Will the Wizards still have $10 college nights this season?

Jan 4, 2008
I'm trying to see D.Wade and Lebron.

Does anyone know if this promotion will be in effect for the upcoming season?
what i have never heard of this..i have always been away at school during season..MORE INFO, do u have to show college ID or is it just $10 tickets certainnights? and are they all in the 400s
They're mostly the nosebleeds. One time I got a seat in the extreme corner near the side entrances down near the court. That was the worst.

But yea just show your ID and you're good.

The first two Wednesday home games will be against Miami and Cleveland. The rest of the Wednesdays are meh.
checked the wiz tickets for $10 seats for leCRAB and they're sold out. they probably went QUICKKKK.
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