Wisdom Teeth??? vol. extraction

Originally Posted by oOickusOo

Pardon my ignorance, but what would happen if someone never got theirs removed? Why is it a must to have them removed?
for a lot of people, your dentist will tell you that you can keep your wisdom teeth. for others (like me), i had to have them removed because ofthe severe crowding they were causing my teeth, which can lead to bone loss, hygiene issues (crowded teeth are harder to clean), and pain.

on top of that, i have braces, and in order to fix some crowding issues, they had to make room by removing four wisdom teeth. braces out in a month or two
Just got my 2 bottom ones pulled 40 minutes ago. The process didnt hurt at all, and my mouth/lip are still numb. They subscribed my with Tylenol 3 instead ofvicodin (which doesnt do anything for me anyway). Now i cant wait til the numbness stops and i can get this over with. Off to the bed i go.
Originally Posted by Untitled

Originally Posted by oOickusOo

Pardon my ignorance, but what would happen if someone never got theirs removed? Why is it a must to have them removed?
i ain't ever take out mine... and my teeth are fine

And how long have you had them? I've had my bottom two since '07... If they can cause your teeth to start speakin' in sign language, I need to hitup a dentist ASAP. My grill's naturally straight too... Don't want to mess up a good thing now.
the actual extraction is not the problem...its the pain that ensues afterwards...stay in and have a bottle of painkillers and liquids handy
Just had mine removed Friday morning, the doctor's assistants were
though and after the procedure all I remember was chatting it up with one of them while I was still feeling the effects of the anesthesia, my family told methey were
at the things I was saying to her and at the way I walked. Anyway, pain isn't that bad, I just have a terrible headache and I haven't really eaten anything all day, and whatever I ate, I just threw up 5 minutesago.
Got all four removed btw, can't wait for this whole deal to be over.
recovery time sucks because you have big holes in your gums, but other than that, no biggie.
I just got 4 teeth pulled today (for braces) and it didn't hurt much cuz I was super numb. But the way the just pull and push your tooth trying to get itout is a %$!$#!
i think i might have to get mine removed soon

would my dentist normally put me asleep? they never have before (ive had surgery on my teeth like 3 times and multiple other things with my teeth includingbraces) and they normally just numb me but i would honestly prefer to get put to sleep

would i be able to
to numb the pain afterwards?
I had mine taken out in late December and it actually depends on the person a lot and whether or not you're getting put under or not. I got put under forit so I felt nothing at all, I went in, got the IV, went out and woke up done. It isn't to bad the rest of the day because you are numbed the whole timeand the bleeding should stop in a few hours. I was able to stop putting in gauze after that night, but I would suggest putting ice on to stop the swelling. Iate a lot of pudding and Jell-o the next few days and then was able to eat nor mal food again, but I'm still not fully healed, so it really depends on howbad and everything. I thought it wasn't that bad, but it was no walk in the park, but you'll be fine in the end. Also, with the painkillers they giveyou you're very rarely gonna be in a lot of pain
Took me some time recover but I was eatin steak after 3 days
The only problem was the time it took for the stitches to dissolve. They gave me this lil10mg pill to take before the surgery that had me on cloud 9 watchin numbers flip and !+!
. When they put me under w/ the needle. All I remember was sayin"Ouch" and was gone. After that I vaguely remember bein kneed into the car, dragged up the steps and wakin up to re-runs of Fox shows
I was really freaked out about it. But honestly, I didn't experience any pain. I had all 4 taken out at 9 in the AM, and had was up and moving around by 11on the way home. Didn't take any of my painkillers, didn't sleep any differently than I normally did. Totally the opposite of what I was expecting. Mysuggestion would be to make some good mashed potatoes, it was the most filling thing that i could eat for a couple days. And of course milkshakes are alwaysgood too.
Originally Posted by BlackMamba08

You're going to get drugs for the pain, but your mouth is going to be bleeding all day.

it was like 2 for me.

They will give you a saringe(sp) to clean out were any food may be USE IT
I had mines taken out right before the winter break. Damn that, it was the worst pain i ever felt especially when drugs wore off the Doc gave me. But once thepain killers kick in, it helps the pain a-lot. The worst part about is the diet, I couldn't eat solid food for about two weeks. nothing but Ramon noodlesand ice-t.
Do they have to be removed? 2 of mine (top left and right) are pushing through the gums, but I cannot feel any pain.
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