Why hate,negativity towards reselling/determinging value of a Jordan.Does not exist in SPORTSCARDS?

the resell thing has a pro/con to it. Theres a certain shoe you want that you can't. most certainly a reseller has that shoe but they also drive up theprices on the shoes they are selling. If a certain shoe is worth/going for $200 they want $250 thus making the other sellers drive up there price to competeand then in turn inflating the sneaker marketplace. You have hypebeast too that drive up the resell value of a shoe. just because everyone is talking about aparticular shoe and just hyping it up a typical reseller that doesn't know about shoes will look at that be like yeah, Ima cake off. Im 28, ive beencollecting kicks since I was 8 real talk. I also resell. So what, shoot me. I really don't care about what peoples opinions are about me just because Iwant to make a little extra money side hustling kicks I might come across. Ive been collecting for a minute now so ive worked my way up where I have connectsthat call me on their new inventory or will put shoes to the side for me so they make sure I get a pair. hook me up on the prices ect.

I might wear the shoes, I might not, I might decide.. hhmmm, I could use some extra cash, or damn, I just bought a few too many pairs this week. let me look inmy closet and see what I can get rid of. Does that call for hating? no, but people gonna hate because they don't have what you have. plain and simple. Whyhate on a dude trying to come up, it aint effecting you. That person isn't forcing you to buy from him. You don't know that persons situation and hemight need the money for a emergency. This person is providing a service for you. What if there wasn't any resellers, do you think you would have most ofyour collection? You did buy those shoes from someone, correct?
the resell thing has a pro/con to it. Theres a certain shoe you want that you can't. most certainly a reseller has that shoe but they also drive up theprices on the shoes they are selling. If a certain shoe is worth/going for $200 they want $250 thus making the other sellers drive up there price to competeand then in turn inflating the sneaker marketplace. You have hypebeast too that drive up the resell value of a shoe. just because everyone is talking about aparticular shoe and just hyping it up a typical reseller that doesn't know about shoes will look at that be like yeah, Ima cake off. Im 28, ive beencollecting kicks since I was 8 real talk. I also resell. So what, shoot me. I really don't care about what peoples opinions are about me just because Iwant to make a little extra money side hustling kicks I might come across. Ive been collecting for a minute now so ive worked my way up where I have connectsthat call me on their new inventory or will put shoes to the side for me so they make sure I get a pair. hook me up on the prices ect.

I might wear the shoes, I might not, I might decide.. hhmmm, I could use some extra cash, or damn, I just bought a few too many pairs this week. let me look inmy closet and see what I can get rid of. Does that call for hating? no, but people gonna hate because they don't have what you have. plain and simple. Whyhate on a dude trying to come up, it aint effecting you. That person isn't forcing you to buy from him. You don't know that persons situation and hemight need the money for a emergency. This person is providing a service for you. What if there wasn't any resellers, do you think you would have most ofyour collection? You did buy those shoes from someone, correct?
Originally Posted by TaggPopperNJ

the resell thing has a pro/con to it. Theres a certain shoe you want that you can't. most certainly a reseller has that shoe but they also drive up the prices on the shoes they are selling. If a certain shoe is worth/going for $200 they want $250 thus making the other sellers drive up there price to compete and then in turn inflating the sneaker marketplace. You have hypebeast too that drive up the resell value of a shoe. just because everyone is talking about a particular shoe and just hyping it up a typical reseller that doesn't know about shoes will look at that be like yeah, Ima cake off. Im 28, ive been collecting kicks since I was 8 real talk. I also resell. So what, shoot me. I really don't care about what peoples opinions are about me just because I want to make a little extra money side hustling kicks I might come across. Ive been collecting for a minute now so ive worked my way up where I have connects that call me on their new inventory or will put shoes to the side for me so they make sure I get a pair. hook me up on the prices ect.

I might wear the shoes, I might not, I might decide.. hhmmm, I could use some extra cash, or damn, I just bought a few too many pairs this week. let me look in my closet and see what I can get rid of. Does that call for hating? no, but people gonna hate because they don't have what you have. plain and simple. Why hate on a dude trying to come up, it aint effecting you. That person isn't forcing you to buy from him. You don't know that persons situation and he might need the money for a emergency. This person is providing a service for you. What if there wasn't any resellers, do you think you would have most of your collection? You did buy those shoes from someone, correct?
and that is where you are wrong. Everything else sounds semi-credible EXCEPT for this

The fact that it IS effecting me is the exact reason I HATE it!
I think the difference is that cards have only collectible attributes meaning a child could not and would not enjoy the card, just crease it up. (patdon
At the same time, Jordan's were originally meant 2 be enjoyed by anyone with feet from womb 2 tomb.

When someone asks any possible question concerning kicks; if the answer is ever "who cares, they are just sneakers wear them". That is the wronganswer.
Jordans used 2 be just sneakers, but through changing of the times, they are not (just) sneakers anymore, they would be collector items.
Hence the reason there are millions of DS clear sold 11s in homes right now
heres my 2 cents....

the reason i dislike resellers is because it used to be that if a sneakerhead wanted a new jordan, he could have it fairly easily - the only people liningup/preordering jordans would be other sneakerheads, so everybody eventually got their pair

nowadays, sneakerheads are competing with resellers (and hypebeasts) for limited kicks at stores, which results in sneakerheads having to unnecessarily goonline and pay rape prices for the kicks they should be able to just walk in and buy

buying multiples, keeping a pair to rock, then selling the rest to pay for that pair is acceptable....but there are LOTS of individuals who line up strictly tobuy as many pairs as possible and them throw them all on the internet to make money

i understand wanting to make money, i cant hate, but that shouldnt be what the sneaker game is about. If you can make some money in the process of collecting,thats fine, but shoes shouldnt be bought JUST for the money aspect

It really doesnt bother me personally though, I understand that if i want something, I need to get up early to preorder/wait in line. If other people get therebefore me, reseller or not, i have nobody to blame but myself - at the end of the day, they just wanted it more than me. If i dont want to pay rape resellprices, I should have lined up earlier, simple as that
Originally Posted by KEARSE15

heres my 2 cents....

the reason i dislike resellers is because it used to be that if a sneakerhead wanted a new jordan, he could have it fairly easily - the only people lining up/preordering jordans would be other sneakerheads, so everybody eventually got their pair

nowadays, sneakerheads are competing with resellers (and hypebeasts) for limited kicks at stores, which results in sneakerheads having to unnecessarily go online and pay rape prices for the kicks they should be able to just walk in and buy

buying multiples, keeping a pair to rock, then selling the rest to pay for that pair is acceptable....but there are LOTS of individuals who line up strictly to buy as many pairs as possible and them throw them all on the internet to make money

i understand wanting to make money, i cant hate, but that shouldnt be what the sneaker game is about. If you can make some money in the process of collecting, thats fine, but shoes shouldnt be bought JUST for the money aspect

It really doesnt bother me personally though, I understand that if i want something, I need to get up early to preorder/wait in line. If other people get there before me, reseller or not, i have nobody to blame but myself - at the end of the day, they just wanted it more than me. If i dont want to pay rape resell prices, I should have lined up earlier, simple as that

Completely agree with that part right there. There have been several times where a new release would come out and i stayed debating if i should grab a pair ornot. Then later on when i wanted to get a pair everything is gone and all these reselling prices become outrageous. Only thing to do is either pay the pricesand learn your lesson or let go and move on. There will always be another release and you just have to be quicker and do your homework if you really want apair that badly without paying ridiclous resale prices
A lot of good points have been made. But I must add, to all the poster advocating resellers, that I don't even think you guys realize that the majority of resellers are not jordan heads, their just resellers out to make a quick buck!They'll resell anything, Ps3, Wii, even the small girl from Slumdog Millionaire if they could get their hands onher. When so-called jordan heads jump on the bandwagon, you only increase their number and make things harder for the real sneaker heads.

JB puts out a limited release (Example: Titanium XX3) about 15 percent of those (way too many) were bought by resllers. Leaving the people who really wantedthis release with two options
1. By from a reseller at an outrageous price
2.Chalk it up as a loss

I just want to make it clear that I have nothing against sneaker-heads who sell their shoes (for whatever reason). But Ihave no respect for anyone who camps out for the sole purpose of making a buck.

That's only raising the value and that's only helping JB.
i am going to resell because my job is on an on call basis only. i go months with only making 40 dollars or less (im young and live with my parents).

flame me if you want but i have to get some money before i start college.

you brought up good points. resell helps me determine what shoes i should take better care of or get now instead of later.
Ok, it seems to me that the majority of ppl getting pissed over reselling are cats that have been in the game a while now. they were here before everyoneseemed to be into shoes, and these huge online releases, and back then the majority of ppl who bought J's, wore them, not thinking of the value theyll havein a few years. They have then seen ppl start to buy the kicks, not wear them and just resell them later on. in SPORTSCARDS thats the idea. But J's aresneakers, they're meant to be WORN. Thats why the box doesnt say AIR JORDAN COLLECTIBLE SNEAKER. I also understand buying to resell and make money. Thatswhere all the hate comes from plain and simple. Jordans are shoes, theyre meant to be worn. SPortscards are meant to be traded/sold (the whole resell idea). Ipersonally don't like people buying to resell, I understand deadstockin to wear later on, but i believe u shud buy kicks to wear em.
I will say "you" and "I" for ease of interpretation, but in no way am I saying that I am "I" or anyone in this thread is"you."

Preface made, the answer to the post's question is simple: You're stopping me from easily and cheaply getting what I want. I don't care about yourmoney situation, nor do I care about any other reseller's money situation, nor do I care about some analogy you're attempting to make. I care aboutgetting what I want and doing so with the ease that I typically get other things. I want something--you're in the way. There's nothing deep about it.Why it is so hard for resellers to understand this is a reflection of their myopia, greed, and lack of common ethics. Accepting reselling as a natural part ofthe shoe hobby is accepting defeat. We don't play that here. Resellers can make their own message board as the purpose of Niketalk is not to discuss theprocess of you ripping us off and making our lives more difficult than they would be if you did not exist.
this is when it comes in handy having hookups or going to stores where the managers look at the resellers with low regard, ive had this happen on numerousoccacions where a few of these frail clown resellers got mad at me and tried to make a little stink and scene. heres an example

may 2008, jordan 6/17 pack comes out. the night before i talk to the store manager who im pretty cool with and tell him to hold my pack and ill come when thestore opens to get them, he agrees to do it for me.

theres a line of about 15 people ahead of me, a good 6 or 7 of them resellers trying to cop multiples who brought their little sisters and brothers with them.i overheard a one of them talking about how they were going to cop as many 10.5,11, and 11.5 pairs as they could since they could get alot for them either onebay or to try to sell to people in line who couldn't get their size. when we all go in the store, the manager told the loud obvious resellers the onlysizes they had left were size 8 and 13 while right in front of them he dapped me up talked for a minute and grabbed my size 11 for me, the reseller familyproceeds to stare at me with pissed off look on their face the manager proceeded to ask the customers who came in what size they wore and ended up taking careof those who weren't reselling or at least didn't make it obvious they were reselling.
apples and oranges...

cards dont have a SIZE, so someone having multiple of limited cards, whatever

shoes DO, so if someone wears a size 8 and buys a size 12 to resell, THERES a problem
Originally Posted by notoriousPAT

apples and oranges...

cards dont have a SIZE, so someone having multiple of limited cards, whatever

shoes DO, so if someone wears a size 8 and buys a size 12 to resell, THERES a problem

exactly! what happens to the guy waiting inline who wears the size 12? he's screwed out of his size cause somebody wants to make a little money.
still have my jordan and iverson rookie card and more than a thousand baseball and basketball cards
As far as resellers go, i hate them because they buy the shoes only to make money. Plenty of guys like me, who want the shoes because they like them regardlessof what they are worth, miss out.

This goes hand in hand with the guys trying to determine the value of shoes. If you're buying shoes to make money your missing the point in collecting.There are plenty of other ways to make money as others have pointed out.

The same can be said with trading cards. I have a bunch of cards. I loved looking them up in Beckett but i had no intention of selling them. I collected thembecause i liked them and they were a fun hobby.

Collect for the sake of collecting. If you want to make money, quit screwing up the free market system and go find a good job.
i agree with everyone else...... it ruins it for everyone else
BUT i sorta helps people like me out who live in Australia and dont actually get the shoes in a store, i have to buy off ebay or a shop like pickourshoes orflightclub......so really it can be helpful or for others very annoying
But yeh it does get annoying with the inflated prices, not only are they costing $100 more i have to increase that even more to Aus dollar
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