Why is it that people pride themselves so much in knowing about something first?

Jun 25, 2003
Does anyone else hate this?

I swear everyone feels that they need to know about something before someone else to be cool.

And of course get heated when someone else talks about whatever.

Example from the other day:

Me: Hey, have you heard the new Coldplay album? It's pretty good.
Her: No. I don't like Coldplay that much anymore since everyone else likes them. I heard about them first. I like their old stuff like X&Y better.
Me: Yeah...Rush of Blood is pretty good.
Her: What's that?


Does anyone else experience this? Or know anyone who does it to the extreme?

I mean, can you really dislike something because someone else does after you?

Is this applicable to the sneaker culture?

Yea, lots of people have the idea in their heads that they are on the cutting edge of all thats "hot".
If someone starts wearing some no-name brand...they like it...and then for some reason that no-name brand becomes popular, the person that started wearing itwants to get credit for "discovering" it first. Then when people don't give them credit, they get salty.

Just don't worry about these kind of people
I used to do that in a way....I'd tell my boys about somethin, then 2 years later they come tellin ME about it like I hadnt been on it and over it already

its not so much that it blew up, but more, I was shouting its praises and you guys ignored it until it got mainstream and NOW you like it.

its not a big deal, but thats where I was usually comin from
i remember i was the first to get the Ipod video at my school..and i had people ooohhhing and awwwing...asking me maad questions...like "omg, is that thenew ipod video?"...
I used to do that in a way....I'd tell my boys about somethin, then 2 years later they come tellin ME about it like I hadnt been on it and over it already

I honestly cannot stand that.

I just cannot stand a "one upper" in general. I had to take a step back and look at myself in the mirror at one point, but I'm much more toneddown than most,.
Originally Posted by emmanuelabor

I used to do that in a way....I'd tell my boys about somethin, then 2 years later they come tellin ME about it like I hadnt been on it and over it already

its not so much that it blew up, but more, I was shouting its praises and you guys ignored it until it got mainstream and NOW you like it.

its not a big deal, but thats where I was usually comin from

Happens all the time.
I used to do that in a way....I'd tell my boys about somethin, then 2 years later they come tellin ME about it like I hadnt been on it and over it already

its not so much that it blew up, but more, I was shouting its praises and you guys ignored it until it got mainstream and NOW you like it.
Same here, I check the hip hop blogs often and try to throw some leaks and snippets to my friend and he'll be like "that'ssucks."

For example, Art of Storytellin Pt 4, I had my friend listen to it and he said it was whack, two months later he's listening to it and denies that he saidit sucked.
i love being a one upper. immature yes, but it's fun to see people's faces when they KNOW they cant argue with you based on logic

Originally Posted by emmanuelabor

I used to do that in a way....I'd tell my boys about somethin, then 2 years later they come tellin ME about it like I hadnt been on it and over it already

its not so much that it blew up, but more, I was shouting its praises and you guys ignored it until it got mainstream and NOW you like it.

its not a big deal, but thats where I was usually comin from

This is different though cuz I used to do it a lot too. Now I just stopped caring about other people period.

But it used to REALLY irk me when I tried to put my friends on to something and they'd all "
that's whack" then a few months later when they saw Kanye or whoeverwearing it or it was generally accepted that it was what was hip they'd all jump on the bandwagon and deny ever disagreeing with me to begin with.

THAT used to piss me off. Not so much the people being late.
Originally Posted by emmanuelabor

I used to do that in a way....I'd tell my boys about somethin, then 2 years later they come tellin ME about it like I hadnt been on it and over it already

its not so much that it blew up, but more, I was shouting its praises and you guys ignored it until it got mainstream and NOW you like it.

its not a big deal, but thats where I was usually comin from

Reminds me of a conversation I had once:

Friend: Hey I've been reading this book called Fables...

Me: You mean the exact same book I told you about a year ago?

Friend: Ohhh yea...
Dude: (shows off his shirt) I have this lrg shirt 4 years ago back when nobody would wear it.
Me:..haha thats nice..............................................................

Yeah I don't get why they have to say that.
funny how everybody was bumping gym class heroes last album and when i had itfirst it was wack and i mean papercut chronicles.

chingy had on the steve nash airmax 90's that my boys thought were the hardest thing ever. when i bought them jointslike 5 months + before the vid dropped same cats was like why u got them orange @*+ shoes on.

also my boys hated on me for liking lupe because he was a "gimmick rapper" by wearing sb's and talking aboutskateboarding. but wayne can wear DC and when he says SB in a song now every guy/girl in the hood wanna be a poser.
I often times dislay this emotion. When I know about a stock and its behavior i usually tell one or two persons, then they come back and say man you wereright. In this case its okay.
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