Why Obama should not be President.

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

I read all those and I have come to one conclusion.

Obama for presodent in 08!
Word! 500% increase in the federal excise tax on firearms and ammunition?! haha word to Chris Rock saying every bullet should cost $5,000. Let emhave it.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

So what if the process takes a long time...they should live on the street while they strive to become a US citizen.
Your kidding me right?

You shouldent speak on something your not educated on, this process can take years, and in many cases they are denied. They have to show proof that they havebeen working and living in the united states for a extended period of time. its not as simple as you may think it is.
Originally Posted by javier5857

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

So what if the process takes a long time...they should live on the street while they strive to become a US citizen.
Your kidding me right?

You shouldent speak on something your not educated on, this process can take years, and in many cases they are denied. They have to show proof that they have been working and living in the united states for a extended period of time. its not as simple as you may think it is.
ALSO, do you think that they WANT to drive with fear of being pulled over and exported? do you think they WANT to work the %*@%++ low paying hardlabor jobs which are the only ones that dont really check socials?

How about this, since illegal immigrants are here and are living residents, and say you get into an auto accident with one of them, wouldn't you want thatperson having legal papers, so in then they can have car insurance?

If they are here, working, paying taxes, why should they be restricted from documentation?

Now the gun bans, Idk too much about, I don't know what to say about it...

#1. Why do people act like they still need the right to bear arms? IT is not 1793 and the British militia is not coming to kill us! I did a semester long studyon guns and crime deterrence, and there is no link.

#2. Who cares about illegal immigrants when the economy is going to the dirt!
I didn't really care about this president thing, but after reading ur post, it makes me support for Obama. oh the irony
if you aren't pro-mcain then why don't you post up his list of disgraces? and why is it you people always like to point out that his middle name soundsmuslim? oh no, we are electing a terrorist!! we have had 8 years of ignorance and complacence brought about by fear. the time has come to change. are either ofthem really going to change the entire system? no, but ****** zombie half dead @%@$@% surely won't
Originally Posted by Willis03


#1. Why do people act like they still need the right to bear arms? IT is not 1793 and the British militia is not coming to kill us! I did a semester long study on guns and crime deterrence, and there is no link.

#2. Who cares about illegal immigrants when the economy is going to the dirt!

#1. Yea its not 1793, its 2008. Even more the reason to want to carry a gun you tard. Instead of the British militia its the damn lunatics we have in oursociety.

#2. Ignorance. Who cares about illegal immigrants? Our economy is going to dirt? Shouldnt that be a reason to care about illegal immigration? God maybe i justdon't understand.....
Originally Posted by 5th Platoon

Let's get this out of the way. I am neither Pro Obama nor Pro McCain.
Then post why we shouldnt elect McCain as president as well. I read most of the 8-9 pages, so maybe I skipped it.
I doubt it though.
looking through those facts listed, i'd actually vote for him. i don't agree on the immigration things though. and comparing obama to hitler isreaching.
no preconditions

This is so ******ed for people to get excited about. Bottom line is meeting a person with no pre-conditions means you are open to conversation and before youhave the conversation you are asking NOTHING of the person before hand. Now once the meeting starts you state your position and listen to their position andsee if you can work things out. Saying No I won't talk to you unless _______ is going to get us no where at all.

Check this out... let's say for argument sake a person has been doing something you feel is wrong. Are you going to be able to meet with them if you say Iwill only meet with you IF... you do such and such before we meet? Or would you have a more positive reaction if you say hey we have differences no doubt, butlet's meet and discuss those differences and see if we can't work TOGETHER toward a solution?

Lastly where is the McCain should not be President post... cause surely if he has sided with Bush 90+% of the time he has to have a much lengthier list... orperhaps things are going great and he's just going to step in and make sure things continue on the path we are on now. After all he is a Maverick and goesagainst his own party all the time....


That's so Mavericky
and since when has muslim = terrorists

i might be wrong.....idk.....but aren't muslims suppose to fight for their faith....they look at us as a country trying to force our ideology's on themand that's why there is so much resistant towards us.....i might be wrong idk...but i would like the opinion of a middle eastern muslim
I like guns alot but I'm a felon and can't have one anyway and that will NEVER change so I don't really care about the gun laws ( I can't voteeither but I support Obama ) The rest of your reasons in the post I agree with. I was jailed for drug dealing and my penalty was harsher than another personin my cell and he killed someone so I support him on lighter drug laws. illegals are comming over one way or the other might as well have em put into socialsecurity. Im all for abortion.. yeah I said it. all these people screamin pro life but never go adopt a kid or 2. if you want em here so bad go take care ofsome of em. If I had a vote Obama would have mine and those reasons didn't do a think to change my thinking.
Originally Posted by Str8Hood

Thanks for the info. I like him more now seeing the laws he "supports" on guns and ammunition. Seriously

epic fail to the OP
Here's the deal:

To the OP, you can't say that you don't support either candidate. The fact that you consider some of these facts "reasons to not vote forObama" reveals your political leanings.
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