Why is suicide looked down upon?


i cant be the only one that laughed at the "just did it"
Aside from the obvious reasons, one also is the religious aspects. It is a sin in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam and has been taught so for a long time. So it has ingrained it self as a bad thing which we don't do or discuss. But in societies like Japan, where it can be seen as an honorable way to die, it is not looked upon the same.
Suicide is looked down upon because we, as an individualistic society, feel that everyone should be able to face up to the pressures and challenges we confront every day. That a person alone is able to decide their own destiny and that suicide is a cowards act. An easy way out. That one hasn't fought the good fight if they tap out when the going gets tough.

But it's more than a lack of will or mental fortitude. It's a realization that life, at this very moment, just isn't worth another breath. This epiphany can come to anyone of any age or social status. But it's a personal experience. One that outsiders could never understand because there is no way to know one's thoughts.

Ironically, the same self-centric nature of our culture is the main reason people are led to suicide. If there was more understanding and support for one another, people wouldn't feel so hopeless as to resort to suicide.
Suicide is looked down upon because we, as an individualistic society, feel that everyone should be able to face up to the pressures and challenges we confront every day. That a person alone is able to decide their own destiny and that suicide is a cowards act. An easy way out. That one hasn't fought the good fight if they tap out when the going gets tough.

But it's more than a lack of will or mental fortitude. It's a realization that life, at this very moment, just isn't worth another breath. This epiphany can come to anyone of any age or social status. But it's a personal experience. One that outsiders could never understand because there is no way to know one's thoughts.

Ironically, the same self-centric nature of our culture is the main reason people are led to suicide. If there was more understanding and support for one another, people wouldn't feel so hopeless as to resort to suicide.
Kinda off topic, but I always wondered how some ppl fail at suicide. Especially those who failed several times. Makes me wonder if they really want to off themselves or is it a cry for help.
Kinda off topic, but I always wondered how some ppl fail at suicide. Especially those who failed several times. Makes me wonder if they really want to off themselves or is it a cry for help.
Most people who attempt to commit suicide don't really want to die, they just use that as a cry for attention. My friend pulled that +%*+ a few times, the first time I really felt sorry for her, i rushed to her side, got her out the house, took her out to eat, took her shopping and our other friend paid her phone bill because we all felt sorry for her. The next day she was fine. About a year later she pulled the same stunt, crying about how her life was miserable cuz she was single and everybody around her was so happy, just again looking for some sympathy. Nobody took the bait, and needless to say she's still here.
Most people who attempt to commit suicide don't really want to die, they just use that as a cry for attention. My friend pulled that +%*+ a few times, the first time I really felt sorry for her, i rushed to her side, got her out the house, took her out to eat, took her shopping and our other friend paid her phone bill because we all felt sorry for her. The next day she was fine. About a year later she pulled the same stunt, crying about how her life was miserable cuz she was single and everybody around her was so happy, just again looking for some sympathy. Nobody took the bait, and needless to say she's still here.
Because people are ignorant and fail to realize that depression is a medical condition, equally entitled to societal compassion as any other illness.
Because people are ignorant and fail to realize that depression is a medical condition, equally entitled to societal compassion as any other illness.
Originally Posted by SEND ONE

Kinda off topic, but I always wondered how some ppl fail at suicide. Especially those who failed several times. Makes me wonder if they really want to off themselves or is it a cry for help.

Its a cry for attention
Originally Posted by SEND ONE

Kinda off topic, but I always wondered how some ppl fail at suicide. Especially those who failed several times. Makes me wonder if they really want to off themselves or is it a cry for help.

Its a cry for attention
al3x89 wrote:
suicide shouldn't be looked down upon, but i think it is because of stupid religion.

people have no idea what that person is going through. it's EASY for you to say "yo life is tough just man up", but do you really know the persons history? no because 99% of the time they won't tell you because they're ashamed, or whatever.

and i disagree with it being 'selfish'. like someone said, it's selfish for others to avoid the pain by seeing the person alive, yet suffer each and every single day of their life. so what some of you are basically saying is, let this person live the rough life just because there are a few people that love him and don't wanna go through the pain?

i can tell you right now it's not an easy decision. you don't just wake up one day and kill yourself. you go through months, and maybe YEARS (like the story) of pain to finally say that's enough.


Since religion was brought up, I will comment on this aspect..

I am speaking from my experience, and our what our Church believes on the subject. 

Some ppl in cerain Churches think that if you commit suicide, then you instantly go to hell (no matter if you're born again or not)  This is a very touchy subject, but the bible does not teach that.  There is not anything in the bible that speaks about you committing suicide that bans you from having eternal life with God.   Rather than try to type everything out in my own words, here is a great link that speaks on it.  This, of course is referring to a person who has been born again, and commits suicide.


Just as a person can be sick in their body, they can be sick in their minds.    Mental illness impacts millions of ppl, it can have a very small impact in a person's life, making them just feel down for a few hours here or there, or it can be so bad that they can not function on a day to day basis.  I dont believe suicide is every the answer.   However, even as a person who believes the bible, and knows that God heals, and performs miracles, I understand some ppl need medication to help code with issues they face, weather that is a chemical imbalance in their brains, or due to trauma in their life, also they could need counseling, etc.   But suicide is never the answer.   I believe there is always hope for recovery.  No matter how long or serious the issue.  The key is to seek help and not be ashamed to get the help one needs.
al3x89 wrote:
suicide shouldn't be looked down upon, but i think it is because of stupid religion.

people have no idea what that person is going through. it's EASY for you to say "yo life is tough just man up", but do you really know the persons history? no because 99% of the time they won't tell you because they're ashamed, or whatever.

and i disagree with it being 'selfish'. like someone said, it's selfish for others to avoid the pain by seeing the person alive, yet suffer each and every single day of their life. so what some of you are basically saying is, let this person live the rough life just because there are a few people that love him and don't wanna go through the pain?

i can tell you right now it's not an easy decision. you don't just wake up one day and kill yourself. you go through months, and maybe YEARS (like the story) of pain to finally say that's enough.


Since religion was brought up, I will comment on this aspect..

I am speaking from my experience, and our what our Church believes on the subject. 

Some ppl in cerain Churches think that if you commit suicide, then you instantly go to hell (no matter if you're born again or not)  This is a very touchy subject, but the bible does not teach that.  There is not anything in the bible that speaks about you committing suicide that bans you from having eternal life with God.   Rather than try to type everything out in my own words, here is a great link that speaks on it.  This, of course is referring to a person who has been born again, and commits suicide.


Just as a person can be sick in their body, they can be sick in their minds.    Mental illness impacts millions of ppl, it can have a very small impact in a person's life, making them just feel down for a few hours here or there, or it can be so bad that they can not function on a day to day basis.  I dont believe suicide is every the answer.   However, even as a person who believes the bible, and knows that God heals, and performs miracles, I understand some ppl need medication to help code with issues they face, weather that is a chemical imbalance in their brains, or due to trauma in their life, also they could need counseling, etc.   But suicide is never the answer.   I believe there is always hope for recovery.  No matter how long or serious the issue.  The key is to seek help and not be ashamed to get the help one needs.
This guy I grew up with just took his own life a couple weeks ago. Apparently he had been reaching out to a friend of mine but he still went with it. Son is still devastated..

I'm not here to say whether I think the act itself is wrong or not. "Coward's way out", "quality of life"... There are arguments for both sides..

What I will say to anyone that has made it up in their mind that they do not want to live anymore is to just do it. Dont leave your loved ones with such guilt...
This guy I grew up with just took his own life a couple weeks ago. Apparently he had been reaching out to a friend of mine but he still went with it. Son is still devastated..

I'm not here to say whether I think the act itself is wrong or not. "Coward's way out", "quality of life"... There are arguments for both sides..

What I will say to anyone that has made it up in their mind that they do not want to live anymore is to just do it. Dont leave your loved ones with such guilt...
I'm all for legalizing Euthanasia world wide. The only means I can justify it at all is people dealing with chronic pain.

I just feel like killing yourself because you get picked on or your chick broke up with you means you're a weak minded person.

I dont know though people are different.. I know that I'll never feel bad for someone that offs themselves though, I cant get with that.
I'm all for legalizing Euthanasia world wide. The only means I can justify it at all is people dealing with chronic pain.

I just feel like killing yourself because you get picked on or your chick broke up with you means you're a weak minded person.

I dont know though people are different.. I know that I'll never feel bad for someone that offs themselves though, I cant get with that.
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