why is the facebook simpetry so strong????? vol. cornball

Originally Posted by JPTHE3

soy chulo , no cholo

yea this had me dying
real life...

translation... (along the lines)

Luis: ok ok imma stop ive gone to far... but gloria youre fiiiiine...im making my self laugh at the stuff im saying. but like we say in sinaloa "youre hellaa pretty" not like me but we'll go good.

gloria: ups for sinaloa ( like shes repping it)

luis: what do you think gloria? its true that im pretty right?

gloria: (english)

luis: (this one is all in english)

david: (in english)

luis: co-sign david, good think i have brakes

david: why are you so... how do you say "corny" in spanish?

luis: (english)

gloria: peace and love now please...

luis: english, then he says... im good looking not gangsta
If the girl is 17, she already has guys simping for her if she's even somewhat attractive...I'm sure we all remember how a lot of HS dudes were when it came to getting attention from a girl. I know you said the guy is 27 but he didn't gas her up any more than she already gets on a daily basis in school. I had a teen girl (no pedo) because she's a family friend of my gf's and added me on FB and I deleted her because she was annoying me. She would constantly post statuses and pics to flatter herself and guys would constantly tell her how good she looks and begging for her attention. People write stuff on her wall like "why are you so beautiful?!?! Rate: 12 outta 10" and a bunch of other simpish things
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

If the girl is 17, she already has guys simping for her if she's even somewhat attractive...I'm sure we all remember how a lot of HS dudes were when it came to getting attention from a girl. I know you said the guy is 27 but he didn't gas her up any more than she already gets on a daily basis in school. I had a teen girl (no pedo) because she's a family friend of my gf's and added me on FB and I deleted her because she was annoying me. She would constantly post statuses and pics to flatter herself and guys would constantly tell her how good she looks and begging for her attention. People write stuff on her wall like "why are you so beautiful?!?! Rate: 12 outta 10" and a bunch of other simpish things

i feel you, my sister is that age (16 now) and i was going to delete her off facebook, but its the only way we talk, ive never met her in my life and i found her on facebook one day (yeah i know)
shell post something random like "lets see a movie!" and 38 guys hit her up like "TAKE ME WITH YOU SECCKSSSYY"
friend request just sent.

a few seconds later when i saw david post her age, the friend request was cancelled.

dude is simping tough though.
Serious simp...i see this all the time and I instantly start trolling, dudes be getting so mad
Reason I dont have a FB

Internet is like a playground to me...... would be ruining families over that joint
Originally Posted by MECKS

Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

i feel you, my sister is that age (16 now) and i was going to delete her off facebook, but its the only way we talk, ive never met her in my life and i found her on facebook one day (yeah i know)
shell post something random like "lets see a movie!" and 38 guys hit her up like "TAKE ME WITH YOU SECCKSSSYY"
What's the deal with the new generation misspelling words thinking it's cute? Before I deleted her off my facebook, I'd see her friends saying things like "secksy, coot, bootiful, pretti, etc...It's annoying as hell
Ya both look foolish for even making the chic feel important. Looks like she was siding with the old kat since he more than likely tricks on her.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Let that boy cook, you straight blocking for no reason.

This makes OP look just as bad he simping for her, you ridin on him.
I thought only girls cat fight on Facebook.
Do ya'll see what dude looks like? His life looking like that is mediocre at best. Could you imagine the desperation of being 27 and hoping a 17 year old "tres" is naive and desperate enough as well. If I looked like him I'd be on backpage so regularly it would be my homepage. Backpage would have advertisements specifically for me because id be taking care of the harlots on there. Think about it and I'm not being racist (I don't believe in racism at all) he is probably 5 5' 220 pounds and he is mexican. Do you know how hard it is for a guy like that to catch an assortment of different types of women? Black and white guys have it much easier than other nationalities in America because let's face it America is black and white. How often do you see a fat mexican guy with a bad white,black,asian or midlle eastern girl? NEVER! I've seen fat,weird,corny lookin black and white guys with bad everything! Let the dude get at that illegal "tres" man. sometimes you gotta let your brothas feed man. Sure they don't go about it in a respectable manner but comeon its hard out here for good lookin guys let alone a fat short guy. Somebody has to take care of all the 6's and below. Look at it like this if we were in an aquarium and we were all fly colorful fish and some of us were sharks he'd be the fish sucking all the algae off the glass. He don't even eat fish food or other fish, let that man feed at the bottom dude. He keeps the tank from getting muddled and dirty.
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