Why is suicide looked down upon?

because lifes hard you cant deal with it and you taking the easy way out?
bruh man up

even if your forever alone theres still way too many people that love and care about you
Because its a form of calling it quits. I wont say all suicide is a cowards way out, but some people just quit because the stupidest reasons.

I can't speak on those with mental illness though. I have not a clue what their brain is registering.
Because its a form of calling it quits. I wont say all suicide is a cowards way out, but some people just quit because the stupidest reasons.

I can't speak on those with mental illness though. I have not a clue what their brain is registering.
Originally Posted by SuperSaiyan415

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

imagine each city had a "suicide center" where people were able to go and take their own lives quiet and peacefully? lol that would be wild

In San Francisco its called the Golden Gate Bridge

I chuckled, but wrong smh.
Originally Posted by SuperSaiyan415

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

imagine each city had a "suicide center" where people were able to go and take their own lives quiet and peacefully? lol that would be wild

In San Francisco its called the Golden Gate Bridge

I chuckled, but wrong smh.
If you are miserable you should at least donate your life to helping those that would be much happier as a result of that help. To me that doesn't give you any wiggle room to take the idea of suicide seriously in the context you imply.
If you are miserable you should at least donate your life to helping those that would be much happier as a result of that help. To me that doesn't give you any wiggle room to take the idea of suicide seriously in the context you imply.
my friend took his life last summer and that was one of the most devastating things that i've ever went through. seeing the pain he caused his surviving friends and family and his 1 year old son, is reason enough for me to never ever EVER consider doing that to the people i love. a lot of good points in this thread. OP if you're really considering taking that life please reach out to someone, or even multiple people, don't just off yourself because you've had a rough couple months.

and as i write this i know it might come out sounding horrible, but in the event you do decide to do it please leave a note or explanation. my friend didn't leave anything behind to even give a reason as to why he did it, and i think that's the part that hurts the most is no one knew he suffered so much in life and now he's gone so we never will.

sn there was nothing wrong with my friend, he was young, healthy, college graduate and promising future, so the whole he didn't want to suffer or dying from illness argument doesn't work here. he was just purely selfish. so please seek help.
my friend took his life last summer and that was one of the most devastating things that i've ever went through. seeing the pain he caused his surviving friends and family and his 1 year old son, is reason enough for me to never ever EVER consider doing that to the people i love. a lot of good points in this thread. OP if you're really considering taking that life please reach out to someone, or even multiple people, don't just off yourself because you've had a rough couple months.

and as i write this i know it might come out sounding horrible, but in the event you do decide to do it please leave a note or explanation. my friend didn't leave anything behind to even give a reason as to why he did it, and i think that's the part that hurts the most is no one knew he suffered so much in life and now he's gone so we never will.

sn there was nothing wrong with my friend, he was young, healthy, college graduate and promising future, so the whole he didn't want to suffer or dying from illness argument doesn't work here. he was just purely selfish. so please seek help.
A old co worker of mine killed himself toward the end of last year.

It messed me up. We didn't even work together any more and I hadn't talked to him outside of Facebook but I considered dude a friend.

He was only 21 so I kinda looked out for him when we worked together. He was a cool young kid that partied too hard but had his whole life ahead of him.

I was messed up so I can only imagine how his family felt
A old co worker of mine killed himself toward the end of last year.

It messed me up. We didn't even work together any more and I hadn't talked to him outside of Facebook but I considered dude a friend.

He was only 21 so I kinda looked out for him when we worked together. He was a cool young kid that partied too hard but had his whole life ahead of him.

I was messed up so I can only imagine how his family felt
I wonder sometimes if a person died and we brought them back lets say an hour later.do they ever see heaven or hell.Like whats really out there for them.Do they start over.It scares me because I truly wonder what is out there .I pray that there is a way to upload and digitize your mind that way you really can't die.But who is to say you are the same person afterwards.What makes you you.
I wonder sometimes if a person died and we brought them back lets say an hour later.do they ever see heaven or hell.Like whats really out there for them.Do they start over.It scares me because I truly wonder what is out there .I pray that there is a way to upload and digitize your mind that way you really can't die.But who is to say you are the same person afterwards.What makes you you.
Originally Posted by bonafide125

Originally Posted by SEND ONE

Kinda off topic, but I always wondered how some ppl fail at suicide. Especially those who failed several times. Makes me wonder if they really want to off themselves or is it a cry for help.

Its a cry for attention

Not always. I know someone who did it wrong.
Originally Posted by bonafide125

Originally Posted by SEND ONE

Kinda off topic, but I always wondered how some ppl fail at suicide. Especially those who failed several times. Makes me wonder if they really want to off themselves or is it a cry for help.

Its a cry for attention

Not always. I know someone who did it wrong.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by bonafide125

Originally Posted by SEND ONE

Kinda off topic, but I always wondered how some ppl fail at suicide. Especially those who failed several times. Makes me wonder if they really want to off themselves or is it a cry for help.

Its a cry for attention

Not always. I know someone who did it wrong.
yup, and it's always in that back of your head hoping they don't do it again next time their depression comes.  because you know they have the balls to do it.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by bonafide125

Originally Posted by SEND ONE

Kinda off topic, but I always wondered how some ppl fail at suicide. Especially those who failed several times. Makes me wonder if they really want to off themselves or is it a cry for help.

Its a cry for attention

Not always. I know someone who did it wrong.
yup, and it's always in that back of your head hoping they don't do it again next time their depression comes.  because you know they have the balls to do it.
Originally Posted by nocomment6

I think its too easy of an option...

Word. Which as much bs as you deal with in real life, the thought that you could end it all in a second?
Originally Posted by nocomment6

I think its too easy of an option...

Word. Which as much bs as you deal with in real life, the thought that you could end it all in a second?
Yo, Truth you have to speak to a professional. I think you need help my dude.
Yo, Truth you have to speak to a professional. I think you need help my dude.
My sister tried to kill her about a year ago through pills and a good friend of mine tried to off himself a few weeks ago. Last I heard he is still laying up in an ICU unit with burns all over his body. I'd visit him but his fam has blocked anybody from visiting and from his note that another friend of mine told me, his fam were the ones that pushed him over the edge.

The situation with my sister was over some dumb !%@% and even now she admits it so its a non issue. She even realized within seconds what she did, and ended up getting to the hospital to get her stomach pumped. My friend on the other hand, I don't even know what to say. He tried to go out in one of the most graphic ways I've ever heard. I can't even fathom what he was dealing with...
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