Why is suicide looked down upon?

Originally Posted by goldenarmz97

Once again, people who have never confronted those feelings/ issues have all the answers...

This, everyone commenting in here isn't dealing with any of the issues that someone suicidal is dealing with. Can't judge someone elses actions if you have never been through what they have.
very-very hard question and I think it's something that has to be investigated from numerous angles. I've been reading and thinking a lot regarding suicide for the past year and actually haven't come to a conclusion, but have written maybe half a book in the meantime...

To sum up my opinion:

I think that on one side, when someone would like to use suicide as a way of exiting this world, isn't philosophically correct, because if we consider the way Schopenhauer and Heidegger, viewed this, with which I must agree to some extent, even though I mostly find materialism correct... So, if we consider our thoughts to motivate us, help us think, make decision, wether or not we believe in the presence of a soul, it decides our needs and so on. If due to emotional circumstances one wants an exit, out of the everyday world and the fact that he or she is being held hostage to this force, then by committing suicide he or she obeys this will and does what it suggests, therefor doesn't manage to rebel, which to some extent of key importance in existence. (Rebelling is important is, because it is the only way to sculpt the world to better or worse.) I'm still considering of how methods may differ and how this affects one's will.

Viewing it from an outer perspective, I find that the human is an extremely selfish kind. One's loss brings sadness, due to sympathy, but also due to the fact that we turn sad, because the person who brought us happiness is gone, so we view our angle and see it as a bad deed, because of this as well. Another thing that comes to mind in order to love, one has to let go and support, ... (I think...)
but it seems too simple...
very-very hard question and I think it's something that has to be investigated from numerous angles. I've been reading and thinking a lot regarding suicide for the past year and actually haven't come to a conclusion, but have written maybe half a book in the meantime...

To sum up my opinion:

I think that on one side, when someone would like to use suicide as a way of exiting this world, isn't philosophically correct, because if we consider the way Schopenhauer and Heidegger, viewed this, with which I must agree to some extent, even though I mostly find materialism correct... So, if we consider our thoughts to motivate us, help us think, make decision, wether or not we believe in the presence of a soul, it decides our needs and so on. If due to emotional circumstances one wants an exit, out of the everyday world and the fact that he or she is being held hostage to this force, then by committing suicide he or she obeys this will and does what it suggests, therefor doesn't manage to rebel, which to some extent of key importance in existence. (Rebelling is important is, because it is the only way to sculpt the world to better or worse.) I'm still considering of how methods may differ and how this affects one's will.

Viewing it from an outer perspective, I find that the human is an extremely selfish kind. One's loss brings sadness, due to sympathy, but also due to the fact that we turn sad, because the person who brought us happiness is gone, so we view our angle and see it as a bad deed, because of this as well. Another thing that comes to mind in order to love, one has to let go and support, ... (I think...)
but it seems too simple...
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by MonStar1

what's the most painless way to go?


this thread was made on my bday last year

i looked at the date thinking i went the whole day and forgot about my bday...forgot it was 2012 now
this thread was made on my bday last year

i looked at the date thinking i went the whole day and forgot about my bday...forgot it was 2012 now
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

I wonder sometimes if a person died and we brought them back lets say an hour later.do they ever see heaven or hell.Like whats really out there for them.Do they start over.It scares me because I truly wonder what is out there .I pray that there is a way to upload and digitize your mind that way you really can't die.But who is to say you are the same person afterwards.What makes you you.

A very touching video, don't know who's seen it...:
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

I wonder sometimes if a person died and we brought them back lets say an hour later.do they ever see heaven or hell.Like whats really out there for them.Do they start over.It scares me because I truly wonder what is out there .I pray that there is a way to upload and digitize your mind that way you really can't die.But who is to say you are the same person afterwards.What makes you you.

A very touching video, don't know who's seen it...:
^ I believe they'd only be selfish if they were leaving anyone behind.

Imagine someone that had no friends or family and simply didn't want to live anymore? I still wouldn't support suicide but in some cases I would understand. I believe committing suicide makes you weak and strong. It makes you weak because you aren't strong enough to continue living, but it makes you strong because it's the last commitment you will ever make and you know it.

My best friend has a pretty %+%%%+ life. On a scale of 1-10 I'd say it's like a 2 or 3 because the problems she's having aren't hers. They are with her family and she is always involved. It pisses me off when she says !@$* like I'm considering suicide. Grow some f-cking balls. People have it worse than you and your here crying and pissy and !@$* over all of this.

I will never support suicide.
^ I believe they'd only be selfish if they were leaving anyone behind.

Imagine someone that had no friends or family and simply didn't want to live anymore? I still wouldn't support suicide but in some cases I would understand. I believe committing suicide makes you weak and strong. It makes you weak because you aren't strong enough to continue living, but it makes you strong because it's the last commitment you will ever make and you know it.

My best friend has a pretty %+%%%+ life. On a scale of 1-10 I'd say it's like a 2 or 3 because the problems she's having aren't hers. They are with her family and she is always involved. It pisses me off when she says !@$* like I'm considering suicide. Grow some f-cking balls. People have it worse than you and your here crying and pissy and !@$* over all of this.

I will never support suicide.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

this thread was made on my bday last year

i looked at the date thinking i went the whole day and forgot about my bday...forgot it was 2012 now
well, happy early birfday to you
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

this thread was made on my bday last year

i looked at the date thinking i went the whole day and forgot about my bday...forgot it was 2012 now
well, happy early birfday to you
Looking at it in a scientific light, suicide prevents the propagation of your genetic material. There suicide=bad
Looking at it in a scientific light, suicide prevents the propagation of your genetic material. There suicide=bad
Originally Posted by Swag Odie

Looking at it in a scientific light, suicide prevents the propagation of your genetic material. There suicide=bad

As does using condoms, war, anal sex, homosexuality (unless its artificial)

Propogation of genetic material is not always a good thing, look at the world we live in---I wish more people would just stop breeding
Originally Posted by Swag Odie

Looking at it in a scientific light, suicide prevents the propagation of your genetic material. There suicide=bad

As does using condoms, war, anal sex, homosexuality (unless its artificial)

Propogation of genetic material is not always a good thing, look at the world we live in---I wish more people would just stop breeding
What is it that makes you unhappy/depressed?

I dont think suicide solves anything. I mean how would you feel if a family member or a close friend took their own life.
Life is hard we all have struggles and for some its a lot worse than others. I remember watching an episode on Oprah there was a lady who went out for her morning jog to come home and find her 4 kids shot and killed by her ex husband. I mean i dont think id ever be able to go on with life after that. Watching this woman was heartbreaking. The way she spoke about her kids and that experience was heart breaking. She thought about suicide several times but eventually over came it. It took her years but she did it. Try to talk to people go out and do what makes you happy.
Its not easy but you deserve to be happy. We all do. Keep ur head up. I know it sounds corny but praying helps me a lot.
What is it that makes you unhappy/depressed?

I dont think suicide solves anything. I mean how would you feel if a family member or a close friend took their own life.
Life is hard we all have struggles and for some its a lot worse than others. I remember watching an episode on Oprah there was a lady who went out for her morning jog to come home and find her 4 kids shot and killed by her ex husband. I mean i dont think id ever be able to go on with life after that. Watching this woman was heartbreaking. The way she spoke about her kids and that experience was heart breaking. She thought about suicide several times but eventually over came it. It took her years but she did it. Try to talk to people go out and do what makes you happy.
Its not easy but you deserve to be happy. We all do. Keep ur head up. I know it sounds corny but praying helps me a lot.
Its technically not very selfish if no one cared about you.

However, if there are people who honestly do care about you then it torments them to know that they could have done something if they had just done something more. Talked more, been there more, shared more, etc. Its a feeling of regret on their behalf. Then they have to spend a long time trying to understand that its not their fault ____ isn't alive anymore. Its more about empathy than anything.

I wish there was a deterrent to remind the suicidal that they already won the most important race of their lives...being born!

Sperm flagella FTW! 

...and yeah, i know someone who committed suicide. I personally didn't take it too hard as I knew that IF I had known then I would have tried to do more, but its unreasonable to justify not trying to be there for someone in the past. You simply didn't do it in the first place, so ruminating over it doesn't make any sense.

Spoiler [+]
That being said, I often wonder why certain faiths tend to see it as a "sin" to commit because they "say" it sends you to hell. But isn't the point life after death? I would rather them make the distinction between the social harm it does to groups of closely knit individuals rather than because it assumes some sort of mythical predilection. I went to their funeral and it was loaded with religious overtones and that was the only thing I could think of.
Its technically not very selfish if no one cared about you.

However, if there are people who honestly do care about you then it torments them to know that they could have done something if they had just done something more. Talked more, been there more, shared more, etc. Its a feeling of regret on their behalf. Then they have to spend a long time trying to understand that its not their fault ____ isn't alive anymore. Its more about empathy than anything.

I wish there was a deterrent to remind the suicidal that they already won the most important race of their lives...being born!

Sperm flagella FTW! 

...and yeah, i know someone who committed suicide. I personally didn't take it too hard as I knew that IF I had known then I would have tried to do more, but its unreasonable to justify not trying to be there for someone in the past. You simply didn't do it in the first place, so ruminating over it doesn't make any sense.

Spoiler [+]
That being said, I often wonder why certain faiths tend to see it as a "sin" to commit because they "say" it sends you to hell. But isn't the point life after death? I would rather them make the distinction between the social harm it does to groups of closely knit individuals rather than because it assumes some sort of mythical predilection. I went to their funeral and it was loaded with religious overtones and that was the only thing I could think of.
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