Originally Posted by 5th Platoon
Let's get this out of the way. I am neither Pro Obama nor Pro McCain.
If you understood how you are being manipulated, if you care about the future of America and the freedom that the Constitution stands for, if you care about preserving our God Given Rights, then see the true Barack Hussein Obama. And if you see beyond the media hype and the false guilt trip that the media tries to lay on us, then you will stand against Obama, and you will stand up for what our founding fathers and our ancestors settled, fought and died for.
Obama's public speaking talents seem to go an incredibly long way in helping him win people over and help them overlook what he is really all about. Being a charismatic, inspirational speaker hardly qualifies someone to be president. Some of the most charismatic leaders throughout history have also been some of the most evil, depraved people to ever walk the earth. Adolph Hitler was an incredibly charismatic orator, but was also murderously insane. Obama's Muslim ties and his attempts to conceal them, his blatant anti-American attitudes, and his shady business dealings should kill any possibilty that he ever become president. At best, Barack Obama as President would give you extreme Muslim pandering, and social policies to the left of Clinton.