Why is AAVE/Ebonics not respected as a legitimate dialect?

Dec 29, 2012
Aight so I got a number like 2 weeks ago from a yamb I met at the studen union at my college

I hadn't really chilled with her or nothing yet and I had saw her on campus going into her class so I hit her with a few text and was like "What you doing after class?" this broad replied back
"-_- you mean what ARE you doing after class?"

So I brush it off like yeah whatever, we set up some plans and she was supposed to come by with some of her friends and blow some tree with me and my homies

So she calls after she picked up her friends to get directions and so I'm on the phone like "**** where you at right now?" She got quiet and was like umm imma call you back in a min. I thought it was weird but I brushed it off we had our own tree so we wasn't tripping anyway

Later on that night I saw this chick tweet something like "Dudes that don't have a full grasp of the English language
This made me start thinking why is African American Vernacular English not respected but instead looked at as a poor or incorrect form of Standard English?
Well American English is actually different than English too.

My ex-gf grew up in England and would make fun of my English sometimes. She spoke literally perfect English. There are differences besides just the accent. Like diction, proper conjugation, etc...

If she can understand you and it's in a relaxed social setting why's it matter? People uptight
That's not even Ebonics to me. People who aren't stuck up nerds don't talk like they're writing an essay in real life. no one has time to say every word :lol: even English people speak that way casually, and they invented the damn language. @#$%, my English cousins and their friends are all educated but use 10x more profanity and improper English than most goons here in the US :lol:
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"Later on that night I saw this chick tweet something like "Dudes that don't have a full grasp of the English language
That's nothing compared to stuff I see on social media every day. But yeah I wouldn't even consider dating a girl that didn't understand basic grammar. It'll be too tough to carry on a conversation with them
Never in a professional setting, with the homies yea but some folks take Ebonics too far I can't understand.
We tend to text how we would talk in person to someone familiar. you need to drop her
Well American English is actually different than English too.

My ex-gf grew up in England and would make fun of my English sometimes. She spoke literally perfect English. There are differences besides just the accent. Like diction, proper conjugation, etc...

If she can understand you and it's in a relaxed social setting why's it matter? People uptight
Yup my Mom is west indian and although its not exactly Old English its much closer to it than we have here. Verb usage, pronunciation all dat. Even a couple of words like among vs amongst ,color vs colour  flavor vs flavour. Just had a gun ho professor get on me because i used amongst in one of my sentences. I just looked at him like 
Was this chick black or white.
wild guess by might be a bougie black chick 
Aight so I got a number like 2 weeks ago from a yamb I met at the studen union at my college

I hadn't really chilled with her or nothing yet and I had saw her on campus going into her class so I hit her with a few text and was like "What you doing after class?" this broad replied back
"-_- you mean what ARE you doing after class?"

So I brush it off like yeah whatever, we set up some plans and she was supposed to come by with some of her friends and blow some tree with me and my homies

So she calls after she picked up her friends to get directions and so I'm on the phone like "**** where you at right now?" She got quiet and was like umm imma call you back in a min. I thought it was weird but I brushed it off we had our own tree so we wasn't tripping anyway

Later on that night I saw this chick tweet something like "Dudes that don't have a full grasp of the English language
It's corny for her to act like that but...

Why is it looked at as a poor or incorrect form of Standard English? Because it is.

Just like it you hear someone with a southern drawl and using southern lingo and saw them text like it, it's improper. It's not an assumption of "ignorance" (improper usage) but just a cultural thing. There are plenty of folks of certain races or from certain areas, etc that make the effort to speak properly. Even though that's what you're focused on because it's relevant to you, it's not just a function of race.

A dialect is not considered a "incorrect form" of the given language. It's recognized as a dialect of standard English.
Some people are just anal about that sort of thing, regardless of race. In a casual setting I find myself speaking with a more relaxed informal vernacular. I actually would prefer to speak properly at all times, but I know it would be weird to my friends to hear my speaking tone change out of the blue. In a professional setting I switch to the Kings English, no slang at all; it seriously is like another language.

I hate the whole "talking black/white" anyway. A guy that was speaking at a school made an interesting point, if speaking intelligently is talking white, then what is talking black?
I understand where you're coming from but some people do actually talk like that or are really dumb/slow for example.... sale vs sell :x

I hadn't really chilled with her or nothing yet

If she was more familiar with you she probably wouldn't have tripped.
Couldn't just add the "are", though? :lol:

She's a lame for not just telling you that it bothered her though. At least you didn't do that "u" or "ur" ****. That actually irks me for some reason. Like, you couldn't just type the few extra letters ___?
Stay away from the bougie black chicks op .

Trust me i know, its a self esteem thing.

Not really big on black chicks, but i can see a bull **** black chick from a mile away.
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Man I would've straight up laughed if a girl replied that to me. Cuz I wouldn't think she was serious.
I don't always text lazy... but when I do I use white suburban slang.

ie. Instead of what you into? or whatchu doin?
I say "whatcha up to?" 

Both are incorrect but for some reason it looks more purposefully done to these birds like I'm being loose and witty.

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