Why is the Divorce rate so high?

we're living longer lives
less religion in our lives?

we've become accustomed to instant gratification
we're living longer lives
less religion in our lives?

we've become accustomed to instant gratification
cause people like my friend get married at 23 years old. $*! man. i wanna slap this dude sometimes.

but i just think it's because back in the day people just stayed together because that's how they thought it was supposed to be. now if it's not working they'll get divorced because they know better.
cause people like my friend get married at 23 years old. $*! man. i wanna slap this dude sometimes.

but i just think it's because back in the day people just stayed together because that's how they thought it was supposed to be. now if it's not working they'll get divorced because they know better.
Just was reading about it in my sociology book.
Our idea of what is to be expected in a marriage isn't the same as it was in the past.
There aren't defined roles to be expected of each other, so with more freedoms comes more ability to have it not work.
Women have more freedoms on their own and have a different ideal life now.
The social stigma around a divorce is so diffused now, and common, that people don't feel anywhere near as much shame in having a divorce.
Just was reading about it in my sociology book.
Our idea of what is to be expected in a marriage isn't the same as it was in the past.
There aren't defined roles to be expected of each other, so with more freedoms comes more ability to have it not work.
Women have more freedoms on their own and have a different ideal life now.
The social stigma around a divorce is so diffused now, and common, that people don't feel anywhere near as much shame in having a divorce.
Originally Posted by s dubl

because people take marriage as a joke...

THIS. People fall in love and just do it instead of using the whole courtship process to investigate whether they are compatible enough to spend the rest of their life with the one whom they marry.  Its all glamour, most girls now just want their "movie scene" memory. People these days are also quick to back out of something once it gets difficult instead of working together to solve it on common ground. Needless to say, I've decided that whichever girl I one day would like to marry, we will date for no less than 2 years before I even consider proposing.
Originally Posted by s dubl

because people take marriage as a joke...

THIS. People fall in love and just do it instead of using the whole courtship process to investigate whether they are compatible enough to spend the rest of their life with the one whom they marry.  Its all glamour, most girls now just want their "movie scene" memory. People these days are also quick to back out of something once it gets difficult instead of working together to solve it on common ground. Needless to say, I've decided that whichever girl I one day would like to marry, we will date for no less than 2 years before I even consider proposing.
Imo, it's just unrealistic expectations from both sides of the relationships. These romance movies have everyone (yes, men too) out there looking for that "perfect one" that's just gonna sweep them away. When they marry that person they thought was "the one" and they see that the person is not perfect and has some shortcomings, they flip out. I don't believe in having "the one" waiting for you out there. You just gotta be realistic.
Imo, it's just unrealistic expectations from both sides of the relationships. These romance movies have everyone (yes, men too) out there looking for that "perfect one" that's just gonna sweep them away. When they marry that person they thought was "the one" and they see that the person is not perfect and has some shortcomings, they flip out. I don't believe in having "the one" waiting for you out there. You just gotta be realistic.
A man is basically as faithful as his options.

That's how faithful a man is.

No more, no less.
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