why is fox in love with joe the plumber

Because FOX focuses on trivial things that they think will diminish Obama's character. Acorn, Ayer & Joe The Plumber. Their in the business of smearinginstead of reporting.
Originally Posted by alejanz28

Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Forget Joe, what about Sherry the single mother of 3 and only makes 27,000 a year and wants to go back to school to better her and her kids lives?

Sherry is struggling to make ends meet because she has 3 kids she cant afford, she put heself in that position. So now she's societies problem, what are WE gonna do for Sherry, how can WE help Sherry? Uh....How bout you dont have kids, we need to stop giving people a free pass when it comes to this. Its all about being reactive rather than proactive, but who am I.

what if Sherry was married and her husband died in Iraq? Would you take the same position?
Yes because she probably wasted her Husbands life insurance to STILL be in that position.

Height of irresponsibility
It's amazing how this Joe the plumber character went from hero to fraud so fast. Not only does this Joe the plumber character not have a plumbing license,not only was it discovered that he has no future plans to develop his own plumbing business as he previously stated, he also has a lien against him where heowes that state of Ohio more than $1,000. To make matters worse on top of all of that, he's an Ohio State Buckeye fan. This clown is steadily takingL's left and right.
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