Why the sneaker game will never be the same.

young kids had their moms stand in line and cop back in the day too, this is no new phenomenon.
That depends on how far back you consider "back in the day".  Because back in my days there were no lines. You could walk into any spot months, literally months after a release and cop.....and that's how most ppl did.
young kids had their moms stand in line and cop back in the day too, this is no new phenomenon.
That depends on how far back you consider "back in the day".  Because back in my days there were no lines. You could walk into any spot months, literally months after a release and cop.....and that's how most ppl did.
Originally Posted by MrYoungMoney

Originally Posted by TheAdiMac

Not to sound like an elitist, but I dont really see the draw to Jordan brand for all of these kids that never even saw Mike play or if they did he was in a Wizards uni.
Half us didn't hear or see MLK give speeches, or preach but yet we still love what he did for us.
Why can't it be the same with MJ?
It's not our fault that our parent's didn't want to have sex during the late 80's or early 90's?!
Yet, you "older sneakerheads" look down on us like we are inferior to ya'.
I can careless if someone watched him play in person, on T.V., or on Youtube.
It's not about when they watched him, just the fact they went out of there way to learn about a man who doesn't even play anymore.
I'm 17, I was born in 1992, the year he & the Dream Team went to Barcelona & brought home the gold to U.S.A.
Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, Larry Bird, Charles Barkley, David Robinson, Patrick Ewing, Karl Malone, Scottie Pippen, Chris Mullin, Clyde Drexler, John Stockton, Christian Laettner all of those 12 men brought home the gold.
Yet I know nothing, & I should stick to letting others treat me as if I know nothing just because they are old & saw MJ play.. smh
This would have been a great post, however. You are comparing Michael Jordan to a man that changed the world. Michael Jordan didnt anything for "us" MLK helped the change the world/peoples oppionions on others. I'm a white guy. I love and respect what MLK did for the World. I woud'n't dream of comparing MLK's contributions to the world to watching Jordan play. With that said, when I see young cats like yourself respecting the game then yeah, thats cool. But when you got kids following the latest fad, and flaunting there shoes like an olympic gold medal, yeah that gets me a little heated. 
Originally Posted by MrYoungMoney

Originally Posted by TheAdiMac

Not to sound like an elitist, but I dont really see the draw to Jordan brand for all of these kids that never even saw Mike play or if they did he was in a Wizards uni.
Half us didn't hear or see MLK give speeches, or preach but yet we still love what he did for us.
Why can't it be the same with MJ?
It's not our fault that our parent's didn't want to have sex during the late 80's or early 90's?!
Yet, you "older sneakerheads" look down on us like we are inferior to ya'.
I can careless if someone watched him play in person, on T.V., or on Youtube.
It's not about when they watched him, just the fact they went out of there way to learn about a man who doesn't even play anymore.
I'm 17, I was born in 1992, the year he & the Dream Team went to Barcelona & brought home the gold to U.S.A.
Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, Larry Bird, Charles Barkley, David Robinson, Patrick Ewing, Karl Malone, Scottie Pippen, Chris Mullin, Clyde Drexler, John Stockton, Christian Laettner all of those 12 men brought home the gold.
Yet I know nothing, & I should stick to letting others treat me as if I know nothing just because they are old & saw MJ play.. smh
This would have been a great post, however. You are comparing Michael Jordan to a man that changed the world. Michael Jordan didnt anything for "us" MLK helped the change the world/peoples oppionions on others. I'm a white guy. I love and respect what MLK did for the World. I woud'n't dream of comparing MLK's contributions to the world to watching Jordan play. With that said, when I see young cats like yourself respecting the game then yeah, thats cool. But when you got kids following the latest fad, and flaunting there shoes like an olympic gold medal, yeah that gets me a little heated. 
Originally Posted by taivan

for those who are complaining about the 175$ price tag are just jb haters. jordan 17z in 2001 released for 200$ and still they were sold out.. its 2010 now! we cant afford 175$ shoes? cmon

^ The reason that the cool grey xi is gonna be priced at $175
Originally Posted by taivan

for those who are complaining about the 175$ price tag are just jb haters. jordan 17z in 2001 released for 200$ and still they were sold out.. its 2010 now! we cant afford 175$ shoes? cmon

^ The reason that the cool grey xi is gonna be priced at $175
Wow, people in JB forum always whine and complain about some "good ol' days" but you are the one lining up a week early and spending ridiculous amounts of money on tennis shoes, this has been looked into so many times. Sneakerheads usually have Daddy issues in some form, "He used to buy me these" or "They would not let me have a $150 shoe to play JV Basketball in, so I had to save or earn" or "He would not let me get them, so when I grew up and moved out, I send at least $5,000-10,000 a year so I can show him, I take the bus, and have a efficiency apartment, but I showed him, and still do every time I go home"

Just think focus groups, the young male as the outsider, until status quo of youth fashion is fulfilled, social acceptance then, then purchasing in abundance, it makes so much sense when you can study yourself outside of your own ego. Remember, these are slave wage products too, I do not deny that. I have a very dear friend who is Vietnamese, and she cannot believe that her family back home has to work in factories like slaves all while her family here in Minnesota all try and "look gangsta" with black on black new era fitteds, jordans (each brother has 20 some pairs)

The counterculture system of rebellion and the outsider is what makes the male pretend to think they know what masculinity really is, only to be duped for a pair of jordans, or horribly violent sports, or video games.

Just study focus groups, and you will see this trend reappear. I am just willing to admit it.
Wow, people in JB forum always whine and complain about some "good ol' days" but you are the one lining up a week early and spending ridiculous amounts of money on tennis shoes, this has been looked into so many times. Sneakerheads usually have Daddy issues in some form, "He used to buy me these" or "They would not let me have a $150 shoe to play JV Basketball in, so I had to save or earn" or "He would not let me get them, so when I grew up and moved out, I send at least $5,000-10,000 a year so I can show him, I take the bus, and have a efficiency apartment, but I showed him, and still do every time I go home"

Just think focus groups, the young male as the outsider, until status quo of youth fashion is fulfilled, social acceptance then, then purchasing in abundance, it makes so much sense when you can study yourself outside of your own ego. Remember, these are slave wage products too, I do not deny that. I have a very dear friend who is Vietnamese, and she cannot believe that her family back home has to work in factories like slaves all while her family here in Minnesota all try and "look gangsta" with black on black new era fitteds, jordans (each brother has 20 some pairs)

The counterculture system of rebellion and the outsider is what makes the male pretend to think they know what masculinity really is, only to be duped for a pair of jordans, or horribly violent sports, or video games.

Just study focus groups, and you will see this trend reappear. I am just willing to admit it.
I found this after looking into the topic...


social culture crisis, i am a man whom at times feels individual, or entitled to look down upon people, being critical in detail about something i do not agree with, or personally accept, becoming so obsessed in my ego, my self image is so self-absorbed and selfish, when the truth is, i am no different from anyone else, i am not entitled anything more or less than anybody else. when i am in product driven trance, I am focused on a persona to present to everyone, and its so complicated and compartmentalized, that i may add or take away from this certain persona, or perhaps i may change my projected self-image, all based on specific peoples perception of me, or what i do, how i act, or anything in my behavior really. when I am in a egotistical mind, i am so unrealistic and excessive, so i do what many do when the crisis comes into my mind, creating paranoia, destructive amounts of insecurity, i drink the propaganda kool aid, and play the ego based chase for taste or "style" subcultures are all structured around these principles, i feel at this point that i am so unsure of whom or what i even am because i have adapted my persona in so many ways, justified horribly expensive products, brand names, and the ultimate worst in ego based self redemption, the limited edition theory, you believe the whole time while chasing this specific product, that there is only 500 or 1000 made of it, you pay extreme amounts and have the worst child-like mindstate and rationale justifying why you made the chase for the item or product itself. when many people close to you become critical of something you buy, you become aggressive in response, creating a defense mechanism that is foolish, has no true base or principal, yet you feel you must take defense of a product, almost making it a living entity itself.

this next area takes focus upon mind control techniques and suggestive thinking used so commonly in advertising or marketing all kinds of products, a unrealistic designed dualism (NIKE VS. REEBOK) (COKE VS. PEPSI) and not making our own true allegiance with a specific product, or manufacturer. the most true fact in creating a regular customer or consumer, a mindstate, lifestyle, or sense of individualism from various products. techniques of persuasion.

group think (subservience)

dialectical divisions

fashionable allegiances (subculture standards - too short said get in where you fit in)

implanted associations


fantasy into reality

inflated persona's (exactly as i broke myself down)

excessive eroticization

subliminal s (belief in no science of the soul)

unconscious brand (corporate name) loyalty

product driven anti-social behavior




appeal to authority without studying the sources

the most important, or influential techniques used in my opinion, which i can identify so easily with from my own experiences and strange sense of entitlement before, during, or after the chase of a product, its almost a lust you develop, you lose yourself in buying into a concept or product. many possible behaviors follow if you obsess with abundance or expressiveness

allegiance / loyalty (AGAIN) - the best brand image is the self image which enables the customer to project himself into the product so what the customer actually buys is a projection of his own traits.

the reward mechanism (almost used in every form of advertising or marketing)

treats for hard work, and self-admiration, etc. a basic drive of all "normal" mammals and humans, which is the true base of consensus trance and materialism itself.

this is where i can easily see where the marketeers have stolen from freud, his theories, and ideals in pushing products to give us self-esteem. i have wasted so much money on tennis shoes, vinyl toys, hats, sweatshirts, tech gadgets, etc. that when the "retro" market was introduced, it gave the consumer a true "renaissances of age" where the consumer can remember the product being sold, marketing campaigns, or to me the most important, and extremely personal, reminiscing on the past when the specific item wasn't affordable due to age, or financial situations. this also may help explain the throwback jersey trend that sadly took over the brainwashed "street subculture" ( i hope that isn't even a real term) and people would spend up to 400 bucks on an older 1970s-80s-90s styled jerseys with a certain player, which many would buy and not even know history in why the product was being reproduced with a certain athletes name and number, and in no way am i saying that you shouldn't have anything to wear that you actually like based on the look or design, but that is a lot of money spent on an item, and for me as a die hard sports fan from youth to today, it was sad to see vintage sport apparel with legendary respected athletes represented simply as a fad, trend, or mid life crisis for youth. this can also apply to limited edition propaganda also, because many of the items that i find myself brainwashed into are bootlegged, faked, or "factory variant" and have such impact in each market to the point that fakes are so highly produced, its driven some prices up and down, authenticity is almost always an issue, and eventually, you will see such detail flaws that its just ridiculous to even manufacture a fake of that item, things such as colors on sneakers retroed that were never released by the corporation, blatant quality control, as well as highly raised demand, which can destroy a specific products value by over saturating a market with fake product, and risky purchases, and this is the most difficult for the "collector" mindstate or perspective, that each major corporation may even make these fakes (WHICH INDEED IS 100% TRUE) or that many heads of factories take extra material from the factory home, only to replicate the product itself, which makes so many hypnotic consumers think they have "special limited edition colorways" or "never released product" which a true collector is so quite obsessive that they can easily distinguish the product as a knock off, but to many youth and nostalgia consumers, they actually believe they are getting genuine product, that is thought to be rare, or limited. once the markets are hit with this dilemma, crisis, or plain flat out obsessive compulsion, it makes it hard for a "collector" to to obtain genuine slave sweat shop product itself, which i would honestly say that up to 80% of each market has these knock offs made by the same corporation they appear to replicate. a true "elitist" mentality, which can ruin the whole fun of the newcomer in that subculture, and makes that "scene" or subculture saturated with brainy smurf types always pointing out other peoples flaws and taste ( OF WHICH I REFER MYSELF AT THE TOP) all while never looking at their own "style" purchasing habits ( MANY COLLECTORS CANNOT JUSTIFY $450 ON A PAIR OF PRE-OWNED SNEAKERS OR A $200 SWEATSHIRT ) and basically become trapped into trying to outdo one another over mainly internet websites or large metropolitan areas or cities.




in this cybernetic age, the individual becomes increasingly subject to manipulation. the individuals work, consumption, and leisure are manipulated by advertising, by using ideologies such as "positive reinforcements" the individuals lose their active responsible role in the social process, they become completely "adjusted" and learns that any behavior, act, thought, or feeling which does not fit or comply into the general scheme puts him at a severe disadvantage, which in fact the individual is exactly what they are supposed to be.


what has happened in modern industrial society is that traditions, common values, and genuine social personal ties with others have largely disappeared. the modern mass man is isolated and lonely, even though he is part of a crowd, he has no convictions which he should share with others, only slogans and ideologies he gets from the communications media.

- Erich Fromm (Anatomy of Human Destructiveness)


Feeling connected to a corporate entity without knowing practices and measures the corporation may take to make and/or deliver product, also origins of corporate identity, and full board members as well as who owns stake in the company, and how the company practices within moral guidelines.


understand also many companies use sacred arts and the zodiac to advertise products and time of year to release them, its honestly not based off of focus groups and consumer (STUDY THE ORIGIN OF THE WORD CONSUMER) study companies that are INDEPENDENT?


i never believe any rags to riches stories anymore, I have studied great lengths of corporate bloodline lineage for the past few years because of who i am, what i identify and package my persona with things such as sneakers, shirts, etc. all brands are important in knowing what you are dealing with, not just whom. know what they use as conduct, humane policies and guidelines that are appropriate, and i am a contradiction, i am not telling you i am any different or better, i am simply stating my ever-ever-changing opinion and lifestyle, thoughts, and learned research from documented sources. ill give a small example now...

the L-R-G ( Lifted Research Group ) brand was a "urban" themed brand, aimed at inner city suburb youth needing an identity to cling to, a perfect time to rebirth a echo unltd. brand that makes all rawkus talib kweli pre-download, keep it real groupie boy backpacker who doesn't realize nothing is independent or even indie, if you own a company, you care about the bottom line, how to draw up a plan to focus the image you need to market, and execute on it.then after you have youth subcultures blending together, watch the money pile up, and walking dead youth and true school hip hop self-proclaimed prophet and makes sure you know every artist, publishing rights and release dates to all specific hip hop song ever recorded
as well, and this type is usually 20-29 years old. those are the target audience, until you cross-over for the inevitable SELL OUT label and stereotyped subculture negative puff daddy stamp of approval on keepin it really glam and hatred focused, puffy really gave us the O.G. icon to identify with, i think every youth-dazed subculture rooted scene needs a judas, and hip hop snobs are the best at dissecting a "f it im rich" WWF type that really can ruin an industry, and others that have made a significant negative impact, like jumaine dupri, will smith, its parallel with the times that disgraces the true school standard upheld by this cult sect of hip hop preachers that dont even rap. thats me anyways, so i can break the stereotype and show the insecure nature one lusts and clings to so they have some group of people interested in the same implanted ideals and focus, as well to have a nemesis as if the elements of hip hop are each a comic book bizzarro world and they must save you with their mystic super urban themed ( WHAT MAKES A THEME URBAN ANYWAYS? ) tradition and prophecy. this is product enslavement, this is brainwashed consumption image seeks a whole outlook on life, and standards of subculture icon with comparable psalms to make compatible consensus trance life possible.

brand label loyalty is a religion in this culture, at this point, and it makes significant changes dramatically, look at rock, the 60s, 70s -80s punk scene in the uk, 90s grunge, then it became alternative, its not a music type, its so important to people, its as if they have nothing else to believe in. empty hopes of souls that are not individual at all, and maybe may think we are all one entity, and we all must have genuine harmony to survive, and we have a few years left, know whom you support, and why you choose to put money into, and decide what cultural religion you subscribe to and who you make yourself.
I found this after looking into the topic...


social culture crisis, i am a man whom at times feels individual, or entitled to look down upon people, being critical in detail about something i do not agree with, or personally accept, becoming so obsessed in my ego, my self image is so self-absorbed and selfish, when the truth is, i am no different from anyone else, i am not entitled anything more or less than anybody else. when i am in product driven trance, I am focused on a persona to present to everyone, and its so complicated and compartmentalized, that i may add or take away from this certain persona, or perhaps i may change my projected self-image, all based on specific peoples perception of me, or what i do, how i act, or anything in my behavior really. when I am in a egotistical mind, i am so unrealistic and excessive, so i do what many do when the crisis comes into my mind, creating paranoia, destructive amounts of insecurity, i drink the propaganda kool aid, and play the ego based chase for taste or "style" subcultures are all structured around these principles, i feel at this point that i am so unsure of whom or what i even am because i have adapted my persona in so many ways, justified horribly expensive products, brand names, and the ultimate worst in ego based self redemption, the limited edition theory, you believe the whole time while chasing this specific product, that there is only 500 or 1000 made of it, you pay extreme amounts and have the worst child-like mindstate and rationale justifying why you made the chase for the item or product itself. when many people close to you become critical of something you buy, you become aggressive in response, creating a defense mechanism that is foolish, has no true base or principal, yet you feel you must take defense of a product, almost making it a living entity itself.

this next area takes focus upon mind control techniques and suggestive thinking used so commonly in advertising or marketing all kinds of products, a unrealistic designed dualism (NIKE VS. REEBOK) (COKE VS. PEPSI) and not making our own true allegiance with a specific product, or manufacturer. the most true fact in creating a regular customer or consumer, a mindstate, lifestyle, or sense of individualism from various products. techniques of persuasion.

group think (subservience)

dialectical divisions

fashionable allegiances (subculture standards - too short said get in where you fit in)

implanted associations


fantasy into reality

inflated persona's (exactly as i broke myself down)

excessive eroticization

subliminal s (belief in no science of the soul)

unconscious brand (corporate name) loyalty

product driven anti-social behavior




appeal to authority without studying the sources

the most important, or influential techniques used in my opinion, which i can identify so easily with from my own experiences and strange sense of entitlement before, during, or after the chase of a product, its almost a lust you develop, you lose yourself in buying into a concept or product. many possible behaviors follow if you obsess with abundance or expressiveness

allegiance / loyalty (AGAIN) - the best brand image is the self image which enables the customer to project himself into the product so what the customer actually buys is a projection of his own traits.

the reward mechanism (almost used in every form of advertising or marketing)

treats for hard work, and self-admiration, etc. a basic drive of all "normal" mammals and humans, which is the true base of consensus trance and materialism itself.

this is where i can easily see where the marketeers have stolen from freud, his theories, and ideals in pushing products to give us self-esteem. i have wasted so much money on tennis shoes, vinyl toys, hats, sweatshirts, tech gadgets, etc. that when the "retro" market was introduced, it gave the consumer a true "renaissances of age" where the consumer can remember the product being sold, marketing campaigns, or to me the most important, and extremely personal, reminiscing on the past when the specific item wasn't affordable due to age, or financial situations. this also may help explain the throwback jersey trend that sadly took over the brainwashed "street subculture" ( i hope that isn't even a real term) and people would spend up to 400 bucks on an older 1970s-80s-90s styled jerseys with a certain player, which many would buy and not even know history in why the product was being reproduced with a certain athletes name and number, and in no way am i saying that you shouldn't have anything to wear that you actually like based on the look or design, but that is a lot of money spent on an item, and for me as a die hard sports fan from youth to today, it was sad to see vintage sport apparel with legendary respected athletes represented simply as a fad, trend, or mid life crisis for youth. this can also apply to limited edition propaganda also, because many of the items that i find myself brainwashed into are bootlegged, faked, or "factory variant" and have such impact in each market to the point that fakes are so highly produced, its driven some prices up and down, authenticity is almost always an issue, and eventually, you will see such detail flaws that its just ridiculous to even manufacture a fake of that item, things such as colors on sneakers retroed that were never released by the corporation, blatant quality control, as well as highly raised demand, which can destroy a specific products value by over saturating a market with fake product, and risky purchases, and this is the most difficult for the "collector" mindstate or perspective, that each major corporation may even make these fakes (WHICH INDEED IS 100% TRUE) or that many heads of factories take extra material from the factory home, only to replicate the product itself, which makes so many hypnotic consumers think they have "special limited edition colorways" or "never released product" which a true collector is so quite obsessive that they can easily distinguish the product as a knock off, but to many youth and nostalgia consumers, they actually believe they are getting genuine product, that is thought to be rare, or limited. once the markets are hit with this dilemma, crisis, or plain flat out obsessive compulsion, it makes it hard for a "collector" to to obtain genuine slave sweat shop product itself, which i would honestly say that up to 80% of each market has these knock offs made by the same corporation they appear to replicate. a true "elitist" mentality, which can ruin the whole fun of the newcomer in that subculture, and makes that "scene" or subculture saturated with brainy smurf types always pointing out other peoples flaws and taste ( OF WHICH I REFER MYSELF AT THE TOP) all while never looking at their own "style" purchasing habits ( MANY COLLECTORS CANNOT JUSTIFY $450 ON A PAIR OF PRE-OWNED SNEAKERS OR A $200 SWEATSHIRT ) and basically become trapped into trying to outdo one another over mainly internet websites or large metropolitan areas or cities.




in this cybernetic age, the individual becomes increasingly subject to manipulation. the individuals work, consumption, and leisure are manipulated by advertising, by using ideologies such as "positive reinforcements" the individuals lose their active responsible role in the social process, they become completely "adjusted" and learns that any behavior, act, thought, or feeling which does not fit or comply into the general scheme puts him at a severe disadvantage, which in fact the individual is exactly what they are supposed to be.


what has happened in modern industrial society is that traditions, common values, and genuine social personal ties with others have largely disappeared. the modern mass man is isolated and lonely, even though he is part of a crowd, he has no convictions which he should share with others, only slogans and ideologies he gets from the communications media.

- Erich Fromm (Anatomy of Human Destructiveness)


Feeling connected to a corporate entity without knowing practices and measures the corporation may take to make and/or deliver product, also origins of corporate identity, and full board members as well as who owns stake in the company, and how the company practices within moral guidelines.


understand also many companies use sacred arts and the zodiac to advertise products and time of year to release them, its honestly not based off of focus groups and consumer (STUDY THE ORIGIN OF THE WORD CONSUMER) study companies that are INDEPENDENT?


i never believe any rags to riches stories anymore, I have studied great lengths of corporate bloodline lineage for the past few years because of who i am, what i identify and package my persona with things such as sneakers, shirts, etc. all brands are important in knowing what you are dealing with, not just whom. know what they use as conduct, humane policies and guidelines that are appropriate, and i am a contradiction, i am not telling you i am any different or better, i am simply stating my ever-ever-changing opinion and lifestyle, thoughts, and learned research from documented sources. ill give a small example now...

the L-R-G ( Lifted Research Group ) brand was a "urban" themed brand, aimed at inner city suburb youth needing an identity to cling to, a perfect time to rebirth a echo unltd. brand that makes all rawkus talib kweli pre-download, keep it real groupie boy backpacker who doesn't realize nothing is independent or even indie, if you own a company, you care about the bottom line, how to draw up a plan to focus the image you need to market, and execute on it.then after you have youth subcultures blending together, watch the money pile up, and walking dead youth and true school hip hop self-proclaimed prophet and makes sure you know every artist, publishing rights and release dates to all specific hip hop song ever recorded
as well, and this type is usually 20-29 years old. those are the target audience, until you cross-over for the inevitable SELL OUT label and stereotyped subculture negative puff daddy stamp of approval on keepin it really glam and hatred focused, puffy really gave us the O.G. icon to identify with, i think every youth-dazed subculture rooted scene needs a judas, and hip hop snobs are the best at dissecting a "f it im rich" WWF type that really can ruin an industry, and others that have made a significant negative impact, like jumaine dupri, will smith, its parallel with the times that disgraces the true school standard upheld by this cult sect of hip hop preachers that dont even rap. thats me anyways, so i can break the stereotype and show the insecure nature one lusts and clings to so they have some group of people interested in the same implanted ideals and focus, as well to have a nemesis as if the elements of hip hop are each a comic book bizzarro world and they must save you with their mystic super urban themed ( WHAT MAKES A THEME URBAN ANYWAYS? ) tradition and prophecy. this is product enslavement, this is brainwashed consumption image seeks a whole outlook on life, and standards of subculture icon with comparable psalms to make compatible consensus trance life possible.

brand label loyalty is a religion in this culture, at this point, and it makes significant changes dramatically, look at rock, the 60s, 70s -80s punk scene in the uk, 90s grunge, then it became alternative, its not a music type, its so important to people, its as if they have nothing else to believe in. empty hopes of souls that are not individual at all, and maybe may think we are all one entity, and we all must have genuine harmony to survive, and we have a few years left, know whom you support, and why you choose to put money into, and decide what cultural religion you subscribe to and who you make yourself.
Jordan's will forever be in...as long as Jordan's legacy as the GOAT remains, the brand will be strong. The sneakers themselves are classics.

Dammit the Jordans sell more than Kobe and Bron's lines.
Originally Posted by Darkwing Duck

young kids had their moms stand in line and cop back in the day too, this is no new phenomenon.

And kids still beg their moms to buy them shoes.

Inflation has made the price go up, we get paid more than we used to also.

agreed...minimum wage has gone up a lot. Minimum wage in 1988 was $4.25

Now, in 2010 it has almost doubled. I believe in illinois it is above $8.00. Good thing the retail price on jordans hasn't doubled....if that were the case, the CG's would be nearly $250.
I agree!! When I was a kid I would also not know what the latest Jordan looked like till like a week before it came out. It was crazy! I miss that life
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