Why so thirsty

Originally Posted by allreds

^ROFL you can still see their names
lol my man im not the best painter

scshift jus came with ether , rns tho
Originally Posted by allreds

^ROFL you can still see their names

he knows that... why else would he completely cover up the girls name and keep the dudes.   if hes gonna post their names he might as well post the girls too.

Like a few people said in here, stop treating these females like they are god's gift to the world, like they are the last cute girl you will ever see on earth. Unless you are a complete lame, it is literally impossible NOT to have SEVERAL shots at cute women, from now until the day you die.

Someone else in this thread said that there isn't enough father figures and what not. I believe this to be true. Some of the stuff you see makes you wonder if you even have a dad or male presence around because the struggle in these females inbox's is something that I can't say REAL men would be cool with. Not to say that you should show your pops every time you're talking to a girl, but if you grow up with a REAL MAN around, most of the times you know how to properly approach and show interest in a girl and not be thirsty and lame as hell in the process.

It should be noted that to me, showing interest over fb, or twitter or something is okay. Nothing wrong with that. It's the slurping her up in her comments or gassing her up in her inbox, that's the problem. Besides, getting at a girl on FB is hard as hell because you're lumped with every other guy that's trying to get at them on the computer. That's why even when you show interest over the computer, you automatically get considered "thirsty." Much easier to approach a chick in person, and use conversation and presence to bag her. My opinion at least
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by ricky409

one of the strongest posts i've seen in a long time.


but this begs the question...


what's the solution?


My solution is to get enough money or balls to never have to deal with idiots like the females and the males in this equation. Both of them are equally as bad.

These stupid girls posing for their webcams and slapping on some stupid quote they thought was deep then sitting back and waiting for people to praise them like they're Aphrodite has to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Like are you kidding me? How conceited and vain must you be to strip to your damn underwear to take pictures for people you'll never see in real life?

Then they don't even man up to their actions. Talking about how they're "bored" or w/e... yeah okay if you're so bored why don't you hit up and strike off a convo with one of the 9000 guys telling you how "gorgeous" and "goddess-like" you are? Oh no, you just want to keep taking your selfies in the bathroom mirror or your bedroom with your high school textbooks in the background. You know damn well you put off working out and studying so you could take these "model shots".

I don't have a clue as to why people bombard facebook with all their photos. Like DC said, putting photos online is for attention. Most people don't even know a quarter of their facebook friends or even talk to half of that quarter. I used to have stupid girls blowing up my news feed just so they could take a picture of them wearing tights and running shoes before they "head out for a run"... oh you run now? How come when you ran track you were on your knees after running a 100m, then spent the rest of the time whining about how hard it was?

I logged in just to say this. This thread made me mad.

Wowwwww….Soooo much truth in this post yo'...
Yea that, "Bored" nonsense kills me man. It really does.

ANd I HATE. I mean I HATE when girls just post pictures of their face. I know one girl that has over 200 random JUST FACIAL pictures on her FB page. Like why man?
Originally Posted by ricky409

Originally Posted by shoeking2101

I just can't wrap myself around the idea of trying to get at a girl by telling her how "bad" she is and what I would do to her or what I want to do with her, Internet or in person.

Even if she is that bad, I wouldn't even tell her that. IMO the moment you try to get at a girl by thirsting in her comments or inbox you've lost so what's the point in being that thirsty? You just look stupid and lame as hell.

Show interest, not thirst. These thirsty dudes out here is bringing the entire male species down man. You can't even show interest in a girl now because they automatically think it's being thirsty, and it's because of the abundance of thirst that they receive on the daily.

I'm a young guy, but I actually wish courting a girl went back to how it used to be in the early 90's, where the playing field was a bit more even. Where when you were trying to get a girl, you did it with your look, your presence, confidence and mouthpiece. That along with girls being level headed and cute. Not going into everyday life knowing that 56 people just liked my status and 15 other lame dudes is gassing me up in my inbox. It was better before the internet, and Facebook.

Lame dudes out here making girls mini celebrities on fb and what not.

As y'all can tell, this is a topic that irritates me to no end. And I end it with a quote I said last month. "If you out here thirstin' over these chicks in they dm's and inbox's, you triflin', and you need jesus."
 Ross that dude for real! I feel the emotion in how you agree by the emotion Ross gave in this gif.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Yea that, "Bored" nonsense kills me man. It really does.

ANd I HATE. I mean I HATE when girls just post pictures of their face. I know one girl that has over 200 random JUST FACIAL pictures on her FB page. Like why man?
She took Facebook to heart
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

suckers, simps, whatever have been around since the beginning of time and so have women who took advantage of it...

worry about yourself
Originally Posted by oidreez

^yup but how do you get thousands of guys to follow that?

that's what i'm saying...
i hope someone with some pull makes a movie...

i #BAWSE old school playa putting young dudes up on game...

letting young guns know that GASSING chicks is NOT the way to go... i'd watch...

Originally Posted by jbpkickz

Originally Posted by gocougs77

Women be asking for it with what they be wearin'

too much truth they know what they doin !**% like this ain't for fun they wan get comments


attention #$!+++ is one thing...but im friends with a couple girls who pose the exact same way on every picture. meaning if i speed click thru their photos, the body will change but the head will more or less stay the same. at the end of the day i don't lose sleep over it, but its still weird idk.

Complimenting a girl is one thing , but to go out and spam half of the comment space with things like
-Dammmmmmmmmm gurll , u maddd beautiful doe

-u look mad beautiful dis mroning , inbox ??
-Sum1 must've tooken u out the oven early because ur cake is bubbled real talk

(^ yeah i actually read that last one some where , cheesey fuker)
how things are these days. you can just get on Facebook twitter etc. upload your car or anything that would MAKE women think you got something and the struggle gets real. thirsty is the new style of courting.
QFT. Had a friend of mine text me and ask me is it wrong that she thinks that guys that approach her in public are creeps. I told how else are guys supposed to approach you? Her response, well guys always hit me up on facebook and love my pics on instagram, i got 120 likes in one pic. This chick is lucky to be 6.5. The guy world has changed drastically because of social networks.
, hope this mentality is for birds.

Girls look at me sideways when I tell them I don't have facebook.

Having real life game FTW!

Let thirsty dudes be thirsty... bunch of zero personality type dudes out there anyway that stay losing.  
Yall need to post FB links of the girls you're screen shotting

They accept anybody

They will accept me too

And I will beast.
I say we quote some of this knowledge and post it on every social network. Try to put your boys around you on game and how not to thirst. From there, it's up to them if they want to stay a sucka %+%$%
Just a few weeks ago on Instagram I saw a guy commenting on a girl's picture of her feet, saying how sexy they were and stuff. Well, it turns out they were her six year old daughter's feet. He got roasted in the comments.
Originally Posted by Steinbeckballa

I say we quote some of this knowledge and post it on every social network. Try to put your boys around you on game and how not to thirst. From there, it's up to them if they want to stay a sucka %+%$%
Im with it, someone make a strong short post in 160 characters or less, and we'll post it on our social networks, 1 rule, every post will b anonymous, no usernames, no givin up the secrecy of NT

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