Wim Hof volume corona?

Apr 5, 2012
Anyone follow or try and of his methods?

I started taking ice cold showers a few years ago. Not completely still start off hot but finish the last 3 minutes or so in ice cold. So he’s always been randomly in my youtube recommended. Never clicked till this past week and finally watched the Vice documentary. Interesting stuff.

Started doing the breathing exercises in the spirit of building self defenses against the Rona. No idea if it’ll help or not but feels pretty awesome:

Yeah it does sound like bs agreed. It’s why I’m asking NT if anyone has been into it and tried it out. There is a certain truth I see though to the breathing part. It’s important to breathe right. Ever since i stopped mouth breathing and moved to nose breathing about 10 years ago i rarely have gotten sick. This seems to take breathing to the the next level.

Also the fact that he’s gotten tested and also trained people and they’ve gotten tested does lend some credence to what he’s saying
Belly finger tip breathing exercise works. Urged wifey to try it for her anxiety. She knocked out after 5 min lol.
shout out OP! Lotta folks out here need to EXHALE!
and yes hot/cold showers work
The only proven method so far is to wrap yourself in the American flag and repeat “Trump 2020” 10x. Impossible for the virus to penetrate you after that.
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