Wikileaks: U.S. soldiers murdered Iraqi children.

Great responses in here for the most part.

I am on the fence on this one.

On one hand.  It is war.  I have no clue what it is like to fall asleep to gun fire.  To wake up everyday thankful you didn't get killed in your sleep.  To deal with all of the atrocities you see and hear every day while at war.  I am sure i would be mentally unstable and in a mindset of kill or be killed.  And in all honesty i would probably lose my sanity to a point of where death is normal every day occurrence. 

But no i don't think executing children under the age of 5 is ok.  I don't know what 5 month old could pose a threat to me.  So i don't think in any way shape or form is it necessary to kill a child that small.  Just because they had the misfortune of being born in a war torn country does not mean they deserve to be killed.  Again if they were pointing a gun at me it would be a different story.   
Originally Posted by CHRISblazinNJ

I don't really care to be honest. Do whatever is necessary

QF mother *@$%%*# TPeople gotta die so....just cause who *@$%%*# cares. They live in dirt.Dirt man. +%%*, thousands of kids are dying today in ethiopia. So what.
Originally Posted by Kramer

I mean its sad but who knows maybe they had a reason. I dont see why everytime somethin comes up like this everyone says how horrible America is.

cuz they have nothing better to do then to complain because they hate their lives and want to blame someone for their lives sucking...
I'm so tired of these posts. Obviously it's sick that anybody would do something like this and kill innocent children, and whoever did it should be punished. But honestly I'm frustrated by the prevailing attitude of a lot of people on here.

Pointing to one or even several isolated incidents like this and then projecting it onto and demonizing an entire group of people, hell even a COUNTRY, just makes you look like an idiot. It's literally no different than saying, "I have no respect for Muslims, they're all terrorists. Look at how many attacks there have been on innocent civilians!" Newsflash for you guys: there are evil people that do bad things from every ethnicity, religion, country, state, town, whatever. We have an entire prison system full of them; why are you guys shocked that some soldiers are also bad people or people that snapped because of the brutality of war?

Just like it's not written in the Quran to blow yourself up and kill innocent people, our military isn't telling our troops "Ok men, go out there and kill as many innocent women and children as you can!" Yet a lot of you are acting like that's the case.

Where all the dudes that were mad at me the other day for not respecting soldiers at???

What would you say if I had said the following after 9/11: "Where all the dudes that were mad at me the other day for not respecting Muslims?" What's the difference between the two statements?

I'm not arguing that invading Iraq was the right thing to do, but don't denigrate the thousands of good and decent people fighting overseas just because of the actions of a few. It's no better than the people who blindly support everything the US does and hates others so much that they'll try to justify senseless killings like these. 
Also for as big of a deal as people keep making over what our soldiers are doing (not saying it shouldn't get attention, I'm saying don't project the actions of the minority onto the majority), I haven't heard anybody mention what the guy who used to rule the country did.

Anfal 'ethnic cleansing' campaign against Kurds, 1988

Between February and September 1988 Saddam Hussein ordered a massive displacement operation, known as the Anfal (Arabic for "spoils") campaign, against the Kurdish population in northern Iraq.

Halabja was attacked with chemical bombs
The operation was orchestrated by Saddam Hussein's cousin, General Ali Hassan al-Majid.

Hundreds of villages were depopulated and razed to the ground. Chemical weapons were also used.

Eyewitness accounts, documents seized from Iraqi security organs during the post-1991 Gulf War uprising and information gathered by international human rights groups indicate that up to 182,000 people were killed.

Gassing Kurds in Halabja in 1988

In August 1988, during the Anfal campaign, Iraqi forces attacked the Kurdish town of Halabja with bombs containing a mixture of mustard and nerve gases.

An estimated 5,000 civilians, including women, children and babies, were killed in a single day.

Gen Majid ordered the attack, earning the notorious epithet Chemical Ali.

So no, they did not ask us to invade and dispose of Saddam and we may not have been justified in doing it, but he WAS orchestrating systematic killing, torturing, and ethnic cleansing. I don't get how anybody can point to despicable things that a small percentage of US soldiers have done in order to condemn the US as a whole while ignoring the fact that the previous regime perpetrated even worse atrocities on a much larger scale and it was premeditated. I guess it's because you're only willing to make irrational stretches in reason when it's convenient and helps make something you hate look bad. 
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