stated things that you quickly dismissed, although they brought up points that were relevant to their beliefs.

I have no religious beliefs or beliefs in a higher power. YOU do. If you claim this to be true, prove it. Otherwise, you have no proof to substantiate your claim. I'm asking people to prove their statements and sentiments.

I do? Where did you get that from? Did you infer that from me capitalizing God? Just like I'd capitalize any religious deity out of respect for one's beliefs? That's your problem, you don't do that. If I'm supposed to take your rhetoric at face value, I'd like you to prove your statement that there is no God. See how that can work both ways? Pretty funny, if you ask me.


Its a shame you haven't taken the time to read the thread like an honest contributer would.

It has been explained that in order to make a claim, you have to support it with evidence.

If not then you're free to say anything and never be wrong. I could say that the moon is made of cheese because I "believe" it to be the case. But of course you would ask for evidence. You would say its preposterous if I asked you to disprove my claim.

Additionally, claims are not DISPROVEN. Its a misnomer. its easy for us to use in common language but its not actually what happens.

Next, you can't disprove a negative. its a mathematic and logical fallacy to attempt to do so. Can you disprove that i'm not a horse typing right now? No. You gather evidence to assert another conclusion that I am something else, but you can't DISPROVE a negative. 

When people suggest other claims with evidence they don't disprove claims, they support other claims based on the evidence introduced. 

For instance if you're in court the defense and the prosecution assert that the evidence supports their claims more than the other side. The evidence introduced doesn't disprove any sides particular claims. It merely asserts that the evidence reaches one conclusion better than the other. Evidence supports claims to a greater extent than previous claims. It doesn't disprove claims.  

First of all, no duh people brought up points "important to their" faith. Its called faith for a reason. Its little lines they rehearse without thinking about why and how their religion makes sense to only them. 

None of it is proof for the existence of their god.

Bottom line, if you assert a conclusion you must provide evidence or proof for your claim to substantiate your conjecture. 

I am smart enough to know that I can't prove there is no god.


I've told you this. 

I can however say this.

Based on the evidence that says there is a god, it does not suggestively prove that there is a god that exists in the way the evidence says it does. 

So far in this thread, none of the evidence provided that a god exists proves that claim. 

Do I know if a god exists? No.

Do I know a god doesn't exist? No.

If you present evidence to support the claim that  a god exists, then i'll accept the claim. However if you do not, how can I be expected to accept your claim and furthermore why would you expect someone else to do so either? 

If you accept claims without proof then you are liable to believe anything because you do not value being told valid reasons to accept claims. 

The HONEST answer here is to say, I do not know either way because the evidence has not been provided to support the claim that a god exists. Thus i do not believe in your claim. 

Thats it. 
Originally Posted by goldenarmz97

Originally Posted by NikeAirForce1

Originally Posted by goldenarmz97

I find it hilarious that this thread has so much life, it's a never ending argument. I don't understand why people care what others believe? If someone believing in God helps them cope with their daily rigors/ gives them fulfillment, why not let them be. I'd put alot of you anti-God people in the same boat as the religious fanatics because just like them, you are on a crusade to impose your beliefs on someone else. You personally don't know if there is a God or not, correct? Regardless of whatever "evidence" you have, it's not enough to prove or dispel the presence of a higher power. Both sides look foolish in here.

What does this atheist "fanaticism" composed of?  Debating on the internet?  Is that what makes atheist "fanatics?" 

This thread isn't about disproving the existence of god(s).  We're merely asking for any evidence for the existence of god(s).  If the evidence that people provide don't hold up, we'll point that out.  God(s) may very still exist, but there is NO proof for the existence of god(s).

Now let's look at what religious fanatics do. 

Preach on the street corner. [emoji]10004[/emoji]
Door-to-door proselytizing.  [emoji]10004[/emoji]
Kill people who don't share their same beliefs.  [emoji]10004[/emoji]

It's laughable that you even dare to equate us with religious fanatics.  Looks like you haven't thought about this one and rushed to judgment.
First of all, you're on a website that is based around shoes asking people to prove there is a God. You asked, people answered, right? That should be enough but look at you, you're trying to shake people's core beliefs like that's your job. What makes you a fanatic is that you can't tolerate another person's personal belief so you do what? Attack them? Yes, you've done plenty of that here, right? Just like the Christian group opposing gay marriage or the right to choose so yes, I'll equate you with the religious fanatics. You are also trying to impose your beliefs (belief isn't a synonym for fact BTW.) on another instead of being tolerant of the next individual's way of life. Sounds eerily similar to those groups you mentioned above.

This is a non-sequitur. Does the fact that people discuss politics in the barber shop make their talks invalid? 

Does the fact that people talk about sex at coffee shops make their talks invalid? 

Is it wrong for a doctor to be studying the law? 

A valid discussion is valid no matter where it occurs. 

Whether or not it is relevant is another story. 

Stop confusing entities that are separate in nature. 

jokes aside that were made in poor taste, all this poster has tried to do is ask for proof for the beliefs of followers. 

As of yet no proof has been substantiated in support of their beliefs that prove there is a god.

Additionally, asking questions about why people believe is not "pushing" beliefs onto others.

Is it pushing beliefs if I ask you why you think the Atlanta Braves are the best team in MLB? 

Is it pushing beliefs if I ask you to show why you support the Republican Party? 

There is a difference between being tolerant and being ignorant. 

if you support an idea that lacks fact, evidence, or proof to even a reasonable degree that violates well supported and established doctrine...like say the theory of gravity, then to assert that the theory of gravity is wrong because god says so, means that not only is that person ignorant of well proven doctrine but they are also unwilling to provide evidence for their claims and thus have no validity. 
Originally Posted by Kramer

My real point is God makes more sense TO ME then whatever caused the universe to happen. And since that isnt definitely explained either and I believe Jesus came and saved us that is why I believe in God. Yes I know Im randomly jumping back into this thread sorry

We didn't know how lightening worked 1000 years ago. Was god responsible for it then before he handed the knowledge off or did we just not understand it at the time?

The devil was thought to cause a lot of diseases that we don't know now. Did the devil stop taking control and give the knowledge to us or did we just take time to figure it out? 

Additionally, why do you believe in Jesus and not the Jewish stories in which Jesus wasn't a prophet or the muslim stories in which Jesus is just another prophet but not important like Mohammed? 

If you assert that god created the universe then how did he do it? Just saying god did it doesn't bring you any closer to the answer. You're just claiming whatever you want to say with no proof in the first place. 

I can't say babies come from the stork. And just be done with it. I'd have to explain it. Just saying it "happened" doesn't explain anything. 

The honest thing to do is to do what scientists who've even dedicated their lives to figuring this out do; They say, " I don't know how this happened right now but I will figure out out" ...thats a lot more honest and does less damage to their efforts than saying "god did it" 
the first half was me and my sister...except the the foot rubbing lol

that "ego" trip was like almost word for word lol

groce. anyway shes the type to believe "just in case".

is that capt america? hah
Originally Posted by goldenarmz97

Originally Posted by NikeAirForce1

Originally Posted by goldenarmz97

I find it hilarious that this thread has so much life, it's a never ending argument. I don't understand why people care what others believe? If someone believing in God helps them cope with their daily rigors/ gives them fulfillment, why not let them be. I'd put alot of you anti-God people in the same boat as the religious fanatics because just like them, you are on a crusade to impose your beliefs on someone else. You personally don't know if there is a God or not, correct? Regardless of whatever "evidence" you have, it's not enough to prove or dispel the presence of a higher power. Both sides look foolish in here.

What does this atheist "fanaticism" composed of?  Debating on the internet?  Is that what makes atheist "fanatics?" 

This thread isn't about disproving the existence of god(s).  We're merely asking for any evidence for the existence of god(s).  If the evidence that people provide don't hold up, we'll point that out.  God(s) may very still exist, but there is NO proof for the existence of god(s).

Now let's look at what religious fanatics do. 

Preach on the street corner. ✔
Door-to-door proselytizing.  ✔
Kill people who don't share their same beliefs.  ✔

It's laughable that you even dare to equate us with religious fanatics.  Looks like you haven't thought about this one and rushed to judgment.
First of all, you're on a website that is based around shoes asking people to prove there is a God. You asked, people answered, right? That should be enough but look at you, you're trying to shake people's core beliefs like that's your job. What makes you a fanatic is that you can't tolerate another person's personal belief so you do what? Attack them? Yes, you've done plenty of that here, right? Just like the Christian group opposing gay marriage or the right to choose so yes, I'll equate you with the religious fanatics. You are also trying to impose your beliefs (belief isn't a synonym for fact BTW.) on another instead of being tolerant of the next individual's way of life. Sounds eerily similar to those groups you mentioned above.

There is no evidence for the existence of god(s).

Why do you not believe that Santa Claus, Zeus, unicorns, fairies, etc exist?

In fact, prove to me that Santa Claus DOES NOT exist.

Did you try it yet?  See how ridiculous it is when people like goldenarmz ask us to prove that god(s) don't exist?

Do you believe in something less intrusive like man actually visiting the moon or that dinosaurs existed? Sounds asinine, right? There's substantially more evidence that these things are fact in comparison to God existing, but have you seen them with your own eyes? Have you ever seen a proton or electron? No, these are things you've been taught, but have you experienced them first hand? I've heard similar things from people of varying religions about the power & signs they've witnessed personally. I didn't experience it & it was odd to hear some of the things, but at the end of the day, their beliefs were powerful enough to them that they felt compelled to tell others. Those words were convincing enough that others accepted, whether through evidence or emotion, they were accepted by some. Not all. As much evidence that we have, there's still a segment of people who believe the earth is flat, sounds crazy but they believe it in their heart of hearts. We as humans aren't personally going to be able to prove everything, there isn't one person who is an authority on everything, we have been taught things that ourselves will never be able to validate as fact.
To quote Albert Einstein, "‘Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods."

Umm... first off there is video evidence of men being on the moon. Don't want to get into that discussion, but just saying. Secondly, there are dino bones at your local museum.

But, what I mainly wanted to comment on is your question of having ever seen a proton or electron. And, the answer is we really don't have to since there is so much proof already to their existence through all the empricial evidence we see in physics and chemistry experiments as well as in the natural world. Basically, we just don't have a powerful enough microscope to see them. But, we are getting there. Currently, the strongest forms of microscopy that we have can some what resolve molecules, including: scanning tunneling microscopy, atomic force microscopy, and others. Check out these images:

Images of Iron and I believe copper atoms and their orbiting electron standing waves. Using STM.


AFM of a pentacene. As you can see the mathematical models were correct and you can see the five conjoined 6-carbon (benzene) rings with predicted structures and angles. We learn in chemist ry of these mathematical models using the existance and properties of electrons, protons, and neutrons.


So basically what im saying is, yes, though laboratory experiments and some visualization we have seen their existence. These experiments can be reproduced perfectly on a consistent basis, unlike your religious experiences that have been "witnessed." We aren't just blindly taught to listen and believe in such things. in fact we are actually taught to question theories in science.
Too many things to rebut so ill just add bullet points.

You said, "


Its a shame you haven't taken the time to read the thread like an honest contributer would.

It has been explained that in order to make a claim, you have to support it with evidence.

Just because the evidence isn't empirical doesn't mean the beliefs aren't evident to that person. Like I mentioned earlier, I've had people swear they've felt the power of their God, which to them was evidence enough. We both weren't there to experience it so how can we validate that claim? We can't. It was a unique experience that stood out so much to them that they chose to relay it to others. Just because you don't accept their evidence, whatever that may be doesn't mean they aren't valid.

Like I mentioned earlier, you are quickly dismissing people's beliefs, your reply to Kramer's personal beliefs was hilarious. He placed "To ME" in bold but you were quick to try and disprove his beliefs by bringing up things that he didn't even make claim to. Kramer didn't state that he thought the devil created disease, that was your hyperbole & propaganda at work.

This is a non-sequitur. Does the fact that people discuss politics in the barber shop make their talks invalid? 

Does the fact that people talk about sex at coffee shops make their talks invalid?

It doesn't but my point was, why would you come to a shoe website looking for a definitive and concise answer? I've never seen an episode of Meet The Press at a coffee shop or nail salon. You claim to want a definitive answer, go to where someone who is well-versed in their beliefs congregate and ask there.
You asked,  "If you assert that god created the universe then how did he do it? Just saying god did it doesn't bring you any closer to the answer. You're just claiming whatever you want to say with no proof in the first place." Prior to that, you asked about lighening [sic] works, I don't know what that is but I have an idea on what causes lightning. I can't prove it because it was something I was taught, is that sentiment also true in your case? So, when you choose to have that discussion with that scholar/ monk/ shaman/ pastor and they provide an answer laden with facts and evidence, would you just dismiss those words? 
There is a difference between being tolerant and being ignorant. 

if you support an idea that lacks fact, evidence, or proof to even a reasonable degree that violates well supported and established doctrine...like say the theory of gravity, then to assert that the theory of gravity is wrong because god says so, means that not only is that person ignorant of well proven doctrine but they are also unwilling to provide evidence for their claims and thus have no validity.

Being tolerant is when someone says those are my personal beliefs, you don't attack, ridicule or come across as condescending. You did that in response to Kramer with the mention of the stork delivering babies. I get the point you're trying to make, but doing that in such a roundabout way makes you look vindictive against his beliefs. Did you have an encounter with religion that made you take up arms against it's rudimentary beliefs? If someone has their own set of beliefs, why do they have to explain them to you? If they aren't badgering you with their theories, why assail the believers of God(s) like you have in this thread? You've been pretty intolerant in this thread (and that's not even mentioning you trying to diminish B Smooth's blackness. Sorry, I did read the thread. Theory debunked)
Once again, "‘Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods." Find someone more astute in these matters, not Niketalk, it's just making your argument look weak.

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