Why is suicide looked down upon?



Life is about overcoming obstacles, if your too weak-minded to get past the low points in your life you're not fit for the grind anyways.

Congratulations, instead of being depressed you're now dead, stiff, and rotting. Bravo!


Life is about overcoming obstacles, if your too weak-minded to get past the low points in your life you're not fit for the grind anyways.

Congratulations, instead of being depressed you're now dead, stiff, and rotting. Bravo!
Originally Posted by AceBoogie



Life is about overcoming obstacles, if your too weak-minded to get past the low points in your life you're not fit for the grind anyways.

Congratulations, instead of being depressed you're now dead, stiff, and rotting. Bravo!

How about it's their life and they'll do as they please with it?
And who are you to judge whether or not they are weak-minded or not "fit for the grind", you have no idea what type of circumstances they've been through and I question whether you have even come close to the struggles that they had to endure, and yet you're here sitting on your throne and talking out of your @!@ like you're the one to judge.

child, please.

who are we to judge another man?  worry about yourself and drop that holier than thou attitude
Originally Posted by AceBoogie



Life is about overcoming obstacles, if your too weak-minded to get past the low points in your life you're not fit for the grind anyways.

Congratulations, instead of being depressed you're now dead, stiff, and rotting. Bravo!

How about it's their life and they'll do as they please with it?
And who are you to judge whether or not they are weak-minded or not "fit for the grind", you have no idea what type of circumstances they've been through and I question whether you have even come close to the struggles that they had to endure, and yet you're here sitting on your throne and talking out of your @!@ like you're the one to judge.

child, please.

who are we to judge another man?  worry about yourself and drop that holier than thou attitude
LOL @ people telling the severely depressed to man-up

You have no idea what it feels like to be so low that killing yourself becomes an option, I've never been there so I'm not in a position to tell anyone to man-up
LOL @ people telling the severely depressed to man-up

You have no idea what it feels like to be so low that killing yourself becomes an option, I've never been there so I'm not in a position to tell anyone to man-up
Originally Posted by kiendienn

Originally Posted by AceBoogie



Life is about overcoming obstacles, if your too weak-minded to get past the low points in your life you're not fit for the grind anyways.

Congratulations, instead of being depressed you're now dead, stiff, and rotting. Bravo!

How about it's their life and they'll do as they please with it?
And who are you to judge whether or not they are weak-minded or not "fit for the grind", you have no idea what type of circumstances they've been through and I question whether you have even come close to the struggles that they had to endure, and yet you're here sitting on your throne and talking out of your @!@ like you're the one to judge.

child, please.

who are we to judge another man?  worry about yourself and drop that holier than thou attitude
Watch your mouth first of all.

Second, I don't need to know their circumstances. I've lost my father, grandfather and a brother in the last 9 months and I still function. People are living with heavy hearts and burdens everyday, but don't take it to that level.

Folks are out here fighting to live everyday. Fighting diseases, bullets, poverty etc... because they have a desire to live, and i'm supposed to empathize with some bamma that just can't take it anymore.

What does suicide accomplish, peace of mind. Peaceful and dead, a combination I want no parts of. Life is precious, I see no reason in speeding up a inevitable process.
Originally Posted by kiendienn

Originally Posted by AceBoogie



Life is about overcoming obstacles, if your too weak-minded to get past the low points in your life you're not fit for the grind anyways.

Congratulations, instead of being depressed you're now dead, stiff, and rotting. Bravo!

How about it's their life and they'll do as they please with it?
And who are you to judge whether or not they are weak-minded or not "fit for the grind", you have no idea what type of circumstances they've been through and I question whether you have even come close to the struggles that they had to endure, and yet you're here sitting on your throne and talking out of your @!@ like you're the one to judge.

child, please.

who are we to judge another man?  worry about yourself and drop that holier than thou attitude
Watch your mouth first of all.

Second, I don't need to know their circumstances. I've lost my father, grandfather and a brother in the last 9 months and I still function. People are living with heavy hearts and burdens everyday, but don't take it to that level.

Folks are out here fighting to live everyday. Fighting diseases, bullets, poverty etc... because they have a desire to live, and i'm supposed to empathize with some bamma that just can't take it anymore.

What does suicide accomplish, peace of mind. Peaceful and dead, a combination I want no parts of. Life is precious, I see no reason in speeding up a inevitable process.
DJMano34 wrote:
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

I didn't ask to be here.....

But YOU did. YOU choose to be here at this time just like everyone else. 


I always figured if you were ready to give up on your life, if you lost all hope for a meaningful /happy existence then the least you could do is give your life to a cause.
If you can't find any enjoyment or happiness anyway might as well just work for something, for someone else's benefit rather than just throw away all
your god given gifts.
DJMano34 wrote:
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

I didn't ask to be here.....

But YOU did. YOU choose to be here at this time just like everyone else. 


I always figured if you were ready to give up on your life, if you lost all hope for a meaningful /happy existence then the least you could do is give your life to a cause.
If you can't find any enjoyment or happiness anyway might as well just work for something, for someone else's benefit rather than just throw away all
your god given gifts.
It's never your choice to become a sentient individual. Just a result of chemical reactions. Most people don't realize this and assume that someone actually has a choice in what they do, and that they are selfishly taking their lives. Their whole life was a result of chemical reactions. That's it. You can't blame anyone for anything.
It's never your choice to become a sentient individual. Just a result of chemical reactions. Most people don't realize this and assume that someone actually has a choice in what they do, and that they are selfishly taking their lives. Their whole life was a result of chemical reactions. That's it. You can't blame anyone for anything.
Originally Posted by Twenty Four Seven

SIMPLE… it NEVER is that bad. As long as you're living, you control it to where you can make it better.

How ignorant. As if you know what every other person's life is like and/or how bad it is. 
Just because YOUR life has never been that bad doesn't mean you know a damn thing about everybody else's.
Originally Posted by Twenty Four Seven

SIMPLE… it NEVER is that bad. As long as you're living, you control it to where you can make it better.

How ignorant. As if you know what every other person's life is like and/or how bad it is. 
Just because YOUR life has never been that bad doesn't mean you know a damn thing about everybody else's.
Funny how people assume that anybody who commits suicide is weak-minded or soft or can't deal with strife. People's misconceptions about suicide are crazy. Rich people have a much higher rate of suicide than poor people anyway.

We tell kids they can do anything they want to with their life. So if somebody decides they don't want to live anymore then they should be free to make that decision without being judged or denigrated by anyone. Regardless of the reason.

It's their life, not yours. And saying what somebody should or shouldn't do with it when it has nothing to do with you is completely ridiculous.
Funny how people assume that anybody who commits suicide is weak-minded or soft or can't deal with strife. People's misconceptions about suicide are crazy. Rich people have a much higher rate of suicide than poor people anyway.

We tell kids they can do anything they want to with their life. So if somebody decides they don't want to live anymore then they should be free to make that decision without being judged or denigrated by anyone. Regardless of the reason.

It's their life, not yours. And saying what somebody should or shouldn't do with it when it has nothing to do with you is completely ridiculous.
Originally Posted by Weaponry Expert

It's their life, not yours. And saying what somebody should or shouldn't do with it when it has nothing to do with you is completely ridiculous.
you know anyone that has ever committed suicide?
or ever been to a funeral for someone who committed suicide?
it hurts the family and friends just as much my dude
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