Why is eating healthy so expensive?

I feel your pain. Everytime I go out to buy me some grapes, the price shocks me. Its enough to get me 2 big mac meals.
If somethings organic and natural, Why should it cost more if it's not going through all the chemical processes that the crap we eat goes through?
among other things...chemical fertilizers are cheaper than natural ones.

I believe they also incur more loss per crop b/c they do not use chemical pesticides
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Originally Posted by Barack 0drama


I've thought about this so many times.

It's so easy to eat garbage, Yet it's a chore to eat right.

If somethings organic and natural, Why should it cost more if it's not going through all the chemical processes that the crap we eat goes through?

It would seem like it's more expensive to put preservatives, chemicals etc into the food than it is not to.

But that's how they control society I guess.
And its a cycle that the government doesnt even have to control, look at the most common forms of death in america, heart disease, diabetes and etc they are hereditary diseases so it can be passed on from generation to generation

This is ridiculous .

Lets use some common sense here. In order to make the contents of a bag of chips you need to peal a potato, soak peals in oil, let the peals dry, and add salt.Honey Bun, make dough add sugar and other sweets and put it in an oven, now it in a plastic bag.

Now we are going to go over foods that are considered healthy. Chicken and Steak, animal has to be raised on a farm from birth, examined for various disease,get the proper nutrients to minimize fat while keeping muscular flesh for eating, housed, now with new laws has to be given more personal space on open land,plucked or skinned, cut flesh, remove fat, and now distribute with an expatriation date. Fruits Vegetables have to be fed nutrients, watered daily, and beexamined everyday to combat insects and rotting.

Then we go to the dollar menu at fast food restaurants. The chain already has enough revenue to afford to reduce their prices on food items and in most caseseven profit from the lower prices due to simple supply and demand laws.
Originally Posted by DJprestige21

It's really not.

Water - Free
Bag of 10 Chicken Breasts - $9.50
Loaf of Whole Grain Bread - $3.50
Eggs - Around $2-3
Ground Turkey - $5
Lettuce - Around $3
Olive oil & Spices to make food taste decent - $10

Now for example, if you are eating 4 meals a day this is plenty for 4 days of food for a grand total of $32. Then again the average person has no grasp what eating healthy actually is.

where are you getting ground turkey for $5? is that for ½ a .lb?
Originally Posted by emmanuelabor

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

It's really not.

Water - Free
Bag of 10 Chicken Breasts - $9.50
Loaf of Whole Grain Bread - $3.50
Eggs - Around $2-3
Ground Turkey - $5
Lettuce - Around $3
Olive oil & Spices to make food taste decent - $10

Now for example, if you are eating 4 meals a day this is plenty for 4 days of food for a grand total of $32. Then again the average person has no grasp what eating healthy actually is.

where are you getting ground turkey for $5? is that for ½ a .lb?

Von's for a whole lb.
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Population control.

People that eat unhealthy are more prone to various health conditions and die at a younger age compared to those who eat healthy. If everyone ate healthy, excercised often and the medical field being what it is the avg life expectancy would probably rise by 9-10 years. How else would insurance companies make billions of dollars?
Yaaaaa okaaaayyyy

So who are you implying sets the high prices?
The government? The insurance companies? Come on.

Healthy food is more expensive because it's higher quality, like dude said. McDonald's and other crappy fast food joints can sell cheeseburgers fornext to nothing because there's hardly any real "meat" in the burgers.
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Population control.

People that eat unhealthy are more prone to various health conditions and die at a younger age compared to those who eat healthy. If everyone ate healthy, excercised often and the medical field being what it is the avg life expectancy would probably rise by 9-10 years. How else would insurance companies make billions of dollars?
I agree 100%
its sorta like survival of the fittest.

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

junk food uses cheap ingredients so it's cheap...

pretty much like the old saying "you get what you pay for"
I notice how alot of grocery stores would put all the greasy stuff and all the junk foods right in the middle of the grocery store and the produce section iswaaaaaay off to the side.
yea eating healthy is great but costs alot is a shame... in other countries fresh fruits are not as expensive as it is in the US. i wished the government wouldput taxes on bad food lowered cost of real fruits.... jerks want to screw anyone for a buck
I love the products that you have to basically pay double the amount for if they take out ingredients to make it better for you...

Can of black beans - 77 cents
Those same black beans minus the salt - $1.39

Peanut Butter with 87 ingredients on the label - $1.99
"Natural" Peanut Butter with 2 ingredients - $2.99

Big tub regular yogurt - $2.99
Bit tub yogurt without added sugar - $4.29


I go shopping and always get healthier versions of pretty much everything and a guy dang near has to spend 20-30 extra dollars for his weekly groceries
I love the products that you have to basically pay double the amount for if they take out ingredients to make it better for you...

Can of black beans - 77 cents
Those same black beans minus the salt - $1.39

Peanut Butter with 87 ingredients on the label - $1.99
"Natural" Peanut Butter with 2 ingredients - $2.99

Big tub regular yogurt - $2.99
Bit tub yogurt without added sugar - $4.29
Exactly what I'm saying.
Originally Posted by kicksgetmehigh

Sometimes, I feel like the government is behind this mess, allowing the less fortunate to eat whats available to them which is junk... look at the dollar menu at your local fast food spot! See what I mean?
word a lot of poorer families only have a few bucks for dinner so they get what they can afford... which is cheap garbage.... so that's whythey are unhealthy....plus also in poorer neighborhoods there really aren't many spots to buy healthy food... freaking catch 22

Read this book and You will look at nutrition in a whole different light, Health food is expensive because of the process that goes into making them, theydon't benefit for government subsides (like corn which is then made into HFCS and also the same with soybeans which is used in so many of today'sproducts), and also there is a demand for them but not as large as there is for Junk Food,

Sure it has to deal with marketing and consumer ignorance at times but people don't buy as much produce as they do snack food and if your in a businessyour in it to make as much profit as you can, not to make the healthiest product your can, That's why most processed foods have all the nutrients strip, itadds to there shelf life which allows them to sell more,

There are many people who are right with the idea of buying junk food now and later paying for it with medical bills and catching up too you later, i believesomeone who has diabetes can incur health insurance up to 12,000 compared to a healthy individual, 1200.

Some organic food is definitely more beneficial for you, I believe someone here listed the dirty dozen produce that you should always buy organic, which makessense because of these fruits you usually eating the whole thing and not peeling anything away from it, Also grass fed organic meat is much healthier for oneit cuts the saturated fat intake from 9.5 to 2.5, Also with grass fed cows there is a much smaller chance of mad cow disease or any other food born pathogen tobe in the food because the cows are eating what there meant to be eating, Grass, not the feed (corn) that they eat, which makes them sick which is why theyhave to have anti-biotics pumped into them.

Produce I believe is healthy for you organic, I always say any fruit or vegetables is good but if you have the funds I would buy organic, I believe someone wastalking about healthy soil earlier which makes sense, if your is growing in proper soil, it allows them to become healthier and in such you receive the benefitof eating food with more nutrients in them.
Originally Posted by kicksgetmehigh

I notice how alot of grocery stores would put all the greasy stuff and all the junk foods right in the middle of the grocery store and the produce section is waaaaaay off to the side.

This is pretty much because they need the produce off to the side, because they are then able to replace them there easier, and companies pay to have theproducts positioned in a specific place in stores at times too, Also the food in the middle is usually the food that for the most part doesn't rot.
Man do I hate it, I just started eating better and doing my own personal Grocery Shopping.
Gotta read those labels...sometimes the stuff with the organic label has the same ingredients as any normal brand and have the nerve to cost more. Itsespecially like that in the juice aisle for some reason.
I prefer to shop at Trader Joes since the prices are the same and sometimes lower than at our Krogers and definitely our Publix.
Went to the store spent almost $50.
I figured if I'm going to try and get healthy I might as well go all out.
Also with grass fed cows there is a much smaller chance of mad cow disease or any other food born pathogen to be in the food because the cows are eating what there meant to be eating, Grass, not the feed (corn) that they eat, which makes them sick which is why they have to have anti-biotics pumped into them.
As meat goes, you're absolutely right in that grass-fed cows are healthier. Besides genetically modified corn and soy, many cows are fedessentially waste material - including meat from other cows and euthanized domestic animals. It isn't just the food and the rBGH that makes them sick, ofcourse, that may also be attributed to factory farm conditions in which many cows spend virtually their entire lives indoors, cheek to jowl with other cows.

That said, even grass-feeding cattle has its drawbacks. Aside from the ethical issues involved in the slaughter, there's still the issue of land use andenvironmental pollution associated with grazing. As if the beef industry weren't subsidized enough, over 250 million acres of public land are used forgrazing. The public receives but a tiny fraction of the land's value while the massive herds of cattle devastate the land and release enormous amounts ofmethane - which is twenty times more destructive as a greenhouse gas than CO2. Land currently allocated to cattle could be far more efficiently utilizedfarming fruits, vegetables, or legumes.
Originally Posted by Method Man

Also with grass fed cows there is a much smaller chance of mad cow disease or any other food born pathogen to be in the food because the cows are eating what there meant to be eating, Grass, not the feed (corn) that they eat, which makes them sick which is why they have to have anti-biotics pumped into them.
As meat goes, you're absolutely right in that grass-fed cows are healthier. Besides genetically modified corn and soy, many cows are fed essentially waste material - including meat from other cows and euthanized domestic animals. It isn't just the food and the rBGH that makes them sick, of course, that may also be attributed to factory farm conditions in which many cows spend virtually their entire lives indoors, cheek to jowl with other cows.

That said, even grass-feeding cattle has its drawbacks. Aside from the ethical issues involved in the slaughter, there's still the issue of land use and environmental pollution associated with grazing. As if the beef industry weren't subsidized enough, over 250 million acres of public land are used for grazing. The public receives but a tiny fraction of the land's value while the massive herds of cattle devastate the land and release enormous amounts of methane - which is twenty times more destructive as a greenhouse gas than CO2. Land currently allocated to cattle could be far more efficiently utilized farming fruits, vegetables, or legumes.

Very true, I'm not saying Grass Fed Beef is perfect either, With Grain Feeding we use thousands and thousands of acres just to grow food tofeed to our food, That's why I try to limit my meat consumption, I eliminated beef and usually eat Buffalo or Elk, locally raised. I would like to some daytry to be a vegetarian but I can't see to give up a healthy complete protein.
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