Why Obama should not be President.

Socaking: I have nothing against IMMIGRANTS at all. I have problems with immigrants that come here illegally. My parents had to wait, what makes you so special? You have people that are going about it the right way, and then you have others who feel that they shouldn't have to wait for whatever reason and should be granted the same rights as American citizens.
But why cant they have the same rights? You dont give reason other than the fact that they are illegal. So is it your view that the only peoplewho deserve full rights in America are legal ones? Theres nothing wrong if you think btw. But then we have to point out what rights were talking about here,cause it can get muddy.
i agree on just about everything on that list. sorry try again. you need to bring up points that both sides agree with. not just what conservative disagreewith.
Shot, thanks you just strengthen my views on Obama. And...are immigrants going to leave, because if so, ALL WHITE PEOPLE SHOULD GO ALSO! Immigrants came herefor the same reasons that you did. You are immigrants, only people that should be here are black people,Native Americans, and the Mexicans taht originallysettled in Tx, Cali etc. Blacks were forced here, thus not immigrants

im·mi·grant (ĭm'ĭ-grənt) Pronunciation Key

1. A person who leaves one country to settle permanently in another.
-dictionary.com, one of my favorite websitest.
Originally Posted by eaglebball1499

Originally Posted by mikykr20

I hate liberals with a passion. there is not a good one at all
I'm a registered independent, and that's just ultra-ignorant.


Originally Posted by corporateJP

Plain and simple, as I've said before, there needs to be a viable third party in this country.

These two groups of clowns get nothing done and are all corrupt, dishonest, and greedy.

That's the thing though. Most people will never heard about the 'other' 3rd parties that are out there. How many people on this board alone knowabout Ron Paul or Nader? Mass media will never post 3rd party agendas as they do with the 2 major parties.
Originally Posted by 5th Platoon

Originally Posted by cleansneaksonly21

Whether you like it or not, immigrants are here to stay. i travel every morning by a bus stop that has 20+ people waiting to get picked to do manual labor. 20+ daily!! they are here, and definitely plan on staying. Why dont they deserve to get drivers licenses if they're going to be driving anyway? Some even pay taxes through their employers without even having a SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER!!!. They do what they do and make this country run better i highly doubt anyone on here is willing to do or let their children work out in the fields for hours upon hours. Why cant they just do what they do? Geez
And how are they making this country run better just by working hard labor in the fields? I'm getting tired of illegal immigrants being references to working in the fields. Some of you talk as if that's all they do. Why isn't anyone accounting for the ones that come here illegally and don't do nothing but take advantage of the system such as welfare or WIC for better terms? That's taxpayer dollars being used to provide services to people who most likely don't pay taxes or even worse doesn't even need WIC, but qualifies because of the system and still takes advantage of it.

How about the thousands of illegal immigrands driving without a valid driver's license and a insurance? Imagine you getting hit by one of them and them not being able to cover the damage done to your car? Go figure.

no they change tires, work on your car engines,work putting a roof over your companies heads, clean the windows so you can look at your BMW, gather, cook, andserve you the food you eat, clean up after you when your done eating, they help build the highways you drive on, they mow grass, landscape your businesses....ARE THESE THE PEOPLE TO DISLIKE? ARE THESE THE PEOPLE YOU WANNA PISS OFF? i dislike the businessmen who con other people onto thinking they can afford a housein which in 6 months they won't be able to. i dislike the men that manipulate the major markets to help big corporations. GET A CLUE, immigrants are here.PERIOD.
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

see this is where people have serious issues with their brain and the whole thinking things through ... ask yourself a question ...

1. Did the person know selling drugs was illegal?

i dont know how much youve been around people that sell drugs, but most of them never gave a damn about life and never tried to succeed in the first place ... complaining about "the man" and "a system" that somehow prevented them from succeeding while other people on their block did ... if you get caught doing something you know is illegal you deserve to be punished according to the laws that exist ... just because you want some new jordans doesnt give you the right to say, im gonna sell drugs, and then complain when you get locked up
Im not saying they shouldnt be locked up but like I said 10 years over some drugs is completely over the line.......Im sure you and everyone herehas done some things that we knew were illegal but did it anyway...whether its underage drinking, smoking, stealing, everyone has done things that areillegal...and everyone should be punished in some form but to ruin a persons life by them spending a third of their life behind bars just isn't right
Originally Posted by bboy1827

Shot, thanks you just strengthen my views on Obama. And...are immigrants going to leave, because if so, ALL WHITE PEOPLE SHOULD GO ALSO! Immigrants came here for the same reasons that you did. You are immigrants, only people that should be here are black people,Native Americans, and the Mexicans taht originally settled in Tx, Cali etc. Blacks were forced here, thus not immigrants

If you prove anything, it's that you're racist.

That has to be the stupidest thing I've read all day.

If anything, everyone should go except the Native Americans.

If you want to get real technical, we should all go back to Africa, where humanity began.

Barack Obama wants to re-impose the failed and discredited Clinton Gun Ban

Really? People really need to automatic weapons like AK-47s? People need handguns but AK-47s no.

Barack Obama supports gun owner licensing and gun registration
Is this a bad thing? You need a license and registeration for a car or motorcycle. You need to a license to sell real estate. You need to alicensing for alot things why don't you need a license for something that is very deadly? Guns are meant to be deadly or harmful. Why shouldn't you alicense for it.

Obivously you have never seen the damage firearms can cause in a domestic/urban community.
I am glad Obama will have stricter regulations on firearms. After the VT massacre, I am convinced how easy it is for any deranged individual to purchase afirearm and kill innocents.


Again what is the alternative? Elect McCain and Palin?

These Republicans, nothing wrong with them a lot of them just have this attitude of what is this group 's problem what is that person's problem?

Why are they not successful? and if they aren't, I'm not helping them, it's their fault...

Who's fault is it when a kid sits through kindergarten and have nothing but substitute teachers that barely teach them anything through the year?

Who's fault is it when that kid gets home and their single mother rarely interacts with them because she is too tired from working all day to put a roofover their heads and food on the table?

Who's fault is it when that kid from poor educational background, and lack of households has to make needs meet himself, He's uncultured, narrow mindedand only knows the ignorance of his local environment.

We can easily blame the mother or the father for not being there, but usually these situations are generational, we have to help break it.

This ideal of every man for himself for the past 8 years, as you can see did that work.

As these personal attacks on Obama, I have things for days on McCain from his apparent suicide attempt while a POW to him having at&t and Verizon towersbuilt near one of his homes in order to provide him with better cellular service.

We don't need to go there with McCain though, he's intelligent and good guy but he lost to Bush twice in a roll for a reason though...
Originally Posted by 5th Platoon

Let's get this out of the way. I am neither Pro Obama nor Pro McCain.

If you understood how you are being manipulated, if you care about the future of America and the freedom that the Constitution stands for, if you care about preserving our God Given Rights, then see the true Barack Hussein Obama. And if you see beyond the media hype and the false guilt trip that the media tries to lay on us, then you will stand against Obama, and you will stand up for what our founding fathers and our ancestors settled, fought and died for.

Obama's public speaking talents seem to go an incredibly long way in helping him win people over and help them overlook what he is really all about. Being a charismatic, inspirational speaker hardly qualifies someone to be president. Some of the most charismatic leaders throughout history have also been some of the most evil, depraved people to ever walk the earth. Adolph Hitler was an incredibly charismatic orator, but was also murderously insane. Obama's Muslim ties and his attempts to conceal them, his blatant anti-American attitudes, and his shady business dealings should kill any possibilty that he ever become president. At best, Barack Obama as President would give you extreme Muslim pandering, and social policies to the left of Clinton.
son must have a tat of this on his neck


nah but seriously...

did u really say
extreme Muslim pandering
most of those are of partial truth, or misleading: he addressed some of these topics during the debate.
Originally Posted by cleansneaksonly21

Originally Posted by 5th Platoon

Originally Posted by cleansneaksonly21

Whether you like it or not, immigrants are here to stay. i travel every morning by a bus stop that has 20+ people waiting to get picked to do manual labor. 20+ daily!! they are here, and definitely plan on staying. Why dont they deserve to get drivers licenses if they're going to be driving anyway? Some even pay taxes through their employers without even having a SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER!!!. They do what they do and make this country run better i highly doubt anyone on here is willing to do or let their children work out in the fields for hours upon hours. Why cant they just do what they do? Geez
And how are they making this country run better just by working hard labor in the fields? I'm getting tired of illegal immigrants being references to working in the fields. Some of you talk as if that's all they do. Why isn't anyone accounting for the ones that come here illegally and don't do nothing but take advantage of the system such as welfare or WIC for better terms? That's taxpayer dollars being used to provide services to people who most likely don't pay taxes or even worse doesn't even need WIC, but qualifies because of the system and still takes advantage of it.

How about the thousands of illegal immigrands driving without a valid driver's license and a insurance? Imagine you getting hit by one of them and them not being able to cover the damage done to your car? Go figure.

no they change tires, work on your car engines,work putting a roof over your companies heads, clean the windows so you can look at your BMW, gather, cook, and serve you the food you eat, clean up after you when your done eating, they help build the highways you drive on, they mow grass, landscape your businesses.... ARE THESE THE PEOPLE TO DISLIKE? ARE THESE THE PEOPLE YOU WANNA PISS OFF? i dislike the businessmen who con other people onto thinking they can afford a house in which in 6 months they won't be able to. i dislike the men that manipulate the major markets to help big corporations. GET A CLUE, immigrants are here. PERIOD.
Originally Posted by corporateJP

Originally Posted by bboy1827

Shot, thanks you just strengthen my views on Obama. And...are immigrants going to leave, because if so, ALL WHITE PEOPLE SHOULD GO ALSO! Immigrants came here for the same reasons that you did. You are immigrants, only people that should be here are black people,Native Americans, and the Mexicans taht originally settled in Tx, Cali etc. Blacks were forced here, thus not immigrants

If you prove anything, it's that you're racist.

That has to be the stupidest thing I've read all day.

If anything, everyone should go except the Native Americans.

If you want to get real technical, we should all go back to Africa, where humanity began.

So wait because we were forced to come her, or because you got here....second. You have the right to denyanyone else access to America. On top of everything they do the Jobs that I know you and your economic peers wouldn't do. The point I'm making is whoare you to deny anyone else freedoms, I believe it says on our statue of liberty "Give us your poor your hungry your tired" or I guess that just wastoward Europeans. Or the fact that half of this nation was taken through deception and conquest, is that why you have more of a right to be here then anyoneelse. I hate how quickly we forget America was started as a place to escape an unjust government, but now that we have gotten so comfortable on top then wethink no one else deserves the same thing. Read the Constitution, read the Articles of Confederation, read the Federalist Papers, and read the Declearation ofIndependence, all indirectly address immigration and the right to live how you want. America is a land built off the backs of Irish, Chinese and Mexicanimmigrants now we must cast them aside after the work is done? Sorry I think the founding fathers would have supported escape from a unstable government, and Ithink we should also.

Sorry about the green but I needed people to read this.
OP, you must REALLY want a gun, huh? Like half of that list is all laws AGAINST guns.

· Supports granting driver's licenses to illegal immigrants.
· Supports extending welfare to illegal immigrants.
· Voted yes on comprehensive immigration reform.
· Voted yes on allowing illegal aliens to participate in Social Security.

And as for these, there's reasons for this, trust me. I'll let you do the research. My parents were immigrants back in the day so it wasalways an interesting topic to me. The only one I'm actually against is social security. We're funding illegals which is stealing from US citizens.

I'll give you an insight however. The immigrants are having children in the states. Children that are born in the US are citizens, done deal. And thesecitizens will attend US schools. You can't leave these children high and dry. What happens when they grow up? We have our own citizens living on thestreets in poverty? That covers the welfare aspect. For those that can't find a good paying job because of their status and need money to support a familyand shelter. Possibly even a vehicle. I don't feel like writing an essay so I'll let you figure out the rest. All I know is, people need to read intoissues like this before they hop on that patriotic high horse. Acting like we all didn't stem from immigration anyway.
Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Originally Posted by cleansneaksonly21

Originally Posted by 5th Platoon

Originally Posted by cleansneaksonly21

Whether you like it or not, immigrants are here to stay. i travel every morning by a bus stop that has 20+ people waiting to get picked to do manual labor. 20+ daily!! they are here, and definitely plan on staying. Why dont they deserve to get drivers licenses if they're going to be driving anyway? Some even pay taxes through their employers without even having a SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER!!!. They do what they do and make this country run better i highly doubt anyone on here is willing to do or let their children work out in the fields for hours upon hours. Why cant they just do what they do? Geez
And how are they making this country run better just by working hard labor in the fields? I'm getting tired of illegal immigrants being references to working in the fields. Some of you talk as if that's all they do. Why isn't anyone accounting for the ones that come here illegally and don't do nothing but take advantage of the system such as welfare or WIC for better terms? That's taxpayer dollars being used to provide services to people who most likely don't pay taxes or even worse doesn't even need WIC, but qualifies because of the system and still takes advantage of it.

How about the thousands of illegal immigrands driving without a valid driver's license and a insurance? Imagine you getting hit by one of them and them not being able to cover the damage done to your car? Go figure.

no they change tires, work on your car engines,work putting a roof over your companies heads, clean the windows so you can look at your BMW, gather, cook, and serve you the food you eat, clean up after you when your done eating, they help build the highways you drive on, they mow grass, landscape your businesses.... ARE THESE THE PEOPLE TO DISLIKE? ARE THESE THE PEOPLE YOU WANNA PISS OFF? i dislike the businessmen who con other people onto thinking they can afford a house in which in 6 months they won't be able to. i dislike the men that manipulate the major markets to help big corporations. GET A CLUE, immigrants are here. PERIOD.

how long do you think they want to continue doing manuallabor jobs? There going to eventually want to get better jobs for them and there family what are you going to do when your manager is an illegal immigrant?
is that true about the illegal immigrants and social security?....everybody got their cups, but they aint chipped in...
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